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A man with a hatchet at a McDonald’s on Delancy Street on the lower East Side of Manhattan slaps a man and is promptly set upon by the man and two others.

He leans on a garbage container as the men swing wildly at him. He then sat down his knapsack and pulled out the hatchet. He began walking toward the three men, threatening them as he walked. He then began to destroy the furniture in the restaurant.

The menacing man later identified as Michael Palacios had shoved two men out of the way to get to the third man. He punched the man in white and the other two came to his defense.

The three men begin hitting him in the face and he just stood there and looked bored before opening up his knapsack. Once he had the hatchet well in hand the three men he was fighting with, put up their arms and backed away from the crazed man.

Palacios then swings the ax and smashes a table and then he smashes a glass partition, sending the glass flying about. He then slapped and punched two men before knocking one of them to the floor.

A witness is heard saying on video with nearly 16 million views on Twitter:

“That’s why I keep my knife on me all the time, man. S**t like this, you never know. God knows, man.”

From The Blaze

A spokesperson for the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Public Information told TODAY, “Upon arrival of officers, witnesses at the location reported that the suspect got into a physical dispute with three unknown males inside of the location. The suspect removed an ax from his backpack and menaced the unknown males. The suspect intentionally caused property damage to the establishment. The individual was taken into custody by responding officers. A search incident to a lawful arrest, an additional knife was recovered from his backpack.”

Paul Hendel – the owner-operator of the destroyed McDonald’s – said, “The safety of our customers and crew is always our top priority. We are shocked by these acts of violence committed in our restaurant, and we are cooperating fully with the authorities in their investigation.”

The man with the ax gets in the face of a woman sitting at one of the tables as he waved the hatchet menacingly before bringing it down suddenly with great for on the table she was sitting at. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the man did several thousand dollars worth of damage during his two-minute, one-man riot. After a couple of minutes, Palacios walked out the door, only to be arrested a short time afterward.



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    • Goes to jail for a long time, he’s black, they don’t jail them for a long time. If they did you wouldn’t see them with a record as long as their arm when they finally kill someone.

  • This is exactly why ALL negros must be expelled from the United States and sent to Africa so they will be happy in the jungle!!

    • No they’re not! If blacks/browns were tired of it they would be taking a stand against it. When have you ever seen a counter protest against supporters of Floyd, or BLM, or Rodney King, etc. that contained more than a token negro or two? NEVER! When have you seen blacks speak out against the blacks killing each other in their own hoods? NEVER!

      Let establish the facts – 1) The negro is NOT a race, but a separate species. Taxonomy is the biological system of categorizing all life on Earth, yet humans are NOT categorized by the rules of taxonomy.
      2) Yahweh (GOD) tells us in scripture that there are other hominids on Earth that are NOT of Mankind.
      3) The Theory of Evolution is a lie! It was established to con whites into believing that all the peoples on Earth are of one species to make it easier for satan’s plan of destroying mankind through adultery!
      4) These facts have nothing to do with hatred or racism or discrimination, and everything to do with understanding what Yahweh (GOD) created.

  • He obviously has mental issues and does need to be put away, but the others punching him should have been arrested also.

  • Seems about 90% or more is blacks destroying and it just keeps getting worse. Not only that we just keep bringing more of them in. It isn’t just a problem here as they are having their problems in Europe also. Bet all the tax payers are proud to support these worthless people.

    • Let establish the facts – 1) The negro is NOT a race, but a separate species. Taxonomy is the biological system of categorizing all life on Earth, yet humans are NOT categorized by the rules of taxonomy.
      2) Yahweh (GOD) tells us in scripture that there are other hominids on Earth that are NOT of Mankind.
      3) The Theory of Evolution is a lie! It was established to con whites into believing that all the peoples on Earth are of one species to make it easier for satan’s plan of destroying mankind through adultery!
      4) These facts have nothing to do with hatred or racism or discrimination, and everything to do with understanding what Yahweh (GOD) created.

  • He’ll get a slap on the wrist and Sent on his merry way, just in time to kill a white person.
    It’s Communist New York people they support crime and thugs there, where they keep voting in Communist Democrats and never learn just like Communist Commifornia.