In a bombshell revelation during a 60 Minutes interview, outgoing FBI Director Christopher Wray disclosed that Chinese cyber operatives have embedded malware in critical U.S. infrastructure. These cyber weapons, which target essential systems like water treatment facilities, energy grids, gas pipelines, telecommunications, and transportation networks, could be activated at any moment, leaving the nation vulnerable to large-scale disruptions.
Wray’s candid remarks marked a stark departure from his controversial tenure, which critics argue focused on politically charged investigations while neglecting mounting national security threats. Now, as his leadership draws to a close, Wray is issuing a dire warning about what he calls “one of the most pressing threats to U.S. national security.”
“China’s cyber program is by far the world’s largest,” Wray stated. “They’ve stolen more of Americans’ personal and corporate data than every other nation combined. But beyond cyber theft, there’s another part of the Chinese threat that hasn’t received the attention it deserves: their pre-positioning on American civilian critical infrastructure. They’re lying in wait on those networks, ready to inflict real-world harm at a time and place of their choosing.”
When pressed by interviewer Scott Pelley, Wray confirmed that these threats aren’t hypothetical. Malware has already been embedded into systems critical to daily American life.
Scott Pelley:
“The Chinese have already insinuated malware into critical American infrastructure?”
Chris Wray:
“That’s correct.”
Scott Pelley:
“Like what?”
Chris Wray:
“Water treatment plants, transportation systems, energy grids, natural gas pipelines. Recently, we’ve seen targeting of our telecommunications systems.”
🚨FBI DIRECTOR WRAY: “The Chinese government is prepositioning on American civilian critical infrastructure to lie in wait on those networks to be in a position to wreak havoc & inflict real world harm at a time & place of their choosing.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 12, 2025
Wray’s revelations have sparked significant backlash, not just for the severity of the threat but also for the timing. Many are questioning why the FBI director waited until mere days before his forced retirement to share this critical information.
Critics argue that Wray’s tenure as FBI director was marked by missteps and misplaced priorities, leaving glaring vulnerabilities in the nation’s cyber defenses.
Under his leadership, the FBI pursued controversial investigations into parents protesting at school board meetings, labeled pro-life advocates as domestic threats, and focused extensively on January 6 protesters, including those with no history of violence. Meanwhile, cyber threats from adversaries like China continued to grow unchecked.
Wray also repeatedly emphasized “white supremacy” as the greatest domestic threat facing the United States, a claim that drew sharp criticism for its focus on ideology rather than tangible security risks.
Wray’s FBI was not without controversy. The agency became embroiled in high-profile scandals, including:
- FISA Abuses: Widespread criticism over improper surveillance practices.
- Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression: Allegations that the FBI downplayed evidence in the laptop investigation to avoid political fallout.
- Politically Charged Investigations: Focus on ideological targets while leaving major cyber threats underaddressed.
Now, with Wray’s warning about China’s cyber program, critics are questioning whether his priorities as FBI director left the country more vulnerable than ever.
The implications of China’s embedded malware are vast. Wray’s warning suggests that the nation’s critical infrastructure is a ticking time bomb. Should these cyber weapons be activated, the result could be catastrophic disruptions to essential services, paralyzing daily life and undermining national security.
From water treatment facilities to energy grids and telecommunications, these systems form the backbone of America’s functionality. Experts warn that such vulnerabilities could provide China with a strategic advantage in any potential conflict, allowing them to cripple the U.S. economy and defense systems without firing a single shot.
With Wray stepping down, the responsibility now falls on the incoming FBI leadership, the Department of Homeland Security, and other national security agencies to address these alarming vulnerabilities. Bolstering cyber defenses and countering adversarial threats will require bipartisan cooperation and significant investment in cybersecurity infrastructure.
Congress, too, must act decisively. Some lawmakers have already proposed measures to strengthen critical infrastructure defenses and reduce dependence on foreign technologies vulnerable to exploitation.
