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NATO is intensifying its preparations and activating strategic plans in response to the growing possibility of a large-scale war, according to Lieutenant-General Alexander Sollfrank, head of NATO’s logistics command.

This urgent mobilization reflects a sobering reality: the threat of World War III is becoming increasingly tangible.

Over the course of two and a half years of war in Ukraine, the continuous support from the U.S. and NATO for Kiev has systematically crossed Russia’s so-called ‘red lines.’

Now, the West appears poised to authorize attacks using long-range missiles deep inside Russian territory—an escalation that could have dire, unpredictable consequences.

In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning: if the U.S. and NATO permit Ukraine to use long-range missiles, they would effectively be at war with Russia. He further implied that the West may end up being the ones to actually fire these weapons.

According to the Daily Mail, General Sollfrank confirmed that NATO is currently developing large-scale evacuation and rescue strategies to address the potential fallout of a direct conflict with Russia.

In addition to these preparations, NATO has recently initiated its largest military exercises since the Cold War, involving 90,000 troops from more than 30 allied nations.

These exercises, called Steadfast Defender 2024, are aimed at testing the alliance’s ability to coordinate across multiple theaters of warfare—on land, in the air, at sea, and in cyberspace.

The deployment of American troops to European frontlines is also under consideration, with plans being drawn up to enable rapid response in case of further escalation.

Meanwhile, European countries are rushing to strengthen their own military capacities. Germany has committed over €100 billion to modernize its armed forces, while Poland is dedicating nearly 5% of its GDP to defense spending.

This collective bolstering of defenses highlights the gravity of the situation and the increasing likelihood of direct confrontation between NATO and Russia.

Credit: Daily Mail
Credit: Daily Mail

Daily Mail reported:

Sollfrank runs NATO’s Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC), tasked with coordinating the swift movement of troops and tanks across Europe as well as logistical preparations such as the storage of munitions on NATO’s eastern flank.

But since Vladimir Putin sent his troops streaming across the border with Ukraine in February 2022, relations between Russia and the West have plunged to lows not seen since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

That forced Sollfrank and JSEC to confront the possibility of a major land war in Europe, and the unit began planning its approach to medical evacuations accordingly.

Should a conflict with Russia arise, wounded troops will need to be transported over a larger distance than in other wars of recent years, Sollfrank said.

Russian air defences and jets mean medical evacuation flights would be placed under a much greater threat unlike anything they had faced before from insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Sollfrank reasoned that a massive network of rail and road evacuation vehicles would need to be deployed and said NATO forces would have to be supported by specially designed trains that can transport more casualties at the same time than aircraft.

NATO is set to urge all 32 member nations to implement comprehensive civil defense strategies in preparation for potential large-scale attacks, as the alliance braces for a possible future threat from Russia, Foreign Policy reported last July.

According to officials familiar with the discussions, NATO leaders will formally call for this initiative during the Washington summit next year.

“We’re going to push the idea in Washington that all allies should commit to having some kind of national planning process that brings together both the military planning and civilian planning for Article 5,” one NATO official said.

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) states that if a NATO member is attacked, all other NATO members are considered to be attacked as well. This means that all NATO members are obligated to assist the attacked member, and may use armed force if necessary.


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  • So, it’s beginning.
    We can thank the Biden administration for what’s being prepared since those full blown idiots in Washington DC has caused this by giving $billions of taxpayers money to Ukraine and supplying Ukraine with most of America’s military armory, even after they were told to stop.
    Obama, the puppet master pushed for WAR.!
    And Nato was no help at all, now shelters and medical supplies are stocking up for Soldiers and civilians alike.
    America is solely responsible for this and the Communist Democrats planning was part of their agenda to remain in power, leaving America practically defenseless which could give Communist China, the edge to Conquer America.
    This is what happens when you vote in, incompetent hateful idiots.
    Now we will all suffer the consequences under a senile Illegitimate dumbass President and a bunch of incompetent clowns of a joke of an Administration, they have no idea how to run a Country but are very good at destroying it.!
    America is no way prepared,for this War and our transgender Woke Military has not trained properly. Just take a look at how our military has LGBTQ parades and flies the Gay Flag, this is nothing like the past Wars, instead it’ll be a slaughter, OURS.!
    Is this what you Communist voters wanted.?
    This will be Armageddon of our own making.!
    Millions of innocent people will be killed, and may God, intervene to take those who believe in him and leave those who have brought fourth Satan to suffer.

    • all of this is true, it’s pretty blatant and being rubbed in our faces, & pushed down our throats!
      Awaken oh Sleepers, your lives have been a lie…….our Conspiracy theories have all come into the light, open your eyes and Do Not Comply to this Tyranical, Evil Cabal any longer.
      GOD won this war against Satan when Jesus died and delivered the world’s Sins to Evil one, he Rose in Victory to give GOD’S Children ever lasting life.
      we were given a helper, the Holy Spirit” if we chose Abba Father’s Light & Love.
      Repent your Sins, open your hearts and accept this free gift.
      GOD is waiting patiently, we have all sinned in this flesh body, but Fater wants us just as we are.
      please join us, Prayer Works.

  • WWIII will be instigated as a pretext to declare Martial Law in the USA and the November election will be cancelled.

    Any EMP or nuke attack on the USA will likely be done by the Deep State.

    FBI Whistleblower Warns Americans: Stock Up on Food, Water, Guns

    An FBI whistleblower has issued a chilling warning to the American people while testifying before U.S. Congress.

    slaynews. com/news/fbi-whistleblower-warns-americans-stock-up-food-water-guns/

  • Brother Michael Smith, very well said and to the point. “Incompetent hateful idiots.” And that was just for starters with them my brother. What you, Pjhoover and of course the article’s author Doug Goldsmith have prompted me do is share a portion of what I wrote back in 2022 about the developing global circumstances were heading toward total disaster when I stated that the world was unequivocally on the Brink of Collapse and Utter Annihilation.

