With virtually every radical demand clamored by the woke culture, there is zero willingness to engage alternative views. Those who disagree, either bow down to their viewpoint or are labeled a deplorable racist thug. It does not encourage free speech or democratic discourse.
These liberal extremists want everyone to think and speak according to their script. However, the North Carolina Lieutenant General refuses to kowtow to these outrageous demands. The issue in question this time is homosexuality, especially teaching it to children.
Not once has North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson advocated for discriminating against alternative lifestyles. But that doesn’t mean he has to jump on some bandwagon, insinuating that he is okay with that lifestyle choice, or exposing children to such.
While giving a speech at Asbury Baptist Church in Seagrove, North Carolina, Robinson echoed the sentiments of millions of Americans. The idea that homosexuality is not an acceptable moral choice, according to his personal beliefs reverberates across political lines.
It is understandable that most Americans do not condone mistreatment or violence against the LGBT community; but they also do not have to agree that it’s okay to be gay. In addition, they abhor the push to teach it in schools. This is our American right to free speech and free thought.
However, the radicals think Mark Robinson is a bigot and should resign because he doesn’t condone homosexuality. Robinson insisted that, “There is no reason anybody, anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality or any of that filth”.
A North Carolina state representative was the first to call for Robinson’s resignation. NC Senator Jeff Jackson is a liberal progressive trying to push his party’s radical ideas as U.S. Senator. Three other prominent Democrat affiliations condemned Robinson as well.
North Carolina’s own governor demeaned Robinson’s right to speak freely. The Human Rights Campaign supported this free speech repressive request as well. Even Joe Biden’s radical White House had to get their two cents in on the matter.
Robinson stood his ground. “We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. We will not change our language”, Robinson said in an interview with WRAL TV in North Carolina. His beliefs are strong, and he’s standing behind them.
He insists it is imperative that parents stand up and take a stand in defense of their children. Robinson impressed upon listeners that he is tired of being demonized for his conservative beliefs, while the radicals burn, rob, and destroy the fabric of American culture.
Robinson posted a video on Facebook explaining his feelings clearly. He does not hate or wish ill-will on the LGBT community. Nevertheless, Robinson feels that the government has no right to regulate gay rights, or to suppress free speech from Americans who are uncomfortable with these alternative lifestyles.
The Lieutenant Governor believes the LGBT community has a right to express themselves as well. However, he is adamantly opposed to exposing young children to a strange lifestyle that is chosen by a small majority of the community.
He doesn’t have to condone the gay lifestyle. He isn’t, and Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson from North Carolina is not backing down. Robinson refuses to be silenced. He thinks classrooms are for educating, not spewing radical sexual beliefs to children. Robinson is standing up against the radical left’s agenda, and he doesn’t care who likes it.