Donald Trump has once again stirred the political pot, this time by taking a swipe at the left with his latest proposal. Remember when Joe Biden had plans to bring on board 87,000 new IRS agents? In a bold move likely to have Democrats fuming, Trump is considering redirecting these new recruits to the southern border.
At a lively rally held at the Circa Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Trump made his intentions clear. “On day one, I immediately halted the hiring of any new IRS agents — you know, they hired… or tried to hire 88,000 new workers to go after you,” he declared.
“We’re in the process of developing a plan to either terminate all of them or maybe we’ll move them to the border. I think we’re going to move them to the border!” He emphasized his point, hinting at a plan that could shift the focus of these agents from financial investigations to border security.
The agents in question were originally intended for the IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division. This division plays a crucial role in tackling financial crimes, money laundering, tax-related identity theft, and even terrorist financing. They are authorized to carry firearms and use them when necessary, highlighting the serious nature of their tasks.
The IRS job posting was quite specific about the role’s requirements. It stated that all income, whether legal or illegal, could potentially lead to crimes under the IRS Criminal Investigation’s jurisdiction. The position demanded a high level of fitness and readiness to handle life-threatening situations.
Candidates needed to be prepared for arrests, search warrants, and other high-risk assignments, with the expectation that they would carry firearms and use deadly force if necessary.
Trump’s suggestion that these agents could be better utilized at the border rather than scrutinizing American taxpayers underscores his point about the government’s role. He believes the government should be working for its citizens, not imposing on them. The left argues that the IRS is about fairness and accountability, but many see it differently.
Biden’s initial proposal not only involved hiring additional agents but also expanding their authority to monitor Americans’ financial activities. This included lowering the threshold for bank transaction reporting from $10,000 to $600, a move intended to clamp down on illegal activities but seen by some as intrusive.
The idea of shifting IRS agents to the border taps into broader themes about national security and government overreach. Many conservatives argue that resources would be better spent protecting the country rather than examining citizens’ financial activities. This proposal, whether serious or rhetorical, highlights the ongoing debate over the role and reach of government agencies.
Trump’s bold rhetoric continues to resonate with a significant portion of the American public, particularly those who feel overburdened by government oversight. The notion of reallocating IRS agents to the border plays into fears about unchecked immigration and the perceived neglect of national security.
While critics may dismiss Trump’s proposal as impractical, it raises important questions about governmental priorities and resource allocation. The discussion about where to place these agents is also a reflection of larger concerns about the balance between security and personal freedom.
The IRS’s role in financial regulation is crucial, but Trump’s idea challenges whether their skills could be put to better use elsewhere. With border security being a hot-button issue, many believe that a more robust presence could deter illegal activities and enhance national safety.
Trump’s comments at the Las Vegas rally have certainly ignited discussions about the best way to utilize government resources. His call to redeploy IRS agents is seen by supporters as a strategic move to address pressing national concerns.
This proposal also touches on the broader ideological divide between those advocating for increased governmental oversight and those who prioritize individual freedoms. Trump’s stance is a reminder of his commitment to reshaping government to better serve its citizens.
As debates continue, the idea of IRS agents at the border remains a topic of interest, reflecting ongoing tensions about national priorities. Whether this proposal gains traction or not, it serves as a catalyst for examining how best to protect and serve the American people.
Ultimately, Trump’s suggestion is a reflection of his approach to governance: bold, unconventional, and always aimed at shaking things up. Whether it becomes a reality or remains a provocative talking point, it underscores his influence on the national discourse.
“87,000 NEW IRS AGENTS?” Just what America ‘doesn’t need,’ another 87,000 government employees! This outta-control, bloated sow, behemoth, government already employs more people than ALL of Corporate America COMBINED! As John Stossel would say, ‘GIVE ME A BREAK.”
Firewagon; absolutely you hot that proverbial nail smack dab on the head!
Unlike me; you “hit” that proverbial nail!
The taxpayers still have to pay for those thousands of newly hired IRS agents when Tom Homan is already doing a great job without them.
The Communist Democrats agenda was to go after Americans and harrass them threaten them and arrest them or in another instance shoot them.
Why would President Trump think the Communist Democrat IRS would follow his order.?
I Damn sure wouldn’t trust them.
Michael; absolutely these were eager beavers to work for that evil SOB Biden and Garland Criminal Gestapo Cabal to serve evil not good!
We don’t need any of those 87,000 Demoncraps doing any government jobs and especially in some type of enforcement; maybe we can find some toilet/cesspool cleaning work for them in the DC area, maybe even the Gulag that’s in great need of flushing out!
Other than that the nation needs to save money where it can so go flip some burgers!
This says it all to me about this previous “Biden Weaponized Government Gestapo;” I quote; “The left argues that the IRS is about fairness and accountability.”
Sure all “Demoncraps and Commie Leftists” see this that way, which is “totally bonkers” as usual like Biden, Harris, Garland and all Demoncraps actually think, on days that they have more than two active brain cells functioning, which is hardly ever; other than that they’re on autopilot ZOMBIE CONTROL!
