California business owners are reeling after being blindsided by a surprise increase in payroll taxes. The unexpected financial burden stems from the state’s failure to repay a federal unemployment insurance loan on time, a mishap that many blame on Governor Gavin Newsom and Democratic legislators.
At the heart of the issue lies California’s unemployment insurance fund, which went deeply into debt during the COVID-19 pandemic. To sustain the unprecedented demand for unemployment benefits, the state borrowed heavily from the federal government. The loans, though necessary at the time, came with a clear deadline: they had to be repaid by November 10, 2023, to avoid automatic tax increases on employers.
California missed the repayment deadline. As a result, a Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) credit reduction was triggered. Employers, who typically pay a FUTA tax rate of 0.6% on the first $7,000 of each employee’s wages, will now face a 0.3% increase per employee annually. While this might seem modest, the cumulative impact across thousands of businesses and millions of employees amounts to a significant financial hit.
Business owners expressed frustration over the state government’s failure to communicate the looming tax hike. Many argued that they had no idea about the repayment deadline or the consequences of missing it.
“We’ve already faced countless challenges with inflation, supply chain disruptions, and labor shortages,” said Maria Lopez, a small business owner in Los Angeles. “Now, we’re being forced to cover the state’s shortfall with no warning. It feels like a betrayal.”
Critics have pointed out that California is not the only state to borrow from the federal government during the pandemic. However, most other states managed to repay their loans on time, sparing their businesses from similar tax increases.
Governor Newsom and Democratic lawmakers have faced intense criticism for their handling of the issue. Republicans and business advocacy groups argue that the state had ample resources to avoid this situation.
“California had a record budget surplus just a year ago,” said Assemblymember James Gallagher, a Republican. “Instead of addressing long-term liabilities like the unemployment insurance debt, the governor and legislature chose to fund pet projects and expand programs.”
Gallagher’s sentiments were echoed by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), which called the tax hike “completely avoidable.”
In defense, Democratic lawmakers have argued that repaying the unemployment debt was a complex issue, exacerbated by the scale of the pandemic. They insist that the state prioritized immediate relief measures to support workers and families. However, critics argue that failing to repay the debt in a timely manner shows poor fiscal planning.
The increased FUTA tax will disproportionately impact small and medium-sized businesses, which often operate on tight margins. Many owners are worried about how the extra costs will affect their ability to retain employees and stay competitive.
“It’s not just about the extra few dollars per employee,” said Rajesh Patel, who owns a small chain of restaurants in the Bay Area. “It’s about trust. How can we plan for the future when surprises like this keep popping up?”
Some businesses fear the added tax burden will lead to higher prices for consumers, layoffs, or reduced growth opportunities. Others worry about the precedent this sets for future state financial obligations.
With California’s unemployment insurance fund still running a significant deficit, the recent tax hike may not be the last. Experts warn that unless the state takes immediate action to address its financial shortfall, employers could face further FUTA credit reductions in subsequent years.
The situation has reignited debates over the management of California’s economy. While Newsom has touted the state’s economic resilience and progressive policies, critics argue that mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibility are driving businesses and residents out of the state.
“California has an extraordinary economy, but it’s being weighed down by poor governance,” said Mark Vitner, a senior economist. “This payroll tax increase is just another example of how policies are alienating the very businesses that fuel the state’s growth.”
As business owners scramble to adjust their budgets and brace for future uncertainties, one thing is clear: the fallout from this misstep will linger, adding to growing frustrations among California’s business community. The question now is whether state leaders will take meaningful steps to prevent a repeat of this costly mistake—or if businesses will continue to bear the brunt of Sacramento’s fiscal decisions.
Well what did they expect.?
Commifornia voted Newscum in and backed the Communist POS when the required signatures passed the required numbers and were turned in to remove the son of a bitch from office.!
But the criminals denied it and spit in the faces of the voters, so the real question is; How much did Newscum and his constituents pocket from the loan.?
It just goes to show that Commifornia has become a full blown Anti-American Communist mini Venezuela and Communist China, who’s politicians are superior over the voters and will remain in power for life (or so they think so).
Remember, you voted for the Communist Democrats and now your stuck with it.
Michael my Brother, you “hit the proverbial nail smack dab on the head;” I’m sure millions would like this snakes head, the so called governor, to get the smacking “due to all of his Commie Lacking!”
Commiefornication’s administration has been” circling the drain for years” and “like a whirlpool will pull everything down with it” unless the People (Citizens) “Give this Creep Governor and many of the State’s political representatives the boot!” Time to “flush and clean house decisively” without any hesitation or that State is going down!
It’s now “push came to shove” for “the People to act” in bold unity cohesively and get her done!
Meaning somebody file charges for “breach of their oath of office” or “any wrongdoing” in order to get them “expelled out of those political offices;” anyone can be removed from office if they do not fulfill their obligations of office; in other words “fired” just like any of us can be from our jobs!
I’m saying, people don’t just sit around waiting for things to change for the better, “start petitions to remove these despots from office,” they are not kings and queens though they act like they think they are!
You said it perfectly brother. I couldn’t have said it any better.
Now; The voters had better wake up and learn a lesson on who to vote for and no more votes to anyone who’s related to other Communist politicians as a relative to;
Nancy Piglosi, Adam Shit, Gavin Newscum (Nephew to Piglosi) or his Son or daughter, Demon face Waters Family, etc.
The voters need to understand that Communist Democrats never keep their promises and disregard the American Citizens and always side with our enemies.
Yes all true and they have no problem serving Satan!
Please don’t kill him.
