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When the radical left burns down businesses, violently harasses police officers, or otherwise destroys communities, it’s because of righteous anger. However, when patriotic Americans protest their democratic right to a safe, secure election process, it’s somehow an insurrection.

The double standard is appalling. Recently, a staff member inside the United States Supreme Court illegally leaked a draft opinion from Justice Samuel Alito. The opinion was his legal explanation ahead of a potential Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade.

Never in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court has this happened. It was unconscionable. There is an ongoing investigation to discover who leaked the documents and why. Regardless of who or why, the possible overturning of the contentious 1973 ruling has ignited extremists.

Staunch pro-abortion advocates have threatened Supreme Court justices. They protested outside Justice’s homes as well. Most of these protests remained relatively peaceful. However, pro-abortion radicals threw bottles and other objects at the Los Angeles police.

Not all protests have remained peaceful. Law enforcement in New York noted that known professional instigators infiltrated some groups. Pro-life members from the Church of the Blessed Sacrament on West 71st Street were cautioned to postpone their regular Sunday walk.

But some worshipers didn’t feel compelled to kowtow to the radical mob. Parishioners at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles pushed back. Pro-abortion protesters forced their way into a service wearing attire that resembled women in The Handmaiden’s Tale.

The protesters wore huge hats and red gowns with hoods. The costumes closely resembled those worn by an extreme leftist group, “Ruth Sent Us.” This radical organization threatened to disrupt Catholic services on Mother’s Day.

However, this time, God-fearing people refused to cower to the mob. Romangod7 tweeted, “Marxists try to disrupt Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Security, ushers, and parishioners said they were not having it.”

Cellphone video taken during the incident showed a parishioner climbing over a pew to confront the protesters. Once this brave man got in their face, the cowardly protesters stopped their forward push and then turned and backed away.

The radical pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us did not claim responsibility for the L.A. incident. These sadistic organizations advocate for the killing of innocent children. However, these parishioners exposed them for what they are. They’re a bunch of radical cowards.


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  • For those who acknowledge that Almighty God is the author of life, we might look to the first five books of the Bible, Torah, the only books having legitimate claim to being the word of God. In Genesis 2:7 “The LORD God formed man from the dust of the earth. He blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.” This establishes that breath is essential to be a living being.

    The other question bandied about is whether it is a crime to abort a pregnancy. That is settled at Exodus 21:22 – 25, the only place in the entire Bible which mentions an aborted pregnancy. In this case a man has pushed a pregnant woman and caused her to miscarry. The penalty is described as a fine paid to the woman’s husband, the amount reckoned as a property crime. Noteworthy is the fact that this follows the institution of the death penalty for murder at Exodus 21:12 “He who fatally strikes a man shall be put to death.” So clearly, aborting a pregnancy is not murder, there is no breath of life in the aborted fetus. The Roman Catholic Pope says otherwise, that abortion is murder; but you may recall that it was the first pope, Constantine, who presumed to overrule God by establishing Sunday as the Sabbath Day.

    You follow the pope’s pronouncements in contravention of God’s word to your peril.

    In light of this Biblical guidance, it would seem only right to abort an unwanted pregnancy in its early stages, long before the possibility of producing a breathing baby.

    • I’m not Catholic, but I am familiar enough with the bible, with science and with common sense to know that your ignorance indicates that you don’t know your own butt from a hole in the ground.

    • What about the Bible verse that says, “I knew you before you were born.” Another speaks of how a baby is miraculously “knit together” in the womb. And lastly, the unborn baby John the Baptist leaped in his mother Elizabeth’s womb when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, approached Elizabeth, her cousin, to visit her. Elizabeth remarked on her baby leaping in her womb at the approach of unborn Jesus in Mary’s womb.

    • So what you’re saying is that those who oppose abortion on demand for the sake of convenience are disregarding God’s law, thus risking their salvation, is that it?

      • Too many negatives there, I think, unless you meant to say those who oppose infanticide on demand are risking their salvation? (Abortion is a spontaneous event after a baby has died in utero & must be expelled to protect the mother from infection, not the intentional murder of a live baby.)

    • The “breath of life” can only be rightly applied to the directly created humans, Adam & Eve; during the Exodus, we are also told “the LIFE (emphasis mine)is in the blood”, hence the prohibition against consuming blood directly, or in meat we eat. An human infant has its own blood type at conception, & its owh heart beating, circulating that blood before the 4th week of gestation, ergo is ALIVE!

