Joe Biden Caught Again Using Teleprompter During Interviews

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Dems will go whatever lengths necessary to make sure that Donald Trump does not win another election.

Remember when former DNC Chair Donna Brazile was caught giving questions to the Hillary Campaign before her TV appearance?

CNN, NY Times, ABC News, Axios, etc, are complicit in working to get a man elected the President Of The United States, who could not perform the duties of the office, starting day one.

It seems even with the interviews and questions pre-planned and pre-scripted, Joe and his team just can’t get it right.

Via Gateway Pundit

On September 12th we reported for the first time evidence of Biden using a teleprompter.

While Biden was holding up to the camera a large framed photograph of himself with his two sons, Hunter and Beau, when they were in college, a reflection of the monitor could be seen.

In the upper left as seen in the reflection is the feed from Biden, lower right is Cordon, lower left is hard to see but the upper right shows type-written words in green and blue.  The media at that time defended Joe Biden by saying the script was for their reporters and not Joe Biden.

A video clip was posted that went viral and caught the attention of Republicans and others:

People were wondering what Biden meant in an interview recently where Biden says “I lost that line”. 

From the picture above Biden clearly has a TV next to himself.  He misses a line and lets us know it.  The guy is a mess.

His campaign and reporters later said the Teleprompter was for a caller to the show. Why would they need a teleprompter for a caller to the show?

No shame on the left.

As devotees of Saul Alinsky, the rules to keep the pressure on and the “ends justifies the means”, to name a few, are all the justification they need.

They deceive, lie when asked, and even remain silent during violence, if in the end President Trump is not re-elected.

Joe Biden can’t do a full-time schedule when he needs to provide content uses a teleprompter, and in reality, is just a Manchurian candidate who would do the bidding of very dangerous people if elected.

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