The modern day mainstream news media doesn’t care about reporting the truth, they just want to get out a leftist narrative that helps whatever agenda they’re currently supporting. We already know that by the way they have treated President Donald Trump, calling him a racist, a sexist, a Russian puppet, and you know all the rest. The Fake News industry breaks things down into two groups, Left and Right. If you are a member of the Left the media will lie in your favor by any means necessary to help their supporting agenda. To the contrary, the media will nearly always lie about anyone on the Right, again to support their current agenda. They don’t care about truth. They don’t even consider the lives they destroy. For them, everything is political.
On Wednesday, the head of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapter in northern Utah put on a press conference with local Proud Boys leaders in Salt Lake City defending the group that has been labeled by critics as white supremacists. They are not. One of their leaders is a large gay black man.
But the leaders from both activist organizations — who have been meeting collectively to find common ground — called on Americans to come back together in unity after months of unrest and divisiveness in the country.
KUTV-TV put out a video where Jacarri Kelley, the BLM leader for Northern Utah, told the media that she called the news conference because she wanted to set the record straight after the Proud Boys had been mentioned in the first presidential debate and accused of being “white supremacists.”
Proud Boys stood on either side of Kelley, chief Thad and president Seth.
Kelley revealed she had been meeting with Thad and Seth for the past several weeks to learn more about their views and beliefs, that came out after speaking with several Proud Boys members during a protest. They convinced her that they were just there “to make sure nothing goes down.”
“We sat down and had a conversation about each others’ myths that we heard about the Black Lives Matter movement and about the Proud Boys,” Kelley said when talking about her first meeting with the Proud Boys leaders. “And we came to realize we had more in common than not. And in order to combat evil and racism and hatred in this country, we do need to be able to reach across the aisle and have these tough conversations.”
“They’re not white supremacists. These are proud American men,” Kelley said, then added that both groups “have an issue with the media” as a result of they feel their organizations aren’t fairly portrayed.
On their website, the Proud Boys tout themselves as “Western chauvinists,” who believe “the West is the best,” and state that they “do not discriminate based upon race or sexual orientation/preference.”
Seth told KUTV, “Don’t get it wrong, like male chauvinism or anything like that. Those are two different things.”
A KSTU-TV reporter tweeted a clip of Thad saying during the news conference, “I will go out and say that the #ProudBoys as a whole, I will say this on behalf of the entire national organization, denounce white supremacy.”
The group has been involved in a number of clashes with left-leaning activists in Portland and elsewhere. Last week, Oregon Governor Kate Brown (D) declared a state of emergency prior to a planned Proud Boys rally in riot-plagued Portland on Saturday, saying the group was “looking for a fight.”
Democratic presidential nominee and former vice president Joe Biden invoked the group’s name in the course of the presidential debate when he and moderator Chris Wallace called on President Donald Trump to denounce white supremacy. The president was met with backlash when we called for the group to “stand back and stand by.” Biden, like everyone else on the Left, got it completely wrong. There are black Proud Boys and Hispanic Proud Boys and even gay Proud Boys. They are a diverse group who all love their country and want to make sure that people’s civil rights, like the right to Free Speech and the right to worship their God are not infringed by leftist hate groups.
The following day, the president told the media he didn’t know who the Proud Boys are, and clarified that “they have to stand down, let law enforcement do its work.”
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