    • Your first mistake is claiming that only the first five books are the “Word of God”. So you’re obviously going to claim Christ is not THE WORD?? Are you going to claim He didn’t fulfill the prophecies of the coming Messiah?

      And Scripture also clearly states that the Lord knows us “in the womb”. Are you going to claim He knows a “blob of tissue”?

      I’d say you better get on your knees and beg for forgiveness for your blasphemy.

    • That fetus does breath through its mothers lungs via the imbilcel (spelling) cord. The cells could not do their job without the “breath of air”

    • The first apostles and disciples worshipped on SUNDAY to commemorate our Lord’s resurrection. We don’t need your SDA lies, honey!

    • Kitty Corbett is mentally deranged wickedly and also blasphemous to God Almighty; she will pay the ultimate penalty on her judgment day! She hung herself using God’s word in such a debauchery of God’s Truth!

  • Like prey in an eagle’s talons are the backwards, warped and twisted minds of those firmly in the clutches of darkness and evil.

  • “Resist the devil and he will flee”

    All that’s required in dealing with these “protesters” is to GET UP IN THEIR FACE, PUT YOUR ARMS STRAIGHT OUT TO YOUR SIDES (so you”look like” a CROSS), and start walking forward while using your arms and body to PUSH THEM BACKWARDS.

    If more people would do this to BLM, ANTIFA, “Pro-Choicers”, etc. they may decide to stop their disruptions and such!

    • And that would likely be your very last act. The only thing these scum understand is lead. That way, even if outnumbered, you’d take a few of them with you. Time to fight back, folks. With a vengeance and fury not known since D-Day.

      • Violence is not the answer, unless you wish to sink to the left’s infantile level. We have laws for a reason & exercise of those laws is the appropriate action. “Vengeance is Mine”, saith the Lord. Leave it to Him. Use citizen arrests…

        • BS.

          Claiming it is “descending” to their depths is utter nonsense. Did we descend to Hitler’s depths? There are times when action is required. And forget the “turn the other cheek” scripture as well. That is regarding personal disputes. If someone is raping you and I approach, should I turn the other cheek? Should I just declare “it’s the will of the Lord” that you be assaulted? I don’t for a second believe you think that.

          When people act in violent ways, and law enforcement refuses to act, it becomes the duty of the citizen to answer.

          • Very True! Guys like Audie Murphy at 16 fudged his documents to be an enlisted US Army soldier in WWII to fight back against Demonic Tyrannical Evil of Hitler and the Nazis before Hitler could have his ovens in Great Britain or where-ever he pleased! The Great Generation had plenty of Men who could think straight and the guts to put their lives on the line to defend what is right and good! There’s been far too much sitting on one’s hands just watching the evil left destroy! Time to saddle up and go get em!

    • All those you mentioned are absolutely controlled by satanic evil and going down the slippery slope to eternal damnation; I say that’s very good!

  • Someone should point out that they’re very lucky THEIR mothers didn’t opt for an abortion. When I taught HS, I would tell a really unruly student that there should be retroactive abortion!!!!!

  • The reason the “Sisters of The Terminally Ugly” wear those submissive woman costumes is the rarely realized, but ever hopeful desire to get laid!

  • it’s about time some of these Christian (and Catholic) organizations started to grow a backbone and REBUKE satanic followers, just as Jesus commanded. GOD told us NOT to “judge”, but Jesus said we are to be the SALT and LIGHT of the world, and not to be ashamed of Jesus, his redeeming blood, and the cross, which is ALL offensive to these satan-worshiping animals.

    • Amen. Salt is a preservative, but also a cleansing agent, not just a flavor enhancer. Light it up & clean it out is the command there.

    • Very True! Guys like Audie Murphy at 16 fudged his documents to be an enlisted US Army soldier in WWII to fight back against Demonic Tyrannical Evil of Hitler and the Nazis before Hitler could have his ovens in Great Britain or where-ever he pleased! The Great Generation had plenty of Men who could think straight and the guts to put their lives on the line to defend what is right and good! There’s been far too much sitting on one’s hands just watching the evil left destroy! Time to saddle up and go get em!

