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The recent House Republican vote to repeal funding for 87,000 new IRS agents has been met with both criticism and praise. The bill, which passed on a party-line vote of 221-210, would zero-out funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and dramatically increase the IRS’ enforcement abilities.

The GOP-led House argued that the new funding would be used to hire 87,000 new agents to target Americans and tax cheats, and that the government should be here to help taxpayers, not go after them. Democrats, on the other hand, argued that the money would be used to help close the tax gap, which is the amount the IRS is paid by taxpayers versus the actual amount that is owed.

The Congressional Budget Office reported that the GOP’s IRS measure would raise the deficit by $114 billion, and the Treasury Department estimated that the $80 billion from the IRA would fund just under 87,000 new employees, but not all of them would be new agents.

In addition, the IRS has said it plans to use the funds to update its technology systems, hire and train new information technology specialists, customer service representatives, as well as new agents. However, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen directed the IRS not to use the new funding to increase audits of those earning under $400,000.

The debate over this bill is likely to continue for some time. House Republicans have vowed to keep up scrutiny of the IRS, while Democrats maintain their stance that the new funding will help close the tax gap. It remains to be seen how this bill will be received by the public and if it will have any lasting impact on the IRS and the taxpayers they serve.

That said, it won’t matter unless it passed in the Senate as well, and with a Democrat majority there, it’s probably not going to happen and therefore much of what this Republican led House does won’t count for much.


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  • The GOOd 1st priority should be to impeach B iden, Harris, their admin etc for not honoring their oaths of office. And that I thing them off easy. Because the real fact I s that they should all be indicted for Treason along with Schiff, Pelosi and the rest for trying to over throw an existing President knowing they had zero evidnce,for trying to ruin our Economy, not securing our borders, trying to destroy our Constitution, and much much more. With all the proof already existing, the trial should b swift as Should be all their executions. And let’s not forget all the corrupt FBI,CIA, Military members, DOJ, Judges and the rest who not only supported these traitors but still try to take away our freedom and rights.
    We don’t need the Senate to pursue these claims… We just need honest Judges and Juries to find them guilty. I’m sure finding executioners won’t be hard. Release all the J6th prisoners who have been locked up because of the Dems, Pelosi and the corrupt Capitol police and FBIs participants who set up their bogus “insurrection” , another traitorous criminal act. I’m sure they will be glad to assist in the executions.
    There you have your 1st priority, Republican GOP. You can do this the truly legal peaceful way or it will be time for We The People to lead the revolution to do it the painful way, by overthrowing these corrupt politicians / tyrants who think they have overtaken our country by annihilating them and killing all their family and supporters.
    Then Justice will be served and a message sent to any and all who think they might want to Fuck with We The People in the future.
    Your call…Republicans GOP. Time to stand up and fight for your patriotic constituents.

  • I agree with the Republicans. We should switch over to an universal sales tax. Thereby you will be taxed as to how much you spend and not how much you earn or inherit. An inheritance tax is pure evil because the earned money winds up being taxed twice.
    Going with an universal sales tax would drasticly reduce the size of the IRS and save the citizens of our nation a huge sum of money.

  • No they aren’t & McCarthy knows it! It’s just virtue signalling! None of such actions will get through the Senate, let alone the WH! ANY who don’t get this need to go back to US Civics 101, & learn how bills become laws, or impeachments are conducted.

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