17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse has been cleared of charges in Illinois, after evidence or a lack thereof, proved that no crimes, violent or not, were committed by Rittenhouse in Illinois.
Rittenhouse fled to his home state of Illinois after shooting and killing two rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin last August.
Lake County officials determined, after an extensive investigation, that the AR-15 used by Rittenhouse was purchase, stored, and used in Wisconsin and therefore Rittenhouse won’t face charges relating to carrying a firearm across the border.
Officials also said that there is no evidence that Rittenhouse ever used the gun in Illinois.
Wisconsin may have other determinations though.
Rittenhouse, who was supported by President Trump, is still being held a juvenile detention center in Illinois, despite Wisconsin’s demands of extradition.
Rittenhouse is currently facing charges in Wisconsin of first-degree intentional homicide, two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, first-degree reckless homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.
In late August, Rittenhouse, a trained EMT and pro-police advocate drove to the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He participated in a number of activities from painting over graffiti to administering aid to those injured in the protests – regardless of what side of the matter they were on.
At one point Rittenhouse, armed with an AR-15, is seen in a video being chased by a mob. He then runs into a car dealership parking lot where is nearly cornered by an aggressing mobster. Rittenhouse shot and killed his aggressor and then was chased more through the streets.
At one point Rittenhouse fell in the street which gave his aggressors the advantage to attack him while he was down. Rittenhouse fired on one aggressor after he threw his skateboard at Rittenhouse’s head and continued to attack him. The attacker died at the scene.
Another aggressor, armed with a handgun, was shot by Rittenhouse in the arm.
Rittenhouse is seen throughout the video trying to get away without firing on anyone. He even called police immediately after shooting the first aggressor.
No further investigation has been made available about Rittenhouse’s Wisconsin charges.
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