  • Lightfoot needs to be careful what she calls for, in Chicago! Too many there will take a “call to arms” LITERALLY!

  • Nylon bats or Louisville sluggers work great for this purpose. As do chains.

    There is no excuse for allowing this despicable cretins to try to take over a church. Or a courthouse. Or a justice’s neighborhood.

  • Tragically, it’s these same alleged Christians throughout the nation responsible for the biblically egregious Constitutional Republic responsible for Roe v. Wade.

    The constitutional framers’ sins were of both commission and omission. The framers’ sins of commission are evidenced in that there’s hardly an Article or Amendment that’s not antithetical, if not seditious, to Yahweh’s sovereignty and morality.*

    Their sins of commission aside, the framers’ sins of omission—that is, their failure to establish government and society based upon Yahweh’s commandments, statutes, and judgments—alone sent America to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction she presently teeters on.

    Ask the millions of infants slaughtered in their mothers’ wombs if the constitutional framers’ failure to establish government on Exodus 21:22-23 and Deuteronomy 27:25 didn’t lead to their annihilation?

    There’s not one national problem in America today—government-financed in utero infanticide, sodomite “marriages,” Synagogues, Mosques, and Temples devoted to false gods dotting America’s landscape, international entanglements, criminal and inept civil “leaders,” America’s crumbling economy, runaway debt, and taxes on nearly everything, etc.—that cannot be traced back to the framers’ sins of omission.

    “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13)

    *For evidence that the Constitution is biblically seditious see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page.

    Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

    • Ted when you get your head out of that huge orifice hurry on back to China Xi is missing you pathetically! No commies allowed here anymore!

  • Glad to see that there are people who cannot be over-run by these lawless thugs! This church might need to hire professional armed guards now. Thugs usually return.

  • Another anti-American action by the traitors. When are we going to see some arrests and trials of these scoundrels?

    • I say the argument could be made and grounded in fact precedent, “That was more than criminal trespass and was a federal hate crime” to boot; they should be locked away already but the evil administration we now have is giving free passes to any rabble-rouse minions that support the left’s Marxist view! Jails should start filling up soon or skulls will be cracking in the near future!

      \18 U.S. Code § 249 – Hate crime acts

      Generally, a hate crime is one in which a person allegedly targeted an individual, group, or property because of actual or perceived membership in a protected class.
      The characteristics of protected classes can vary depending on the jurisdiction but may include:
      • Race
      • Gender
      • Gender identity
      • Religion
      • Disability
      • Sexual orientation
      • Ethnicity

      This was a religious Hate Crime and the churchgoers freedom of belief and worship was infringed upon and threatened!

      We have a disgusting Marxist criminal degenerate Garland as an AG for the DOJ; so we see nothing happen!

  • The correct title of the referenced novel, and the movie and the television series derived from it, is (are) “The Handmaid’s Tale,” not “The Handmaiden’s Tale.”

  • I say the argument could be made and grounded in fact precedent, “That was more than criminal trespass and was a federal hate crime” to boot; they should be locked away already but the evil administration we now have is giving free passes to any rabble-rouse minions that support the left’s Marxist view! Jails should start filling up soon or skulls will be cracking in the near future!

    \18 U.S. Code § 249 – Hate crime acts

    Generally, a hate crime is one in which a person allegedly targeted an individual, group, or property because of actual or perceived membership in a protected class.
    The characteristics of protected classes can vary depending on the jurisdiction but may include:
    • Race
    • Gender
    • Gender identity
    • Religion
    • Disability
    • Sexual orientation
    • Ethnicity

    This was a religious Hate Crime and the churchgoers freedom of belief and worship was infringed upon and threatened!

    We have a disgusting Marxist criminal degenerate Garland as an AG for the DOJ; so we see nothing happen!

  • What we have here in the fight to keep murder of children in the womb and even birthed, is a doctrine of demons. It’s sad to think that even those within the church have been seduced to believe these lies. Wolves in sheep’s clothing worm their way in and demand death.

    1 Tim 4:1-3

    4 1 The Spirit expressly states that in the acharit-hayamim (last days) some people will apostatize from the faith by paying attention to deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come from the hypocrisy of liars whose own consciences have been burned, as if with a red-hot branding iron.

  • Guess they didn’t expect these parishioners to be practitioners of The Old Testament.

    Someone should check the altar for a stigmata.