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I find this astonishing. A progressive liberal public defender who has a J6 political prisoner as a client made the most impassioned opening argument at his trial.

Other public defenders have tried to get their clients to disavow President Trump and plead guilty. They feel like their political leanings do not deserve a defense and therefore, they do nothing to seek justice for their clients. Natasha Taylor-Smith is a rare breed and anyone who gets assigned to her is lucky indeed.

She is defending Biden’s political prisoner, defending her client, Kyle Fitzsimons. He never entered the Capitol and he was injured.

He had to go to the hospital where they had placed eight staples in his head to close his wound. His fate rests in the hands of an Obama-appointed judge.

Here is her opening statement:

Good morning, your Honor, thank you. Good morning, counsel.

The 2020 presidential election was unlike any in modern times. Regardless of what side of the aisle you stood on, there were intense thoughts and feelings about the way in which each state handled the process. For Mr. Fitzsimons, the election results of his community came as no real shock to him. No Republican candidate for President had won four Electoral College votes from Maine since 1988. But shortly after the election Mr Fitzsimons started to hear about irregularities across the country. And not just from your typical aluminum-foil wearing hat conspiracy theorists. He was hearing these stories from mainstream media, from global elected officials, from state elected officials, from federal elected officials and from the President of the United States himself.

And if the old adage “where there’s smoke there’s fire” has any credence whatsoever, Mr Fitzsimmons felt as though he was watching a towering inferno. And so he watched intently as challenges and rallies were held across the country. And although he saw the results of each challenge fade away, he was still being pulled by these same mainstream individuals, and by the Chief Executive Officer of this nation- that there was a plan! That plan did not include the military. It did not include violence, or guns, or weapons of any kind. All that needed to happen was for the State’s Legislatures to come together on January 6th and to object to the certification.  TO COME TOGETHER ON JANUARY 6TH AND OBJECT TO THE CERTIFICATION. They had every right to do so. And each of them had taken an oath to protect our Constitution, and that included ensuring free and fair elections. It was their responsibility. And if the Congressmen did that, and they found there to be irregularities, they would act. And if they didn’t, it would be over, and Joseph R. Biden would be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

That’s what this country is all about. That is what our nation is built upon.

So when Fitzsimons went to the rally in DC to support this effort, he drove down. He didn’t drive down with weapons- although prior to January 6 he owned legal firearms and knives that were used in his employment. He also owns several serrated and long blades that he used as a butcher. He didn’t link up with any fringe groups or anti-establishment types.
He drove down- he visited the shrine to Pope John Paul the 2nd. And on the morning of January 6th he got up early and walked over to the Ellipse. He stood in line for almost an hour to wait to get in. He stood during the speeches. And he remained the entire time the rally was going on.

He watched every speech, and yes there was some rhetoric- but the overarching theme of that rally was that there was a legitimate and legal path for an objection to the certification and that that was happening at the Capitol. So after the speeches, Mr. Fitzsimons found his way down to the Capitol, where he saw people gathered. As he made his way up to the Capitol, you will hear what Mr. Fitzsimon heard, and you will see what Mr. Fitzsimons saw. Eventually he did find himself as part of the fray. And when he left the Capitol on January 6th, he was taken to an Area Hospital where he was bloodied, concussed, and received 8 staples to the top of his head.

In the days following January 6th, Mr. Fitzsimons never bragged about his interactions with law enforcement. He didn’t go around telling people how he tried to enter the Capitol. And he never ever advocated for further action. The election had been certified at that point. Congress had done its job. And he had travelled to DC to see just that! Congress to do their job. That’s it. Mr. Fitzsimons never attempted to actually enter the Capitol building itself, and his sole purpose for traveling from Maine to the District of Columbia was to witness and support those legislators who had already committed to objecting to the certification. Mr. Fitzsimons could not get what he wanted if he somehow stopped that process from happening.

And while there was some interaction with law enforcement, Mr. Fitzsimons never intended to injure anyone, and the evidence in this case will bear that out. And this court would say to a jury if there was one in the box, that what I have to say, or what the council has to say is not evidence – it is just arguments. So at this point I’m going to conclude my opening remarks so that this court can get to the evidence and at the end of this evidence I’m going to ask this court to find Mr. Fitzsimons not guilty. 

