Senator Rand Paul recently appeared on Fox Business with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the federal government’s role in disaster relief, particularly in response to California’s devastating wildfires. Known for his staunch advocacy of fiscal responsibility, Paul raised critical questions about the effectiveness of current spending, the competence of local officials, and the broader implications of borrowing money for disaster aid.
Bartiromo began by asking Paul if federal aid was necessary to support Californians affected by the wildfires. While expressing empathy for the victims, Paul criticized the federal government’s approach to funding relief efforts.
“Well, I think all of America is horrified by the personal distress, the loss of property, and the devastation we’re seeing,” Paul said. “But there is a question: should we just keep borrowing the money or putting it up? No, I think the money has to come from real money through taxation or what have you.”
Paul argued that instead of adding to the national debt, existing federal funds should be reallocated. He highlighted the billions already provided to California and suggested that those resources could be redirected to wildfire prevention and response.
“We give billions of dollars already to California; maybe some of that money could be rechanneled into an effort,” Paul proposed.
The senator also questioned whether state-level policies and practices contribute to the increased frequency and intensity of wildfires in California. He compared the state’s fire risks with those in Texas, where wildfires are reportedly less severe.
“Are there man-made or governmental reasons why fires are increasing in California but decreasing in Texas?” Paul asked. “Worldwide, fires are on a downward slope in terms of total burned areas, but in California, they’re up. Does it have to do with management of brush? Can we mechanically remove brush? Can we use prescribed fires to reduce fuel loads so we don’t have such catastrophic fires?”
Paul emphasized the need for better forest management practices and suggested that disaster relief funds should be tied to proactive measures that reduce future risks.
A significant portion of Paul’s argument focused on ensuring fiscal responsibility and accountability for disaster relief spending. He questioned the competence of those managing the funds, cautioning against allocating money without oversight.
“Without question, we have to ask about the competence of the people you’re talking about giving the money to before you do it,” Paul stated.
The senator also used the opportunity to highlight broader issues of government waste. Citing his annual “Festivus Waste Report,” Paul pointed to questionable spending at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which allocated $759 million to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
“I thought they were doing science over there, but apparently, they’re doing racial BS over there,” Paul remarked. “There’s a lot of money like that throughout government. Let’s cut those things and move it over to disaster relief. Let’s not just add to the debt.”
Paul criticized members of both political parties for their approach to disaster aid funding, accusing them of treating such expenditures as a blank check.
“Many Democrats and many Republicans will say, ‘Oh, you don’t have to pay for disaster aid.’ That’s the one thing we never pay for. But it’s every month. It was a month ago we borrowed $100 billion for North Carolina, and now we’re doing it again,” Paul said.
He argued that existing funds provided to California should be reallocated to prioritize better forest management and disaster preparedness, rather than simply increasing spending.
Paul’s remarks underscore his broader call for fiscal responsibility and reevaluating government spending priorities. As natural disasters become more frequent and severe, the nation faces mounting challenges in balancing immediate relief needs with long-term financial sustainability.
The senator’s comments also highlight a growing debate about the role of state versus federal governments in disaster management. Critics of California’s approach argue that poor forest management and overregulation have exacerbated wildfire risks, while proponents emphasize the need for federal support to address the scale of the problem.
As the wildfire crisis in California continues, Paul’s remarks have added another layer to the discussion about how best to allocate resources for disaster relief. His call for accountability and proactive measures could shape future debates about the federal government’s role in funding and managing disaster responses.
For Paul, the focus remains clear: ensuring that taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and that aid goes toward solutions that prevent future crises. Whether his proposals gain traction in a divided political landscape remains to be seen.
Look for the relief funds in the bank accounts of Pelosi’s, Schiff, McCarthy along with every other Californication Senator or Congress member and especially all assets of Newscum with all of his unholy cronies! They all need to and must suffer for what they have done!
““Worldwide, fires are on a downward slope in terms of total burned areas, but in California, they’re up….” Helping that along are the ‘ARSONISTS’ that have been ‘setting’ many of CA’s “wildfires!” However, even “arsonists” need FUEL to work their fires. There are more than a few to point fingers of blame at in the LOST state of California! I am with Paul, bailing out those who DO NOT ‘help themselves’ is nothing but incentivizing the same misguided actions that brought them to LOSING it all!
True, it is nothing less than criminals supporting criminals and evil behavior! I would include all of the culprits in the nothing less than RICO Organized Crime Statute Violators category! I mean give me a break look at the political landscape chock-full of kickbacks and money laundering just for starters! Obama and Kerry made $Millions on the Iran payoff when they personally flew in pallet loads of greenbacks for the supposed money owed Iran from contracts and purchased decades ago! So they say we owed one of the worst of terrorist sponsoring states throughout the Middle East and beyond all that loot! BULLSHIT!