Wray’s warning is a wake-up call to the nation: America’s critical systems are already compromised, and the threat is real. Whether his eleventh-hour revelations will spur action remains to be seen. What’s clear, however, is that the time to address this silent cyber war is now—before it’s too late.
Of course the Communist Chinese Party are a threat to our National Security and a Cyber Threat, Biden and his puppet masters allowed China into our country for $ Millions which they’ve sold out America.!
All Communist Democrats are Traitors and they voted Yeah every time to spend $ Billions and $ Trillions just to destroy America’s Economy.!
They’ve Voted Yeah to keep the Border open and voted against the Lanken Riley act.
Therfore the Communist Democrats deserve the Death Penalty PERIOD.!!
I vote Yeah that’s the truth to all you stated has really been going on; and especially what should happen to the culpable Traitors!
Glad to get rid of Wray, what has he done to protect the U.S., NOTHING.
Hey Wray while all of this was being accomplished by America’s staunchest formidable enemy you’ve been out to lunch or too busy playing Partisan Demoncrap Communist Party’s right hand man to weaponize the FBI, and like Garland in the DOJ turn these agencies into tools to be used against political opposition, American Citizens and our Constitutional Republic!
Wray this is your department so what have you been doing about everything. Your the one who should take all the blame. You and your administration should all be held responsible and fired immediately.
In a quiet yet bold move, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has granted amnesty to 850,000 illegal immigrants in what critics are calling a deliberate and underhanded attempt by the Biden administration to sabotage incoming President Donald Trump’s immigration agenda. This sweeping action, executed just days before Biden leaves office, is being slammed as a calculated effort to entrench open-border policies and undermine future enforcement.
The 18-month extension of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program shields 234,000 Salvadorans and 600,000 Venezuelans from deportation. Mayorkas justified the decision by citing recent bad weather in El Salvador and political instability in Venezuela—excuses critics argue are flimsy cover for a radical immigration agenda. Work permits for these migrants are now automatically extended through March 2026.
Critics believe this move was intentionally timed to cripple President-elect Trump’s efforts to restore border security. Trump has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration, but this sweeping amnesty creates significant legal and logistical barriers for his administration. It appears to be a deliberate parting shot from an administration determined to block any reversal of its lenient immigration policies.
Adding to the controversy, the Venezuelan amnesty is viewed as a strategic gift to Nicolás Maduro’s brutal regime. By keeping opposition voices in the U.S., rather than in the streets protesting Maduro’s dictatorship, the move effectively stabilizes a government notorious for human rights abuses. The flood of U.S. dollars sent back as remittances only tightens Maduro’s grip on power.
Under Mayorkas, the TPS program has exploded, now covering nearly one million migrants. This massive influx strains American communities already grappling with housing shortages, rising crime and overwhelmed public services. While corporate lobbyists cheer the arrival of cheap labor, everyday Americans are left to bear the cost.
Trump now faces the daunting task of unraveling this carefully laid trap while fulfilling his promise to secure America’s borders and put citizens first.
Americans will soon have to go to War against the murdering, thieving, Rapist of Biden’s and his Puppet Masters Treasonous acts against America.!
If we are to survive Americans, will have to fight,, and no more higher taxes to pay for the Communist Democrats new voters.!
Republicans must Charge the Communist Democrats for Sedition and Treason, against the Constitution and placing all Americans in harms way.!
Mayorkas must be arrested and prosecuted by Hanging or Shot.! PERIOD.!
Mayorkas has made Homeland Security a Complete Joke.
Because it’s an obvious weaponization of those departments and the Biden presidency to force its own corrupted will upon the new Administration and the entirety of the American People it should be considered an act of TREASON just days before the transfer of power is to take place and as such it’s an outright attack upon these United States of America making it an act of Civil War! Biden, Mayorkas and all those directly involved in the engineering and approval of this act of Lawfare, Sedition and Treachery upon this Nation and People should be immediately arrested and sent to GITMO to stand trial before a Military Tribunal and once found guilty put to death!
