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Recent letters obtained by the Denver Gazette reveal that both government officials and CBZ Management, the company responsible for the Aurora apartment complex recently overtaken by Venezuelan gangs, were aware of the troubling circumstances weeks in advance.

However, officials failed to take the necessary action to ensure public safety, even attempting to downplay the issue.

On August 28, a letter directed to Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser highlighted the severity of the situation when it reported that CBZ Management had been alerted to the fact that the Aurora apartment complex had been “forcibly taken control of by gang(s)” of Venezuelan invaders.

Instead of promptly investigating these claims, city officials downplayed the matter and dismissed the complaints as “diversionary tactics” and “alternative narratives.”

This refusal to confront the matter is a blatant attempt at protecting political objectives that favor the mass influx of migrants across the border in order to amass illegal votes—a narrative that clearly places political gain over public safety.

This information further raises significant concerns regarding the integrity and priorities of our government at both local and federal levels.

It’s increasingly apparent that power-hungry leaders value illegal votes from invading populations more than the safety and well-being of citizens.

The correspondence to Attorney General Weiser also includes feedback regarding the effectiveness of the Aurora Police Department’s response to the harrowing conditions surrounding the apartment complex.

A consent decree with Colorado Attorney General’s office had evidently hampered law enforcement efforts, leading to inadequate handling of alarming reports.

The letter stated that “Our clients have, for several months, complained to Aurora Police Department and Aurora Code Enforcement Division about lawlessness surrounding Aurora Multi-Family Projects. For most part, response has been very little and totally ineffective.”

The law firm representing affected clients noted that gangs effectively took over complex on June 27, an event largely ignored or minimized by local authorities.

Such ineffective policing measures continue to exacerbate public fears and anxieties, underscoring systemic failure to address rampant gang activity and risks it poses to residents.

The situation corresponds with a previous report from Gateway Pundit detailing displacement of multiple families from their apartments in Aurora complex.

City officials had originally blamed displacement on a “code violation,” in another attempt to cover up full story.However, City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky publicly refuted these claims, declaring them blatant lies.

She echoed reports indicating that circumstances were far more serious, asserting majority problems surrounding complex were gang-related rather than mere code infractions.

The failure of government officials to address serious gang activity at Aurora apartment complex is a glaring example of troubling trend where public safety is encumbered by alternative political motives; further eroding trust citizens place in their leaders.


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  • Armed military invaders that were welcomed into the country by the cowards in our own government are allowed to take over homes from Americans and the cowards pretend it’s not happening and you stupid muthefkrs want to take our guns away. There should be hundreds of executions of all the traitors, then executions of the invaders and their enablers and that includes church’s and employers

  • This was expected and wanted by the left. When someone breaks into your home and demands that you feed them they are villains. When the government LICENSES them to do so and the reaches into YOUR WALLET to pay all the criminal home invaders’ expenses it is time to overthrow those in charge and end the problem.

    The best we can do now is rise up and ORDER all illegals to leave he country, and to assure that neither they nor their offspring can EVER become citizens and have citizen’s rights. It is time to add a Fourth type of citizen. There are already 3 types.