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Everyone is looking forward to 2024, and to be honest, even next year, to see who will run for president in the next election.

Many people believe President Trump will run for re-election. There are other names being floated as potential candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, and others.

On the Liberal side, it’s expected that Joe Biden will run again, but he should be challenged and defeated in the primaries. But, with Democrats, who knows? They usually take complete control of the situation and choose who they actually want to run regardless of what people actually vote for.  It’s already been proven that Bernie Sanders should have been the candidate back in 2016, but Hillary Clinton made sure that didn’t happen with some help from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile. And we all know that Joe Biden shouldn’t have been the nominee in 2020, but everyone else flopped, so they had no choice but to bring in a “moderate” who could gain some Republican votes.

But what is it that most people want in a candidate? Do they want President Trump or Joe Biden again? Well, surprisingly enough, the majority of Americans want fresh faces come 2024 according to a recent YouGov poll.

A whopping 64% of respondents felt Biden should not run for reelection in 2024; only 21% thought he should run again while 15% could not decide which side to take.

Across the board it did not matter whom the poll surveyed; all groups wound up with roughly the same percentage of respondents agreeing Biden should not run. 66% of women, 62% of men, 65% of those ages 18-29, 60% of those ages 30-44, and 65% of those age 45 and older agreed. 66% of whites and 65% of Hispanics also felt Biden should not run. The only group that was somewhat less hostile to Biden running again were African American respondents, among whom 49% thought he should not run.

In a telling statistic, a massive 76% of independents did not want Biden to run again. Additionally, 40% of people who voted for Biden in 2020 do not want him to run again.

The results were not much better for Trump.

The Yahoo/YouGov poll found that 55% of respondents felt Trump should not run for reelection in 2024; 31% thought he should run again while 14% could not decide which side to take.

Again, across the board it did not matter whom the poll surveyed; all groups wound up with roughly the same percentage of respondents agreeing Trump should not run. 58% of women, 52% of men, 58% of those ages 18-29, 46% of those ages 30-44, and 55% of those age 45 and older agreed. 50% of whites and 58% of Hispanics also felt Trump should not run. The only group tremendously more hostile to Trump were African American respondents, among whom a massive 75% thought he should not run.

The poll has many questions in it, and what is probably the most telling is that when asked what issue is the most important to them in the coming election, 37% said inflation. Nothing else even came close. And when they were asked which party would best handle the issue of inflation, 39% said that Republicans would do better while only 26% said Democrats would.

If you want to see the entire poll results, which I recommend taking a look at, then you can see them here.


Daniel is a conservative syndicated opinion writer and amateur theologian. He writes about topics of politics, culture, freedom, and faith.

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  • No J/6 witch hunt charges against Trump because DNC now knows DeSantis will be a much stronger leader than Trump!

  • Lying Corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe is not going to resign or step down. In Corrupt Quid Pro’s demented mind he thinks everyone is wrong and Corrupt Quid Pro is the only one that is right. Every ill will directed at the U.S. has been intentionally caused by Corrupt Quid Pro, from the disaster at the Southern Border, to massive inflation, to defunding the Police. It won’t change by keeping the liberal commie Democrats in office.

  • Only 64%??? Glad I’m in my later years. They say history repeats itself and that is what is happening today….Americans pick presidents they “like” like they are choosing a prom king or queen, they don’t realize a president deals mostly with foreign affairs so he is brash he got things done. Whenever our enemies think we have a weak president they have always acted up. We elders knew Russia would start something and they did, Ukraine. China, Taiwan; North Korea with more missiles, Iran three boats today buzzing our Navy ship. Today the people of Colombia elected a socialist…Elders know 53 countries were FAILED socialist countries, people never learn, I give this country 30 years before it comes under Chinese rule, they are buying up farmland by the thousands of acres, and are buying up land in Maine…foreign companies are allowed to bring in their own workers, ie military trained…good luck kids!



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