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Finally, a judge who is taking a stand against tyranny in his jurisdiction.

Too many courts have allowed local anarchists to walk away free, just to have them go back out and terrorize/kill more people and destroy public and private property.

Though it is within their discretion to set bail as they deem the accused to be a risk to the community as a whole, a judge in Pennsylvania shot across the bows of many BLM and ANTIFA domestic terrorists, telling them don’t come to our neck of the woods, we enforce the law here.

A Pennsylvania judge threw the book at several protesters – setting their bail at $1 million each – for allegedly rioting in the wake of the police shooting of a knife-wielding Lancaster man.

Lancaster police arrested a dozen people and one juvenile for staging the riots around 3 a.m. Monday in clashes that culminated in police deploying tear gas at the crowd.

The overnight violence came on the heels of the death of Ricardo Munoz, the mentally ill 27-year-old who was seen on bodycam footage charging at a cop with a knife in hand. The officer shot and killed Munoz Sunday afternoon outside his mother’s house in downtown Lancaster.

Munoz’s family has said he suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and was off his medication at the time.

The officer involved in his shooting was responding to a 911 call placed by Munoz’s mother, stating that her son was getting “aggressive” with her and trying to break into her home, police said.

Regardless of the facts, an orchestrated mob formed almost immediately. All it took was a call from BLM or ANTIFA leadership to round up the domestic terrorists to get out and riot that night.

Why not, a police officer, who was following up on a domestic violence call from Muzos’s mother, gets chased by a man with a knife shooting him in self-defense.

The mob of marched from the scene of the shooting to the police station, chucking glass bottles, rocks, brick, gallon jugs filled with liquid and plastic road barricades at cops, police said. A county vehicle parked in front of the station was also damaged in their call for justice.

Twelve adults – Jamal Shariff Newman, 24; Barry Jones, 30; Frank Gaston, 43; Yoshua Dwayne Montague, 23; Matthew Modderman, 31; Talia Gessner, 18; Kathryn Patterson, 20; Taylor Enterline, 20; T-Jay Fry, 28; Dylan Davis, 28; Lee Alexander Wise, 29; Jessica Marie Lopez, 32 – face a long list of felony and misdemeanor charges, including arson, riot, institutional vandalism and criminal conspiracy.

A 16-year-old boy was also busted on riot, disorderly conduct, possession of instruments of crime, possession of a small amount of marijuana, propulsion of missiles onto a roadway, and institutional vandalism. Montague, of York, Pa., faces an additional charge of illegal possession of a firearm.

A local social justice warrior group, Lancaster Stands Up, stunned by the law and order, called on a number of elected officials, including Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace and Gov. Tom Wolf, to “to step in and defend Taylor, Kathryn and other peaceful protesters against the politically motivated actions of local law enforcement, prosecutors and judges.”

About 150 protesters returned to the streets Monday night calling for justice in Munoz’s death

“We want an answer,” Kassandra Orjales, 25, told the outlet. “The name of the officer should be known. If it was one of us, we’d be all over the news. We won’t be silent anymore.”

What answer do you want, Kassandra? The name of the officer?

So you can stalk the police officer, and like in Compton, send off one of your kids to ambush him, as you say “I hope he dies”?

There are a lot of really ignorant youth in our country who are driven by emotion, which leaves no room for logic, thus not in reality.

Justice demand jail sentences, I hope this group ALL go away for enough time to help them see the light, out of darkness.

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