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Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, found herself in a difficult position during a press briefing not too long ago. She was called out on her comments regarding assault weapons bans and their effect on gun violence by nationally syndicated radio host Dana Loesch.

Jean-Pierre argued that the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban had resulted in lower levels of gun violence. She stated that when the ban sunset ten years later, gun violence went back up. Her stance echoed similar words from Biden calling for congressional action to address gun violence.

“If you think about Assault Weapons Ban…We saw gun violence go down. When it sunset 10 years later, it went back up!,” KJP said.

“If you think about assault weapons ban, we know, when we saw — when the president was involved in 1994 to get that done, we saw. We saw gun violence go down and when it sunset ten years later, it went back up,” Jean-Pierre insisted. “So we know what could work and that’s why you continue to hear the president calling on Congress to take action.”

Loesch quickly pointed out that the claim was untrue. She provided evidence to show that there had been no decrease in gun homicide rates as a result of the AWB and no evidence of an overall decrease in incidents of gun violence after its expiration. Furthermore, Loesch declared that firearms often blamed for homicides are actually involved in fewer homicides annually than other weapons.

The debate over assault weapons bans and their potential effectiveness in curbing gun violence is nothing new but nonetheless remains highly controversial. Those who support the ban argue that it would be beneficial to prohibit access to military grade weaponry used in mass shootings; which would reduce deaths from such attacks as well as other violent crimes involving firearms.

Conservatives who have a little more knowledge about the issue know that an AWB would not have much effect on crime because these types of weapons are responsible for a small portion of all firearm related deaths and only focus on banning certain features or models instead of addressing mental health issues or limiting access to illegal guns already circulating within society.


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  • KJP as she is called is a complete INCOMPETENT. She has about as much business as Press Secretary as Kackling Kalamity Harris has of being Vice President. She will stand a do NOTHING but parrot the talking points given to her by the sniveling brats that dictate what is allowed to be released to the press/public. She cannot ad-lib information when she gets bumfuggled. She READS almost EVERYTHING because she is so eaten up with the lies that she has been fed she cannot give a decent explanation of items that the people want to know about. ….and here I thought that Jen Saki was bad…wish we had her back now.

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    • She has the job BECAUSE she is a total waste of life. Only an idiotic liar with no value can properly “report” the goings on of those who are pulling the strings of Biden and all his flunkies. Jen Saki WAS bad. Completely EVIL to the very core of her being. She had one downfall, a minor level of intelligence. That is why she had to go.

  • As usual, KJP is continuing to show her ignorance and ineptitude in telling the
    truth and instead still spreads lies to the American Public. I think we the American people have had about enough from KJP. It is no wonder that Jen Psaki left the position, she could no longer spew the false statements churned
    up by the inept, confused, and not in control President and his corrupt administration. It is high time that we the American People take back control of the white house and government by voting out the crazy lunatic Democrats which are currently in control. We need a more conservative government and we need to vote in a bill which will limit the terms of Congress and Senate to a max. of two terms.

  • KJP, stands for, “Kook, Joke, and Puke,” the dumbest, least capable, and most absurd Press Secretary in human history…the perfect representative of the Biden Democrat administration.

  • I’ve got my first check total of $15,550, pretty cool. I am so excited, this is the first time i Actually earned something. I am going to work even harder now and I can’t wait for next week’s payment. Go to the home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply..

  • Assault weapons is not the problem. It’s with the democrats not following the law and the corrupt DA’s who take money from Geo. Soros. You probably can’t stop Soros
    from giving them money, but they don’t have to take it. IF they do, there should be
    some law that makes it illegal. this is what causes all of the problems with the DA’s not doing their jobs.

  • Communist in our govt hate the AR platform because they are terrified of it because the vast majority are owned by patriotic law abiding citizens. They know full well they are pushing the envelope on our patience. The reality is, most gun violence happens in Democrat controlled inner cities, every weekend and the AR platform just doesn’t hide well in sweat pants.

  • You know this administration is lying about this issue just as they lie about almost everything else. Even when they are proven wrong they just keep up the lie.

  • To disarm the citizenry is treason to us all because we then cannot defend ourselves from criminals and government tyranny. The problem is not the gun but the people who holds the gun that need to be punished and not made heroes. TheRe should be a law that anyone using a gun TO KILL SOMEONE FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN SELF DEFENSE, will GET AUTOMATIC DEATH PENALTY, THAT WILL FINALLY DETER ANYONE FROM USING IT. The deterrent must be on the person and not on the gun , because criminals will always find ways to get them. To disarm good citizens wil just embolden the criminals…..that is common sense.

  • Guns do not kill people. People with guns kill people and if they do not have a gun will use other devices to do so. Fact!!!!

  • I don’t understand how anyone can believe anything this bozo mouthpiece for the braindead idiot in the White House says. Lies, lies, and more lies!!

  • I don’t understand how anyone can believe anything this bozo mouthpiece for the braindead idiot in the White House says. Lies, lies, and more lies!!

  • Does someone in the Biden’s Gang of Incompetent Malcontents PROVIDE JPK with Falsehoods or does she just Lie on her own? Her predecessor was the Consummate Liar and it would appear that JPK is following in her footsteps. I think we can all agree that most, if not all, democrats are not comfortable with telling the Truth! Has anyone notice that Biden’s Managers hire people based on their Color, Sexual Orientation and the Ability to Lie with Abandon? Heaven Help U.S.!