The writing is on the wall.

The Bird Flu that is reportedly spreading to livestock has energized a hard push to inject cattle with new “vaccines” that are miraculously being prepared for distribution in record time.

The incessant tainting of the food supply is gaining momentum.

Rise of the “Lifestyle Prepper”

“We’re getting ahead of this as quickly as possible,” said JD Rucker, CEO of Prepper All-Naturals. “Our ranchers are preparing to take up the fight when state or federal regulations and mandates rear their ugly head.”

There have already been moves made to demonize beef and milk by corporate media despite the fact that there have only been three known cases of Bird Flu from beef in humans. None of the cases have caused experienced serious health issues.

The push for new injections has been in play since before Bird Flu spread to cattle, but this latest boogeyman has drawn the most attention from both government and media. All natural foods are under attack in some form but beef is the primary target.

“Over the last few months we’ve scaled up production but demand is obviously high,” Rucker said. “People are concerned about attacks against beef and rightly so, which is why we’re encouraging Americans to stock up on as much long-term storage steaks as possible.”

Prepper All-Naturals has all of their 25-year shelf-life beef on sale for 15% off with promo code “cleancows”. Their Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, and Sirloin are cut from Texas-born-and-raised cattle and have only one ingredient: Beef.

As states and the federal government rush regulations to force Bird Flu “vaccines” on cattle, it behooves Americans to accumulate bags of freeze dried steak for today and beyond.


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  • Amazing how fast the corrupt government can come up with vaccines for cattle but the American people can get meds they need to survive. Hence the word corrupt!!! We have way too much government trying to mandate us to death!!! Covid vaccines that DID NOT do anything to PREVENT COVID unlike say a polio vaccine that eradicated polio!!!!! That’s what vaccines are supposed to do but the great covid scare vaccine did NOTHING except make politicians and big pharma richer!!!! We the people can decide for ourselves what we need and want!!!

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