The Pentagon has swiftly removed a portrait of retired Army General Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, just ten days after it was unveiled. This decision came shortly after President Donald Trump took office.

The rapid removal of Milley’s portrait has caught the attention of many, with some speculating about the reasons behind this sudden action. A Pentagon spokesperson confirmed the removal but redirected queries to the White House, which did not provide a timely response.

In his last hours as president, Joe Biden issued preemptive pardons to Milley and others, aiming to shield them from potential actions by the new Trump administration.

Biden praised Milley for his over 40 years of service, highlighting his leadership during challenging times and his efforts to build and strengthen alliances. Milley expressed gratitude for the pardon, reflecting on his long career dedicated to serving the nation.

Despite his commendable service record, Milley faced criticism for his role in the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. Critics, including Trump, accused him of poor planning and failing to foresee the rapid takeover by the Taliban. Trump harshly criticized Milley, calling him a “loser who shamed us in Afghanistan and elsewhere!”

During a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in March 2024, Milley addressed these criticisms. He encouraged Afghanistan veterans to hold their heads high, affirming that they served the nation under extreme conditions.

Milley acknowledged that it had been his consistent assessment, along with other high-ranking officers, that the withdrawal would lead to the collapse of Afghan forces and the government.

Moreover, Milley pointed out that a delay by the U.S. State Department in requesting a noncombatant evacuation operation contributed to the situation. However, the State Department has not admitted to any missteps regarding the timing of their request for military assistance.

In a separate controversy, Milley defended the inclusion of critical race theory (CRT) in military education during a congressional testimony in June 2021. He argued for the importance of open-mindedness and understanding complex social issues among military personnel. “On the issue of critical race theory … I do think it’s important for those of us in uniform to be open-minded and be widely read … And I want to understand white rage,” he stated.

Mark Milley’s post-retirement activities have also attracted attention. He has been featured as a speaker by the Harry Walker Agency, the same firm that represents Hillary Clinton. Reports indicate that Clinton has earned approximately $200,000 per speech, raising questions about the financial incentives for such appearances.

Despite the controversies surrounding Milley, he remains a significant figure in recent military history. His career reflects the challenges and complexities faced by military leaders in navigating both domestic and international issues. As debates continue about his legacy and decisions, one thing is clear: Milley’s impact on the military and national security policy will be discussed for years to come.

While Milley’s portrait may no longer hang in the Pentagon, the discussions about his tenure and contributions are far from over. The intersection of military leadership, politics, and public perception continues to play a crucial role in shaping the narratives around figures like Milley.

The discourse surrounding Milley’s actions and decisions highlights the broader political and social dynamics at play. As the country navigates these complex issues, leaders from all sides must engage in constructive dialogue and focus on solutions that strengthen national security and unity.

In the end, the removal of Milley’s portrait serves as a reminder of the ever-changing political landscape and the ongoing debates about accountability, leadership, and the legacy of public servants. As the nation looks to the future, the lessons learned from these discussions will undoubtedly influence the path forward.


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  • “Milley expressed gratitude for the pardon” Yessir, yessir, ‘Milky Toast’ Milley NEEDS a pardon. Just his assuring China’s Xi that there would be no action by America’s military, and ‘playing at’ Commander-in-Chief, should have gotten him, at a minimum, FIRED and JAILED! Thank God and Greyhound this piece of INCOMPETENT General is ‘Gone Baby, Gone!’

  • “Milley acknowledged that it had been his consistent assessment, along with other high-ranking officers, that the withdrawal would lead to the collapse of Afghan forces and the government.”

    Then why leave, General? You are a disgrace, a politician in uniform. We’re still in Korea, for the exact same reason we should still be in Afghanistan. We’re still in Germany, still in Japan. More Americans died in military training in 2020 than died in Afghanistan. Our involvement in Afghanistan was minimal in those final years, backing the Afghan troops in a fashion that made them effective door kickers. Why leave Bagram first, a huge defendable base, and force the evac out of Kabul International, absolutely and provably undefendable. Tactics and logistics, you failed spectacularly at both.

    • Richitt McPheeters; exactly and for these breaches and dereliction of his sworn oath he should have been tried and executed at GITMO!

  • This Creepy and Smelly Milley is nothing but a turncoat Traitor and for going to the CCP over President Trump’s head back during the J6 upheaval and his joining Nancy Pelosi in saying former President Donald Trump was “crazy” as well as issues over the Plandemic and Milley’s coziness with the CCP and talking and even negotiating with them he should have been tried and executed at GITMO for Sedition and Treason as well as insubordination to his Commander in Chief!

    I hope after the portrait was removed it was immediately tossed into the nearest CESSPOOL!

    If he isn’t court-martialed and sent to prison for his crimes he should be deported and never allowed back into our country!

  • Nothing like equipping your enemies with most advanced military equipment in the world Billions and Billions of military weapons just left there all brand new equipment. How stupid do you have to be to forget to remove your own military equipment. He’s a disgrace to the uniform and should have reduced to in listed status. Should have been charged with enabling the enemy.
    TREASON. He’s not a hero he got his own men killed and won’t take responsibility for it. Disgraceful disgusting sell out

    • Sue; correct on all counts! That is all far beyond giving aid and comfort to your enemies and this creep can’t be an American, the more I see of him or hear about what he thinks or says tells me he is both a commie and quite evil!

  • the author didn’t mention the treasonous undermining of the commander in chief by calling the Chinese communist military and warning about the possible president’s actions, he was worrying about courts marshal.

    • Bruce; yes that’s what I was alluding to, this sick SOB was flat our treasonous and that is why I see no other option but to try and execute this slime ball! When we speak of enemies within this is the genuine article just like Xiden is!
      Go figure they get along just dandy!

  • Milley should not be allowed on any base to go to the commissary and his military I.D. confiscated.

    If he manages to get on any base the MP’s should have orders to shoot him on site as a foreign Communist Spy.

    Yes as many stated above Milley should have been executed.

    • Truly one of the WORST Despicable traitors this country has ever seen. Besides everything already mentioned he intentionally tried to destroy our Military with Queers crossdressers and Transgenders this Guy CANNOT BE HELD UNNACCOUNTABLE for his actions if not the death penalty stripped of everything Rank Pension and citizenship

      • Absolutely, and this evil bastard serves Satan!
        Well government when will you hurry and dispatch him to hell?