Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) a.k.a. Chief Crazy (rhymes with itch), asserted that a lot of people told her that they would have voted for her, but they didn’t because she didn’t have a penis during the 2020 presidential primary campaign.
Is there a person in North America who believes this? I mean, really believes that a Democrat or radical leftist told Elizabeth Warren they would have voted for her if she had a Mr. Happy.
I can relate to this because I have a lot of liberal friends who would have voted for Warren if she had a brain.
Her genuinely bizarre statement was reported on Politico by Ali Vitali, a Capitol Hill correspondent for NBC News from Vitali’s new book, “Electable: Why America Hasn’t Put a Woman in the White House…Yet.”
The author wrote about discussing the issue of gender during the campaign when Warren was claiming she could have beaten Donald Trump in the general election.
We’d talked about the dynamics of Iowa, her competitors and the pressure she put on herself not “to screw this up.” But here and now she offered her plainest view of the landscape yet: “Everyone comes up to me and says, ‘I would vote for you, if you had a penis.’”
Warren lost to Biden, who then stole the 2020 election from Trump. Why wouldn’t the Democrats steal it? They rigged the 2016 primary for Hillary Clinton. That issue was taken to court, and the judge ruled that the Democratic National Committee is a private organization and they can make the nominee whoever they want. In the case of 2016, Obama left the DNC penniless and Hillary Clinton made a quid pro quo with Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) who was the chairwoman of the DNC at the time. Hillary offered to fund the DNC through the election cycle so long as they gave her the nomination.
Vitali reminds everyone of when Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) repudiated Warren during one of the 17,000 primary debates over whether he ever told her that a woman could not beat Trump. The blowout from that was caught on camera.
While many online were skeptical of the story offered by Warren, it matched up with the response from “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert when she dropped out of the primary race in March 2020.
Stephen Colbert, host of the “Late Show” after Warren dropped out of the primary contest in March 2020, “Folks, I’m afraid I have sad news for fans of competence,” he said, adding, “The one-time frontrunner Warren made the classic campaign mistake of being able to finish a coherent sentence and not having a penis.”
Warren really lost the race when she fell for Donald Trump’s needling her about getting a DNA test to prove she was Native American and the test results were a disaster because the senator from Massachusetts used that line her whole life to get ahead.

What low life
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What would you do with a penis,
screw more people?
You don’t need one you are already so good at it.
Boy you nailed that one.
It’s funny how liberals ALWAYS have an excuse for why people don’t vote for them. It’s NEVER because people don’t believe in their radical ideas. I wouldn’t vote for her if she had a Pecker a horse would envy.
This hag is sick.She fits in with these freaks who don’t know what they are so she could claim to be a man just like our other man who is a “woman’ working in this freak show called America’s government
That is exactly what she needs! And they now have a surgery for that!
You go girl(?)!
Even the Democrats would not vote for her! They already said that with absolutely zero doubt! She was never in the running despite the media saying anything close to that!
I think she does have a penis, the Glans of which can clearly be seen protruding from her shirt collar.
No doubt he has a slong
Since no Republicans would vote for her even if she had two peni, then those who said that to her were obviously Democrats. And they’re supposed to be the ones who don’t care about one’s assigned genitilia. I wonder if she harbors a secret desire to be, or has envy of, a tomahawk-endowed Indian brave.
All she has to do is say she has a Penis and according to liberals, she does. Where has she been for the last few years.
Well, she is quite a dick, if that helps.
Michelle/ Michael Obama has a dick and I sure as Hell wouldn’t vote for the thing. Hey Elizabeth why not have a Transgender operation and have one attached that way you can change your name to Eli, and see if you can get votes. You fake Indian lieing POS.!
Warren is a d*ck. Is that the same as having a penis?
Poow Wizzie got stiffed. This is a job for a tomahawk.
Well, if Elizabeth Warren believes she would win if she had a penis, she currently has options: surgery or becoming a transgender man, changing the pronoun preference to he, him or his, dressing accordingly and using the men’s bathrooms…EASY PEASY!! And then he/she would certainly receive ALL of the support from the Progressives…this is a no-brainer. Good luck to MR. WARREN.
So just go get yourself one Lizzy. It’s so easy now since no one knows what a woman is anyway.
I thought that he did.