Figure of speech, expressing contempt and disgust. Just think, in about 3 years, the DNC is likely to nominate him for the White House and all his failures will be exposed for all the world to see. Hopefully, after 4 years, Donald Trump’s successes will prove to that same world that despite all the hostility that he will navigate, he was the right man at the right time to reset the country’s direction, and someone like Newsom is completely unwanted. MAGA
Well said Sandy.
That’s the truth!
I hope they do, he is a sorry a=s gay scumbag.
When are California Asshole going to wake up fire asshole Newsom he’s going to bankrupt the state of California and you dumb schmucks are the ones to bail him out this dumbass isn’t a leader he’s a disgrace spender. How much more do you want to pay to live in California is on the verge of bankruptcy and he’s the only one to blame. And this dumbass jackass think people are going to vote him president I am pissing my self laughing.
Newsom and Harris complete failures to America disgraceful
Must be something in the water.
Sue, it’s gotta be something in the water or food tampered with, how else can they keep voting for liars and thieves and cheats, the voters must love living with high taxes, and slaves to Communist rules.
God, I’m glad I’m living in a Great State of Texas.
This is what happens when idiots and morons are thinking and performing job tasks that require cognitive abilities exceeding their current understanding or capacity. Calif Gov No-Load is a perfect example of this, but then again so is it an example of Empty Head Biden and Cackles the Clown Harris.
I hope they do, this sorry a=s gay worthless scumbag.
Getting really tired of bailing out asshole Newsom corrupt leadership. Tired of him make Asshole decisions that affect everyone and horrible decisions that always taxpayers have to pay for every mistake this schmuck makes. We in hell doesn’t he go after the people or companies that stole covid funds. He destroyed California so bad business and people are leaving the state and no one is moving in to replace them. Then he’s going to say again California is bankrupt and we need to raise taxes again. Newsom drove the stake in the hearts of Californians people and it’s never going to get better under his failed leadership. It’s time to remove him in less you like living in a expensive cesspool. Make this asshole step down with a no confidence order. California sucks to dam expensive to live and visit there.
Murder? No!
Governor Gavin Newsom and other Marxists must be convicted of crimes that they can go to prison or be hanged for.
You California Libtard Democraps voted for your political leaders. nobody is going to cry a tear 4U as elections have consequences. Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again expecting to get different results. vote Republican.
Exactly, some people just love putting the noose around their own sorry ass necks in a manner of speaking and let it all go to hell for all they care! Leftism and Far liberal thinking does that to the mind, makes it gobbledygook!
Look at all of the insane, evil and despotic politicians elected in Californication, its unreal! Maxine the crazy machine, Adamn Schit, Newscum, Piglosi, KamaChameleon and on and on!
I lived there years ago when it was all good; and what a hellhole they made out of a once thriving beautiful state!
Well well well, now Gavin Newscum has stated that $64 Billion dollars of taxpayer money is now missing.!
Where’s the stolen money at.! you lieing, thieving Anti-American Communist Democrat prick.!
Take that Communist asshole and boil him in hot oil until his skin melts off.!
Remember when $ billions of dollars went missing when he wanted the bullet train built.!
Where’s the money Newscum.?
Just like all the Communist Democrats in Washington DC claiming $ Billions of taxpayers Money is missing and a $ Trillion dollars was spent on pork for investing in Transgenders skating in the name of Climate Change, and Kittens being tortured by An inhumane fake Dr. Fauci and sending $ millions to Brazil to groom young girls for speakers on Climate change, And $ billions to Iran, And $ millions to see if lonely rats crave Cocain, and so much more.
Communist Democrats in Washington DC and the Communist Democrat voters are the absolute lowest IQ morons to ever walk, and the Communist Voters don’t seem to be bothered by their Stupidity.
Well it’s obviously time for Special OPS!
This enemy is obviously destroying Commiefornia Intentionally!
“We’ve already faced countless challenges with inflation, supply chain disruptions, and labor shortages,” said Maria Lopez, a small business owner in Los Angeles. “Now, we’re being forced to cover the state’s shortfall with no warning. It feels like a betrayal.”
Thank Democrats for all of the above for the last 4 years ! But hey, according to Biden, everything was perfect for the last 4 years, where ever his mind wandered off to !
Ted; Maria Lopez said it quite well, and I completely sympathize with her or anyone that’s been put in that position by these derelict maniacs in positions of leadership! Whereby they have ripped us all off to the bone; and then laugh all the way to the bank, not having one IOTA of concern for all the havoc and destruction they’ve left behind them!
Yes Maria, an unconscionable “betrayal” it is! Time for trials and appropriate sentences to be carried out at GITMO!
Should’ve got rid of that Newsom stupid dumbass asshole years ago.
You allowed him to destroy California and keep destroying your lives. Look how many business closed up shop because of robberies and thefts and ones that went bankrupt. Every day this schmuck stays in office your loosing tax dollars when big companies close or leave the sh-t hole state of California.
It’s your problem now because he bankrupt the state. California is in big financial trouble and this asshole keeps digging deeper
And taxpayers are The ones who have to bail out Newsum
All true and I wonder if he is digging deeper trying to get closer to his Master in hell!
Newsom owns a wine making company make this schmuck have to charge a thousand dollars more per bottle sold see how he likes others people hands in his pocket. He created California’s
Bankrupt policies and made business close up shop because of his stupid minimum wage disaster increase. Noe a 5.00 hamburger costs 20.00 dollars Newsom is a incompetent corrupt democrat asshole politician who is a disgrace to his state. And pretty boy thought he had a chance at because president ha. President of what a cesspool company became he’s so full of sh-t. California your already bankrupt Newsom keeps playing games with moving money around. He spending more than he gets from taxpayers and the more business close and people move out makes even worse than means taxes have to go up to cover his corruption losses. I will never go back