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New York City’s “Comrade Bill de Blasio” frequently earns the dubious distinction as the worst big-city mayor in the United States. However, Chicago’s “Liberal Lori Lightfoot” is making a push to assume control over the top spot.

With de Blasio soon to leave office, and exit stage left, hopefully to never be heard from politically again, Lightfoot has an unequivocal pathway to this rather unflattering mayoral distinction.

In some respects, de Blasio’s dictatorial style may have something to do with his name. In English culture, at least since late in the 17th century, royals and self-indulged aristocracy have used their middle name.

Those who fancy European history will well know that “Wilhelm” was the given name of one of Germany’s most authoritarian monarchies. While it’s clear “Wilhelm” de Blasio thinks highly of himself, no one is lost on how miserably he has performed as an elected public official.

The soon-to-be former New York City mayor may envision himself aristocratic royalty, but most deem him a blatant fool. His policies have driven New York City into the toilet. Now, Chicago’s mayor doesn’t appear to have any such aristocratically profound name attachments.

Nevertheless, not to be outdone by her New York counterpart, Lightfoot is equally gifted as de Blasio at being a total buffoon, all the while destroying a proud American city. Under Lightfoot’s lightweight liberal leadership, Chicago’s crime rate has risen sharply.

City-wide morale is hovering at an all-time low. She has provided pathetic leadership across numerous fronts. Even more startling than her performance as the Windy City mayor, may be a recently discovered text message from Liberal Lori.

Her leadership has been criticized vehemently, especially during the turbulent period during the George Floyd riots. Chicago Tribune reporters got their hands on over two-year’s worth of Lightfoot private text messages.

They are astonishingly revealing. Using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Tribune unearthed hundreds of messages between Lightfoot and various Chicago aldermen. Lightfoot’s staff tried to avoid releasing the text messages.

After seeing them, most can understand why. Facing a potential lawsuit from the Tribune, the text messages were reluctantly made public. They say a great deal about Lori Lightfoot, and it’s not good.

In May 2020, Alderman Pat Dowell sent Lightfoot a text, complaining that police weren’t “doing a damn thing” to curb violence and looting. Another Chicago Alderman, Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez, sent a text message pleading with the mayor for directional guidance during the riots.

There were innocent people in downtown Chicago who were getting swept up in the violence and looting. They were scared. Rodriguez Sanchez wanted to know when Lightfoot would reactivate the Chicago Transit Authority.

Lightfoot’s feeble and insensitive response was shocking. Liberal Lori responded to the pleas by replying, “Go west and then north, Rossana, the city is up for grabs.” Reporters asked Lightfoot why her city has spiraled into lawlessness.

As is always her style, Lightfoot cast blame on someone or something else. She’s blamed combinations of the pandemic and the George Floyd riots as a “perfect storm”. What is perfectly obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense is that Lori Lightfoot has created the storm.

She is a horrible mayor. Homicides, and other violent crimes, have skyrocketed in Chicago. The same is happening across virtually every Democrat-run major U.S. city. All of these intellectually challenged liberals grasp for straws when trying to make excuses for their own ineptitude.

People are dying in alarming numbers. Businesses and communities are being devastated. While people are watching their lives being turned upside down, liberal mayors provide no direction. “The city’s up for grabs”, peasants, “head east” and fend for yourselves.

When new approval ratings for the worst of the worst in big city mayors come out early next year, count on “Liberal Lori Lightfoot” to be ranked the “number one worst mayor in all the land”. Certainly, this isn’t a very flattering footnote to a political resume.


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