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U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman has halted the Trump administration’s plan to deport Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia University student whose green card was revoked. Khalil, labeled a “Pro-Hamas Student” by the White House, was on the verge of being removed from the United States. Judge Furman’s decision has sparked controversy and stalled what many see as a necessary measure for national security.

President Trump’s ICE agents took Khalil into custody, a Palestinian-born activist known for leading anti-Israel protests. This action was part of a broader strategy to revoke visas and green cards of individuals supporting Hamas. Senator Marco Rubio expressed support for these actions, emphasizing the importance of removing Hamas supporters from America.

On March 9, 2025, Mahmoud Khalil was arrested in line with President Trump’s executive orders against anti-Semitism. This move was coordinated with the Department of State to ensure national security, according to a statement by McLaughlin to the Columbia Spectator. ICE and the Department of State reiterated their commitment to enforcing these executive orders.

Despite the clear legal grounds for Khalil’s detention, liberal legal allies quickly filed a habeas corpus petition. They argued that his arrest was a response to his “constitutionally protected speech.” Khalil’s attorneys claimed his transfer to a Louisiana detention facility was an attempt to disrupt the legal process.

Amy Greer, Khalil’s lawyer, supported a motion to compel ICE to return him to New York. This was after he was transferred to Louisiana despite having a pending habeas corpus petition. The legal filing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York detailed Khalil’s abrupt removal from student housing.

Khalil, married to a U.S. citizen and expecting a child, was detained on March 8, 2025. His lawyers were not notified when ICE transferred him 1,000 miles away. They argue this was a retaliatory move intended to disrupt the court’s jurisdiction over his case.

On Monday, Judge Furman issued an order preventing Khalil’s removal from the United States. This decision was based on the All Writs Act, which allows courts to issue necessary writs to support their jurisdiction. The judge’s ruling has been criticized as a misuse of power to protect a potentially dangerous individual.

The Trump administration had taken decisive action to safeguard American citizens. However, Furman’s intervention is seen by some as prioritizing foreign radicals over national security. Critics argue this is a classic example of liberal elitism interfering with efforts to protect the nation.

The All Writs Act empowers federal courts to issue any writ deemed necessary or appropriate. This ruling has raised questions about its application in Khalil’s case. The decision underscores tensions between national security measures and individual rights.

Khalil’s case has become a focal point for debates on immigration and national security. Supporters of the Trump administration’s actions argue that deporting Khalil aligns with protecting U.S. interests. Opponents view it as a violation of his rights and an overreach of executive power.

The legal battle continues with Khalil’s attorneys fighting to have him returned to New York. They maintain that his transfer was a deliberate attempt to hinder legal proceedings. This case highlights the complexities of immigration law and the balance between security and civil liberties.

As the situation unfolds, both sides remain steadfast in their positions. The Trump administration aims to enforce its policies on national security. Meanwhile, Khalil’s legal team focuses on challenging the legality of his detention and transfer.

The broader implications of this case extend beyond Khalil’s individual circumstances. It raises critical questions about the scope of executive orders and judicial authority. The outcome may set precedents for future cases involving national security and individual rights.

Judge Furman’s ruling has added fuel to the ongoing debate on immigration policy. Advocates for stricter measures see this as a setback in protecting the country. Those in favor of Khalil’s rights argue for a fair legal process.

This case exemplifies the challenges faced by the Trump administration in implementing its immigration agenda. It also highlights the role of the judiciary in interpreting and enforcing the law. The legal proceedings will likely continue to draw attention from both sides of the political spectrum.

As the legal process unfolds, the focus remains on Khalil’s fate and the implications for U.S. immigration policy. The case serves as a reminder of the complexities involved in balancing security and individual freedoms. The nation watches closely as the legal battle progresses.


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  • This radical, numb nut, Judge Jesse M. Furman should be rounded up and sent with this anti-Semite whack to any 2nd rate Banana Republic they would like America to mirror! Short of that, send them both to that ‘terrorist’ holding facility in Cuba.

  • This communist, Furman, should be dealt with. Clearly he is not concerned with the damage terrorists can/have/will do to America.

    Maybe Furman should be deported to any communist/socialist/muslim country that will have him.

  • Since when do illegals have constitutional rights. This guys is here on a visa he let elapse. So his an illegal. Even if he had been legal, his a visitor in our country, he is supposed to obey all laws. This guy should not have even got a marriage license with out getting send back to his home country. The judge should be suspended until he is investigated as an enemy of the country. When one of the sleeper cell kills people it’s judges like him who will Trin them lose.

  • Freedom of Speech is about people, whom we don’t like, saying things, that we don’t like. In this country, we have the right to be a P.I.T.A. Until they cancel his legal residency, or he breaks the law, he gets to stay, and risk being robbed on the street.

  • I think a good idea would be to deport these illegals to the judges home town. If he doesn’t want them sent overseas let him live with them.

  • I think these spurious judges should be intensely investigated to determine their sources of income and their activities that might indicate preferential lawfare.

  • Deport all Muslims, citizens or not, from the West. Islam is antithetical to everything America and the west stands for.Islam continues to attack the Christian world for over 1400 years after Christianity was established peacefully in the middle east 600 years before militant and political islam was spawned from hell.

    The Hadith makes it clear that Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them or protect themselves. There are several forms: Taqiyya – Saying something that isn’t true as it relates to Muslim identity (i.e whether one is a Muslim or what that means).

    In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice. Generally, taqiya is the action of committing a sinful act for a pious goal. Hiding one’s beliefs under compulsion is common in many societies and religions. It has been a feature of Islam since its earliest days, and is acknowledged by Muslims of virtually all persuasions.