Given Newscum is asking for $ 25-million dollars to fight against America’s real President Donald Trump, and he also banned Pellet Guns, BB Guns and Toy Nerf Guns as if it’s a priority instead of the real problem; THE FIRES SREADING ACROSS THE LAND YOU COMMUNIST FUC*ING DUMBASS NEWSCUM.!!
They’ve even fired real experienced Firefighters because they refused to get the Deadly Covid Shot.!Donald Trump memorabilia
But they continue to push DEI and Transgenders which is warping young minds and they keep saying the fires are caused by Climate Change.!
Then why hasn’t that bullshit Climate Change effected neighboring States like Washington and Oregon.?
So Newscum is saying Climate Change only targeted Commifornia.?
What an incompetent Moron Lieing Communist Piss poor Governor.
So far there’s 24 dead and Newscum pits the blame on everything else but himself and his Communist Democrats in his fake money stealing Administration.!
Better get prepared Newscum, your time is coming.!!
That evil inhuman psycho has children getting their immature bodies mutilated without parental consent to transgender them and if that isn’t Satanic I’m Mary Poppins! It’s also Communist!
He’s turned that state inside out and made it a New Sodom and Gomorrah, now its burning!
I totally agree that no more money be wasted on CALIPHONIA and is rich population, let them use their millions to rebuild not the tax monies that WE the PEOPLE are subjected to pay and then it being misused by those corrupt elected here in CALIFORNICA! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Agree with you Firewagon.. with emphasize that the state of California has recently proven they CANNOT manage Billions in federal funding. $24 Billion is unaccounted for, and if they don’t even want to account for 24 Thousand Million dollars of taxpayer money, the State government of California cannot be trusted with additional funding. When the State Government makes uninformed, illogical and uneducated decisions about what to do with millions and millions and millions of gallons of fresh water based on a nearly non-existent fish, those leaders need to be fired and/or indicted. They should no longer enjoy the trust of the citizens of California.
THEY* can lie in it!
The 6-billion dollars Newscum claims got lost, could have been used to help open water supply and train firefighters and stop this LGBTQ bullshit.! The people should be asking Newscum, “Where’s the Money Newscum”?
And it’s also been revealed that the incompetent untrained fire Department is pro LGBTQ and the new fire Chief is unqualified Lesbien and the fake firefighters used purses full of water to throw on the fire. Just how is that going to make a difference.?
That is Commifornia America, you have to be Homosexual, Black or Brown while white males were turned down for the job.
Where’s the Money Newscum.?
Michael you’re right and it’s nothing less than organized crime because this cabal does not follow the US Constitution at all so let us see all the evidence they think they have to justify any of these actions!!! They have squat and are nothing but liars and swindlers!
“Enemies Within” and the US Constitution is quite specific about how to deal with such ilk!
I don’t care what anybody says I just want to see “Rule of Law and Justice Served” in these “horrible ordeals of criminality” and start at the top with Newscum!
RIGHT ON brother! Why do WE the PEOPLE have to pay for the mismanagement of this state when those who are supposedly in charge are supposed to protect US WE the PEOPLE and WE the PEOPLE should bring criminal charges against these supposed leaders who lead US into bankruptcy. Newscum must be charged with his criminality and misuse of OUR tax monies. Time to arrest these f’n pieces of camel dung! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!
Reginald P Zenkewich, absolutely and what you said here; “supposed to protect US WE the PEOPLE,” that is there first and foremost oath of office they swear to uphold, but as we see here in this horrible catastrophe they do quite the opposite and do nothing for “We the People” while they grossly enrich themselves carrying out agendas that have no such purpose, and they instead play the part of despotic rulers and evil kings!
Justice is long overdue in America and there are too many to name who should be tried and executed at GITMO! Will it happen, we have no way of knowing for sure, but, I do pray that God will intervene and strengthen His truly faithful to do His will, and bring this justice to all who deserve to pay for their crimes!
If there’s no Federal Aid for Asheville North Carolina, then there’s no Federal Aid for Californication. Right is right and fair is fair.
Great point and these hypocrites have to start going to the Big House!
I believe the best solution to the cause of fires here in California is because of the amount of brush that covers the ground. So why doesn’t Cal Fire instead of the men and women just sitting around waiting for a fire to break out they should be out in urban areas removing the brush and then there will be less fuel for devastating fires as there will be les fuel to burn. DOESEN”T this make more sense than allowing foreign countries instead of other entities of this nation to volunteer their services to help in fighting these fires.
Reginald P Zenkewich, again you are correct and decades ago when I lived in Cali they used to do just that but this is criminal what they’ve allowed to fester like an open infected wound of the landscape and I say this catastrophe was nearly 100% avoidable so yes it’s a CRIME!!! They only had to maintain past programs to prevent buildup of dry tinder along with maintaining a strong a knowledgeable fire department with dedicated staff! They’ve done the opposite and in fact set a fire of mega-catastrophe proportions! What a sin this is!