Are you ASS-Holes in Congress going to get this done or will you walk around dazed and confused like a bunch of nincompoops as usual and just pass the buck!
These enemies within are doing nothing less than ramrodding their totally biased and partisan agenda down the collective throat of all Americans; and it’s an act of war!!!
Remember you assholes in Congress what the Demoncrap party and J6 Commie Select Committee called American Citizens having a RALLY in the Nation’s Capital to protest “all of the irregularities of the 2020 election that was Stolen.”
And they the Demoncrap Cabal did that to American Citizens; beat them, killed them, locked them up with NO DUE PROCESS in a Gulag and now these same evil Communists within are going to force hundreds of thousands to millions more Illegal Invaders upon the American Citizens many criminals and mental patients like it’s our problem in order to burden and ruin our lives, standards and safety!
This is an attack exponentially more damaging and long lasting than any DC Rally Protest could ever be in a million years and you can’t and won’t get away with it unless you want a total Civil War!
Hey Ugly Demon Biden; yes we remember you saying we will need F-16’s to stand up to your determination when you were installed; and your nightmares not dreams are going to come true!
This has nothing to do with the Primary news but, it should be a Concern to all Americans. Please read.
Environmental geoengineering experiments led by Bill Gates can have catastrophic outcomes that may not be reversible.
Releasing sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere in an attempt to cool the planet raises concerns across the political spectrum. Even the left-leaning Mother Jones castigated these experiments as “ethically dubious and potentially highly dangerous.”
This is insane and dangerous. Congress must investigate and stop these high-risk experiments of Bill Gates and others. Bill Gates must be stopped before it’s too late and we cannot fix what he has ruined.
Bill Gates has already released Balloons containing hydrogen gas and sulfur dioxide into America’s atmosphere and we don’t know how many more. But Additionally, there’s been 124 large Balloons so far released and we don’t know what the effects will be on the health of Americans but we speculate long term side effects.
Here’s my opinion America;
Bill Gates must be Arrested and prosecuted seizing all assets.!
If Washington DC fails to do so, then the next option is to Assassinate the Mother Fuc*er.!
Communist Democrats are not stopping to harm or kill off Americans, and Billionaires like Gates are a large part of how their trying to permanently destroy America and our lives.!
May God be with us.
Wray what did you do roll out the red carpet for them. This is on your watch what do you have to say about that. Just another corrupt democrat scumbag
I’ve been writing for several years about the Fat Cat’s like Gates, Soros and others doing the Devil’s work on a Global Scale with the Weather to “CHANGE the Climate!” Not long ago I released this about such matters!
They are all insane liars and serving Satan; just look at Biden and tell me I’m wrong!
And they’ve already been experimenting with “geoengineering.” “stratospheric aerosol injection” (SAI) that Soros along with the WEF and other UN member Globalists!
Chem-Trails are readily seen throughout the upper atmosphere regularity with powdery particulate substances coming down within rainfall, leaving telltale signs around the edges of pooling water from the precipitation as it seeps into the soil leaving these remnants around the edges! I’ve witnessed, photographed and collected these events and others who really have a leg up are doing more! Check out the following site!
But as the other commenter says the planet could be ruined; well it will be and there is absolutely no “RIGHT WAY” to do any of this! This is all where mankind does the “Devil’s Duty” and does itself in, as in, “Suicide on a Global Level!” Take your pick, this, a slower suffocating extermination or Nuclear Annihilation burned up in a flash!
Both are being worked on! Yes Armageddon is REAL!