    Taqiyya was even cited in 2015 by Ben Carson, at the time a frontrunner for the Republican nomination, when he said no Muslim should ever be president of the United States. “Taqiyya is a component of Sharia that allows, and even encourages you, to lie to achieve your goals.”

    • CharlieSeattle, yes this is exactly the case and as I see it all Muslim do not belong in these United States and must go! The Constitution provides for it as they are an enemy within and cannot be allowed to continue their plan to TAKEOVER like the snake fake religious sect they are! It is a Political Ideology hell-bent and hell spawned to conquer the human race as they carry on paving the way for their Mahdi who will rule and bring on the end of the world! I add a further explanation after this for anyone interested based on a personal experience in this regard!

  • If some of these activist liberal “judges” would be made an example of in a very noticeable way, I would place a solid bet that this kind of gross overreach by other bought & paid for Marxist judges would stop with their anti-constitutional bs.

    • Yes Dr.BBA, their Treason must end and one way or another by God, it will be! They’ve placed themselves above God, the United States Constitution! Therefore they made themselves greatest enemies of both!

    • correct .. can you imagine if we went to their country . and started this bS . we would get a bullet in the head ..

  • In case anyone hasn’t noticed we the American Citizens are at war on many fronts and the enemies are many from several backgrounds who through evil forces are united and coalescing as one demonic force to destroy not only America but all that is good, that which is supportive of all that is holy and of God Almighty in Jesus’ name as this is all an antichrist action by evil!

    The following is a poignant message that came to me a few years back on Christmas Day!

    Aツaz Your own words; “live the way you want and not dictate as you are just a human and not a messenger of GOD, like Jesus and Muhammad were.” Muslim hoax” I am wondering how you equate a “hoax” with facts of an Islamic Empire” Wonder NO MORE, Pay attention and learn of your blaspheming error! You have a huge inaccuracy that needs to be corrected!
    Saying that Jesus is another prophet like Muhammad is blasphemous. First Jesus was not a mere prophet but was God Himself and therefore the Redeemer and Savior of Mankind as he said. Muhammad was only a “supposed” prophet and there is “irrefutable evidence in the historical text” of the time he lived that point to “his being an outright liar and heretic as well as a criminal and child molester along with his being a polygamist!”

    >The following statements are highly accurate and actually proven. “In 632, only months before he died, Muhammad apparently met for the first time with a Christian community as such. An official delegation of Christians, probably led by a bishop, came to Mecca from Najran in Yemen. After engaging the Christians in discussion, the Prophet is said to have realized that Christian teachings are indeed incompatible with Islam, after which the revelation followed that only Islam is acceptable to God as a religion. The Quran also says very specifically that those who refer to Jesus as God are blasphemers, and that Christians saying that Christ is the son of God is an imitation of Jews, who earlier had said that Ezra is the son of God. According to the Quran Jesus was only a servant; Jesus the son of Mary was no more than an apostle of God. Quranic verses dealing with Jesus’ death have been interpreted differently by commentators, but generally they have been taken to mean that Jesus did not die by crucifixion. For Christians the Quran has thus served as a denial of Jesus’ incarnation and death on the cross and of the reality of the Trinity.” (Oxford University Press)

    These two points alone put Islam and the Muslims completely at odds with Jesus Christ and all Christians and are the enemies of such! Muhammad himself began this conflict and was the spoiler and Heretic directly attacking God’s plan as foretold by all the previous prophets going all the way back to Abraham. Things have been in conflict because of Muhammad ever since and are getting worse, this will not resolve until Islam is Chastised or obliterated as a fake religion started by a false prophet and therefore heretic!

    In Summary Muslims are in complete denial of what Jesus Christ said and who He was which makes them Anti-Christ and supportive of the Devil and all that is unholy. Basically Muhammad started this Blasphemy back in 632 AD and outright declared War on Christendom! Islam you yourself stated is an EMPIRE which puts it in the category of being a Nation not a Religion! It is not a religion that is backed up with solid historical evidence and prophecy over time by many prophets other than what Muhammad said, he made it all up, the heretic! Islam seeks to conquer and must be stopped! And it will be! God’s avenging angels are going to obliterate Islam and any of its followers, they are minions of Satan!

    Yes Charlie, Islam and the Muslim are absolutely antithetical to everything that not only America stands for but they are against the actual genuine God Almighty who by his actually coming into this plane of existence in the personage of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ that was born through the Virgin Mary to save humanity making the Bible or Holy Scriptures all genuine and God’s inspired words!

    These United States of America are founded upon those words and the basic tenets or foundational principles upon which America stands are from God Himself as this Nation under God was created by men who believed in Him the one true God Almighty and thereby God graced them with His divine intervention raising this nation up!

    “I’ve lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth — That God governs in the Affairs of Men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his Notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without his Aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that except the Lord build the House they labor in vain who build it. I firmly believe this, — and I also believe that without his concurring Aid, we shall succeed in this political Building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our Projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a Reproach and Bye word down to future Ages.”

    Benjamin Franklin
    Speech to the Constitutional Convention (28 June 1787); Manuscript notes by Franklin preserved in the Library of Congress

    This is why evil Nancy Pelosi and others in Congress have now for years called the Constitution and such letters as this one outdated documents! Because she and they sold out and serve the father of all lies not We the People or God Almighty and so have invited these other liars right into Our Nation! They are all serving the father of all lies!
    This puts us in one hell of a mess!

    God help us in Jesus’ name!

    • If you want to gain insight whether a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindi or any background even an atheist listen to Sam Shamoun help this woman see God’s Truth! God bless you!
      In Jesus’ name. Amen.