Given Newscum is asking for $ 25-million dollars to fight against America’s real President Donald Trump, and he also banned Pellet Guns, BB Guns and Toy Nerf Guns as if it’s a priority instead of the real problem; THE FIRES SREADING ACROSS THE LAND YOU COMMUNIST FUC*ING DUMBASS NEWSCUM.!!
They’ve even fired real experienced Firefighters because they refused to get the Deadly Covid Shot.!
But they continue to push DEI which is warping young minds and they keep saying the fires are caused by Climate Change.!
Then why hasn’t that bullshit Climate Change effected neighboring States like Washington and Oregon.?
So Newscum is saying Climate Change only targeted Commifornia.?
What an incompetent Moron Lieing Communist Piss poor Governor.
So far there’s 24 dead and Newscum pits the blame on everything else but him and his Communist Democrats in his fake money stealing Administration.!
Get ready,, your days are coming Newscum.!
Michael; absolutely to the heart of this evil as you state it! Newscum is an unhinged megalomaniac, psychopathic and demonic perpetrator of evil upon that entire state and its people! He’s ruined the state, and brought countless numbers of horrid people (gang bangers, drug cartels, and organized crime gangs, mentally ill and thoroughly useless vagabonds) from foreign lands about 150 countries; to add to the devastation and financial crises that now overwhelms that entire region of the Nation! Newscum is saying, hey you idiot stupid Americans, you need to cough up and pay for all of this and while you’re at it become enslaved communists!!! Over my dead body you puke from hell!
Time for that useless evil POS to be tried and executed for Crimes Against Humanity and Murder!
That’s the truth brother, everything you and I are finding out about that Meglamaniac Demon disguised as a Human like a wolf in sheep’s clothing he’s still got control over thousands if not millions of people, while some are now calling those who are telling Newscum, and the Mayor to resign are going on Television saying those people are RACIST, since the Mayor is black..
Here they go again, using the Race Card as Communist Democrat voters do every time people call out an Illegitimate, incompetent self absorbed idiot for not doing their job..
Are we living in an alternate universe because it sure seems that way every time a Communist Democrat opens his/her mouth.
Just look at the Communist Democrats in Washington DC, that complete stupid people keep voting in office.
Spot-on again Michael, and that’s all so true! I knew years ago when Soros installed that Law Enforcement Judicial Puppet Gascón; as stated in the news a while ago; “DA George Gascón has miserably failed to protect our residents, leading to a spiral of lawlessness that endangers all L.A. County residents,” Hochman said as NBC News which finally reported and said in this regard!
I use the term quite often when talking about the many out of control massive problems and issues going on everywhere of “Graveyard Spiral” the Aviator Term I learned years ago studying flight technology which always stuck with me because it’s “a scary thought” of when the “aircraft loses its lift capability and all lift surfaces fail along with all flight control capability” being hopelessly out of control; and in this case California has been heading toward this condition and obviously has reached it without any doubt, as it is now “one unsustainable hellhole” if I ever saw one, and once it was a dreamy place both figuratively and literally when I lived in it!
Back to Soros I add that he has served Satan directly as he does now with that demonic Governor; and so this was all a calculated plan straight from “the father of all lies” and the many cohorts, servants and minions of the Devil have done a bang up job of bringing it all to a head!
I agree with Rand Paul. It is not just disaster relief that is questionable. It seems our federal government always tries to find the most expensive response to all crises. Example: instead of using effective, inexpensive (Ivermecterin) to treat COVID they promoted the more expensive alternatives.
Charlie; even the WRONG alternatives! Organized crime is what we call this and the rackets go on so the fat cats and criminals roll in the dough; and it doesn’t matter how many peons suffer or die in the process, that is our government now!
I agree with Rand Paul. It is not just disaster relief that is questionable. It seems our federal government always tries to find the most expensive response to all crises. Example: instead of using effective, inexpensive (Ivermecterin) to treat COVID they promoted the more expensive alternatives.
Rand Paul said they borrowed $100 billion for North Carolina, where did that money go and I feel bad for the people of califuckedupfornia, but, now they want us the taxpayers to pony up for their ineptitude, look in the bank accounts of Newsome and Bass and their offshore accounts also, since they were more worried about bullshit dei, let them pay for the destruction they caused !!!!!
Donna you are on track! First all of their assets local and offshore accounts and all property much be seized as well any individuals who are and have been connected to their rise to power and shenanigans as partner conspirators or enablers like Soros then lock them all up including Soros! Out of them that should be many hundreds of billions to give somewhat a leg up to fix the hell they created, but not one thin dime comes out of any of us the US Taxpayers for any of this bogus act they are trying to pull off!