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The Democrats have been interfering in foreign politics for far too long and they need to stop because it is not their place.

The party has forgotten how to represent us, only representing their own interests instead of those who elected them into office with an open mind.

If we’re that uneducated, then educate us by being more transparent about what’s happening in our own government. I guess they’ve forgotten that this is OUR government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people…of this country, not other countries.

In reality, our government has become nothing more than a business entity and a crooked one at that.

So, what am I rambling on about exactly? I’m talking about the Democrats trying to interfere in Israel.

I honestly think that they’re trying to destroy Israel. First, they were trying to not allow funding for their defense system (that’s another issue we could discuss), but now, they’re essentially just wanting to turn over the holiest sites of Christianity and Judaism to the Muslims by handing them the Jewish Quarter, the Western Wall, and more!

On September 26, 2021 Alan Dershowitz wrote in Gatestone Institute, “Just when Congress overwhelmingly defeated an effort by eight radical Democrats and one Republican to defund Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, several “mainstream” Democrats proposed legislation that is equally dangerous and filled with half-truths, omissions, and outright fabrications.

Congressman Andy Levin has introduced a bill called “The Two-State Solution Act” that purports to further the “two-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict… The bill declares that the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip are occupied territories and must be referred to as such by all American statements. It implies that the occupation is illegal and entirely the fault of Israel… Jerusalem is more complicated. The Old City’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall had been illegally occupied by Jordan between 1948 and 1967, and excluded Jews. When Jordan attacked Israel in June 1967, Israel liberated these ancient Jewish sites and opened them up to all. These are not occupied territories. Nor is the rest of East Jerusalem, which is part of a united city.”

I’ve said it before, but Congress in general, but especially Democrats have no business butting into affairs that they don’t know enough about. The simplest example of this on a level that we can understand better is when congressmen asked Google’s CEO if they can track him if he moves across the room.

He obviously has no idea how the internet works, yet he’s in charge of making laws about it. This is why so many things are screwed up. Congress make laws about things they know nothing about.



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