Humans have now copped an attitude like they are the ones that created all of the heavens and the earth, with a chip on their shoulders the size of mountains! But we have to realize there are “power greedy evil persons” Global Psychopaths running loose on this planet and anything they see as a means of consolidating that power and growing it is all they are focused on now; thus they play this climate change for all its worth! Its absolute power corrupting absolutely and the human race because of this it doesn’t have much time left outside of God Almighty intervening with the Second Coming! The signs are all quite evident just as the Holy Scriptures state clearly what would happen prior to the Lord’s return!
Isaiah 5:20 Living Bible “20 They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.”
2 Timothy 3:1-5 NIV “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.”
Now they are “teaching transgenderism soon to be trans-humanism” to little children in school and even “forcing gender affirming techniques” upon them with drugs and surgery without parents’ consent in California and other states; evil absolutely being applied to the most innocent to ruin and destroy. END TIMES!
As far as percentage of the issues discussed being real or imagined or manmade or natural and inevitable Marc Morano is a foremost expert on all of this and has awesome books and videos all based on verified facts and science!
:// A great starter resource to gets one’s beak wet!
They are so hungry for “World Control” that they are Soooo Insane and EVIL!
That is what we are up against, not “Mother Nature” doing us in; it’s our own breed that is out to “kill us off!” “Global Suicide!” Coming to a theatre near you!
These deep state failures allowed this to happen. If you know there is a problem and you do nothing about it except tell people about it on your way out, you are part of the problem and an enemy within. Disgusting
Absolutely and there will be hell to pay! I think they got away with it but nobody gets away with anything in this world!
If the Republicans don’t do anything about that and let the Anti-American, Communist Democrats off with a slap on the wrist, then it will land on our responsibility to take them out and shoot every illegal here.
Whether it’s Vigilantes or Veterans or every single Patriot to take responsibility to clean up America.
This is the first time in America’s history that the Communist Democrats and Rinos have been allowed to commit absolute Sedition and Treason against the Constitution.
The Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations and Deep State allowed it to happen.
Yes, gave the green light and better than a get out of jail card; but rather pass go and collect your money for a job well done!
after reading this, I think he helped put the malware in place. weather leaving systems vulnerable or by actually doing the work to put it there. if he knows it there why hasn’t something already been done to safe guard the systems? incompetent, treason; we are now worse off. it is like he is gloating about what has happened.
He is so EVIL (as in already got a place reserved in hell, a forgone conclusion so wtf does he care what we think other than just telling us to F-off, yes he is gloating, which is his “giving us all the middle finger” and why wouldn’t he; “look what Biden’s done in just his last few weeks (much of it Unconstitutional, let alone Immoral),” along with so many past experts with the “Middle Finger” like Comey, Fauci, Clinton’s, Pelosi, Schiff, Milley, McCarthy, Cheney, McConnell and you get the idea I’m sure; “it’s a damned Club” like Carlin said years ago!!!
George Carlin – “It’s A Big Club… And You Ain’t In It!”
Mike And The Mechanics – Silent Running (1986) (Official Video) (HQ)
High Command
God bless and help us to help ourselves!
What has Wray been doing to secure or nation. How are they already infiltrating our systems is that part of your jobs to protect against the enemies. Wray your so far in over your head your a disgrace to yourself and our country. Thousands of people in your department and don’t even know how to lead them.
You’re a big problem in securing our borders and country and the safety of our citizens. Resign in disgrace because you failed the American people
Ty; I wasn’t going to say this; but you egged me on so I’m sorry to scare anyone!
Wray and others are so evil and corrupt that they are insane to a passion and aren’t like We Average Normal People, decent human beings anymore so don’t expect what would be expected from such persons in positions of great responsibility; and now the clincher, he left out the quiet part; I’ve watched carefully over time and noticed changes and one big red herring is the frequent observation of full-blooded Chinese military troop age operatives popping up in various locations that are sometimes everyday places like supermarkets and then in not so everyday ones like government situations! Infiltration is the operative word, and the CCP loves it!
Orbs or Drones buzzing around that nobody actually does anything about, that isn’t the half of it as to what’s out there among us!