Thank You.

Absolutely amazing. I predict that Natasha Taylor-Smith will have a long and successful career as a criminal defense lawyer because she is able to put her own ideology aside to argue a vigorous case for her client.

The great philosopher Aristotle once said:

“The Law is reason without passion”.

I wonder if he had Natasha Taylor-Smith in mind when he spoke those words. If he didn’t he should have.


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  • an admiral person of conscience. This should be required of all in the legal profession and forced on members and staff in government or be removed.

  • This is the most well spoken lawyer that put aside politics to argue a case for a patriot.Kudos to her and I will venture to say that she will be on top of the ladder and very successful.God Bless Natasha Taylor Smith

  • Ms. Taylor-Smith has, at least partially, restored my belief in our US legal system. I commend her for taking this “victim’s ” side even though she may be more Liberal than Conservative. Her opening statement was an excellent plea in defense of Mr. Fitzsimons.

    My most sincere compliments and admiration for this brave lady.

    I fear she will be pilloried by the left.

  • The people in the jail for the 1/6 riot are innocent. They are the there because they were trying to defend our constitution. An of course they are Trump supporters. What happen the the military lady Ashlie Bobbert ? She was shot did not have a weapon. She was trying to leave the building and was shot. Did President talk about what happen or give
    condolence to her parents. On national television why should he . Then the liberal media has a pathetic excuse for that incident and the 13 marines killed. Shame on this President who should no be given the title to run this country. He and his administration should be jailed along with all the bullshit lies and the bullshit media

    • Mrs. Ashli Babbitt WAS NOT trying to leave the Capitol Building at all. She was illegally breaking into a blocked secured room with DVs through a broken window in the door. Sadly, the agent who shot her DID NOT follow proper protocols.

      • No, in fact, she was simply attempting to get out of the way of some who were getting out of hand. The window was broken before she got there, & she had been trying to calm some who were getting rowdy, before that fatal effort to simply get out of their way & not be part of whatever they were doing. Another unarmed woman, a Ms Boyland, was also murdered, that one OUTSIDE the bldg, near the tunnels, also by a Capitol cop, who tear gassed & beat her to death. We almost never hear about her at all. Neither of the 2 was big, or otherwise any threat to the still uncharged cops who murdered them. Neither cop followed proper procedure that day.

  • NOONE who stayed outside of the Capitol was guilty of anything other than possible trespassing. Even that is not clear as SOMEONE removed the signs and barricades while President Trump was still speaking blocks away. Trespassing is a MISDEMEANOR and does not warrant over a year’s imprisonment is a substandard prison!

    • Trespassing? On your own property, with no prior lawful restraining order in place against you? How does that work, under the law? The public buildings belong to “we the people” not “they the Congress”. IF they were conducting an “executive session” they could exclude the public lawfully, but they were not, & therefore had no lawful right to exclude the public from the premises or proceedings.

  • If Mr. Fitzsimons has been in jail for a year, it’s criminal and someone should be held responsible. Somehow, I don’t see her making that argument.

    • I predict when or if sanity returns to our government lawsuits by those unconstitutionally jailed without bail will be filed over just that. Right now lawsuits have begun over illegally requiring people to get COVID shots or else they would lose their jobs or could not travel. I have also read insurance companies are starting to sue over that poison because they have had to pay a lot of claims for the adverse reactions including deaths from the shots.

  • I commend her for being just what she is – A GOOD LAWER ! Any bias she might have had she put aside and did her duty to represent the defendant-BRAVO ! A lot of lawyers are just WEASEL’S that just don’t care except for the money. This one has restored her profession in my eyes at least a little bit. I wish all the J6 defendant’s could be as lucky as Mr. Fitzsimon to have this kind of representation . Bless her and them.

  • She’s a lawyer after the mold of John Adams! He did likewise when defending the British soldiers over the Boston Massacre. Indeed, that is how a lawyer is SUPPOSED to behave; set aside personal beliefs & feelings (Adams was 1 of the most passionate of our Founding Fathers against the British), & focus on what the law says with respect to the acts of the client. Whatever her personal beliefs, I applaud her ethics, her sticking to them.