These “Anti-American Commies” see this as meaning “they want fairness and accountability;” and now I ask where was that concern for such, when “Peaceful American Patriot Citizens” showed up at “a rally on J6” to ask their government to “please double check all the election results,” but “instead of being treated fairly” they were “set-up in Pelosi’s Entrapment Scheme” to “lock their American asses away in the DC Gulag!”
“Or what say you Squawkers,” about all “The 2020 Summer of Love Riots” across the Nation when “Antifa, BLM and other radical activists burned, looted and devastated cities while even rapes and some murders occurred in that melee” but none of those perps were put in any DC Gulag or even arrested, and yet all Giggles Harris could say was “the protests MUST continue” as cities were burning; where was all that fairness “you F’ed lying A-holes” are crying about “when all those criminals walked, but the J6’ers got slammed into the slammer!!!” C’mon tell you no good damned hypocrites!
Well put Lawrence. the Communist IRS should be fired, if anyone is hired by a Communist Anti-American hatred towards the People, then when their being questioned on how they feel about the Constitution or the American Citizens, then the only answer given is “I hate America and I’ll be loyal to Satan and Communism” and then they’ll get the job.
All Biden’s and Obama’s hires are far left and Evil POS, just look at what they’ve all done with their hatred.
Those Communist IRS turds Will turn on President Trump, just wait and see..
Michael; you just put it in a nutshell as that is the absolute truth and fact of the matter! They will turn on a dime and double-cross or even assassinate if they get the chance! They can never be trusted and certainly not hold any government positions or be given access to anything that is the People’s business!
What can you do with criminal minds and traitors? Nothing good that is for sure! They are poison to anything they are allowed to be involved in, and like Demoncraps have been known for over the years, “that they ruin everything they touch,” and you can take that to the bank; look what they did in just 4 freaking years to our Nation!
Please President Trump I pray that you dump them all into the box of useless nuts, bolts and screws that are striped and broken, not to be used for anything other than scrap or is that crap, Demon Crap!
Lawrence, I just hope that President Trump, will have something in mind to watch the Communist IRS who’ll violate their Oath and arrest them before they can do anything to harm President Trump.
The problem with President Trump, is he trust to many left overs from previous Communist Democrats and then they’ve turned on him,, just like the Former U.S. A.G., MILITARY LEADERS, etc. etc. He’s got to be prepared for their non loyalty.
Michael, absolutely totally agree that is like his Achilles heel and I pray he is totally sure of that past fault and stays hard as nails and praying to God in Jesus’ name to send the Holy Spirit to guide and protect him!
Note: Politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and most media folks, suggest most of you best do your research and educate yourselves on the details of envelopment operations for that is what Donald is bringing to American government at every level (see message below). At least dig your foxholes deeper and add overhead cover. Have a nice day. Soldier/Cop, Retired
America, we are once again on the path to make America great again. Why? Because over 75 million of us have re-elected the very first true ‘Battle Captain’ to ever serve as our President and Commander-in-Chief. Why do I say Donald Trump is our first true Battle Captain? Because, Donald Trump is the first president to regularly demonstrate that the ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ are a part of his character. The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ listed in the order of their importance as determined in a 1980 survey of 1645 ground combat veterans are: CANDOR, COMPETENCE, COMMITMENT, CONSISTENCY, COURAGE, COMPASSION, and COURTESY.
As one of the army officers charged with finding a true Battle Captain among all those army officers serving this nation from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam Conflict, I can testify that we only found one officer who made the grade of ‘Battle Captain’. And, he like Donald Trump was not a professional soldier. A year before the Battle of Gettysburg he was a college professor, yet most historians credit him for saving the Union Forces left flank and forcing General Lee to commit his forces to a frontal attack which failed. The Battle of Gettysburg is generally credited as the turning point of the Civil War and lead to the surrender of the Confederate Forces two years later.
Donald Trump has proven that he is indeed a Battle Captain. He has turned the attacks on our flanks and now I am confident he will succeed in an overwhelming envelopment of all the forces trying to destroy America. God bless and protect Donald Trump, and God Bless and protect America as we help Donald Trump make America great again. I leave you with one question. Are you willing to fight for America, your family, and/or yourself?
Soldier/Cop, Retired
C.W. LAUDERDALE; thank you for this timely and historical perspective, and as my father always told me as I learned over time how right he was, “to always put things into their proper perspective;” that speaking of which you have surely done here!
America is at war once again internally, and I have felt for a little while now, that it was becoming “do or die time for our Constitutional Republic” which has been fighting on “multiple battle fronts simultaneously” for quite a while now!
And how President Trump could possibly be the last President of these “United States of America” or by the grace of God Almighty, perhaps he is that “True Battle Captain” you speak of that will usher in a “Great New Beginning” for this formerly “One Nation under God!”
For this I pray!
Hey, lets use them for their intended reason. Let them go after all the companies that are illegally hiring the “undocumented workers” and not paying taxes on them as employees ! It is within the scope of their duties to seek out tax cheats !
How about instead of thousands of US agents with a gun going through the underwear drawers of American citizens, how about thousands of US agents going through the gun cabinets of illegal aliens?