    ‘In the News an honest question echoed and reverberated in my head and around the world too, as to the why do these people in power here namely the Democrats who are full blown hard left radicals, hate America?

    I’ll tell you; the long and the short of it, point blank, like a punch to the head, or a bullet whizzing through the air why they do!

    They are Antichrist and filled with hate from Satan, who is controlling them now! They wanted “absolute control and power” more than anything, so the Devil gave it to them in exchange for their souls; and now they became so gloated with that Insane “singularity of purpose” that yes; they indeed became “possessed!”

    That monster Satan has poked and prodded now and again, “trying to create conflict within” with “all kinds of disruption, dissent, jealousy and hatred to tear it all up!”

    In this present time there is one surefire means at his disposal to do just that; not only to bring down America but the entire world with the granddaddy of them all “WWIII through Communist China” which is demonically controlled! Do you see or read in the news where that polar opposite to America atheist CCP has complete control of that nation, which now even opened a so called police department in New York City! What the hell is that Commie Controlled Evil Nation guilty of Genocide and “Crimes Against Humanity” doing with any police or military presence in our “Nation under God,” let alone to now be “interfering with our elections” via third party foreign contractors! Yea, that is true; they are more than influence peddling, but, are now embedded in our American System for decades in the making, while buying up prime land all over the place along with that globalist psychopath Bill Gates! “The takeover began in earnest now” and those Commies are not the British, they are much worse than any Red Coats were back in 1776 by exponential factors, in that they are possessed by Satan! They are part and parcel 100% Snake, derived from that “serpentine creature or fallen angel Lucifer,” who has not only entered the house, but, already has its coils wrapped around the hearts and souls of many key individuals throughout the US Political Power Structure of the Legislature, Big Tech Digital Media and the Military!

    It’s best to look at it like my father always told me, “they can do anything to this body and even destroy it, but my soul belongs to God!” That sums it up as to being strong in one’s faith not letting anything come between us and God through our faith in Jesus Christ! We just need to do the work and commit daily, religiously and even a regimental practice keeping our asses in alignment with His will.

    “Stay Cool, Calm and Collected!”

    Besides having to survive day to day with the work and toil of the living, we now are faced with this added stress factor which is real and people can choose to ignore it or numb it, and the final option which I utilize is turn it over to the Lord with genuine humility allowing Him to manage it or even heal it giving inner strength to any who follow Him, to carry their own cross, and, this is indeed part of doing that which is mandatory in today’s Helter-Skelter Mad-cap World!’

    “Enter the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road is spacious which leads to destruction, and many are those who are going in it.” Matthew 7:13

    Matthew 7:14 “But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.”

    God bless you and guide you.
    Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence

    • Lawrence, you are in fact my Brother, and my Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior.
      Those who stand with Satan and worship him seems they are growing stronger in mass.
      I will fight with my last breath along with Michael the Arch Angel.
      When I was an active Police Officer I carried a medallion of Michael the Arch Angel with me and I still have that medallion.
      I knew a Captain with the Border Patrol back in El Paso, who was a white lighter and strong beliver in the Lord Jesus Christ, Manny, told me to carry the medallion and silver with me so it would keep me safe.
      I carry a silver half dollar of Ben Franklin minted in the year I was born 1957 to this day.
      Manny, communicates with the Lord Christ, every night and he’s a great man.
      I do miss him around and he was another brother to me, now I have another brother and it’s you Lawrence.
      Stafe safe and above all protect your family.
      In his name and Savior Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN.

  • Michael Smith, thank you very much my brother; and I take it as an honor to be considered your brother! The fact of what you said here “When I was an active Police Officer I carried a medallion of Michael the Arch Angel with me,” and then my sending out on this site to you that beautiful prayer to Saint Arch Angel Michael just recently on the 19th of this month (9/19) all of this to me is no coincidence and is also “a sign from God.” That prayer written by “Pope Leo XIII” is profound to me and that it was written by “Leo” which profoundly you’re now a “LEO“ in this modern current “crescendo age” that you have faithfully served in, as a “Law Enforcement Officer” and “you have kept that Blessed Medallion with you all these years” while you took the oath to “serve and protect,” this speaks to God’s will and how we can and do fit into it precisely according to his plans and purposes, so “we must therefore always be seeking His will,” if we are “first faithful to Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior and Redeemer,” again our proper Oaths of Allegiance!

    When I read this statement of yours I was greatly moved and inspired to speak to it!
    “Those who stand with Satan and worship him seems they are growing stronger in mass.”
    Oh Lord, how true that is Brother Michael. I then say sure that is more likely and common place today because look how many people worship celebrity and sports heroes who more often than not are more screwed up than the fans. People are so caught up in a media feeding frenzy especially now with the Digital Empire to jump into all tying into the Cloud and AI, for the next big event or headline. But this is another “pointblank sign” as it were because “people are so busy worshiping so many things and others including themselves” rather than “the only one” they truly need to and must in order to get out of this “soul deathtrap” and make it to “Jesus’ promised eternal life in heaven.”

    As I see this unfolding the public has been groomed and conditioned for many years to be a mob by those certain and very dark nefarious hidden cohorts of hell, who have been preparing for the entrance of the Antichrist to rule the earth. Wasn’t the Plan-demic a testing the waters, and designed to further condition the human population for vaccine passports and digital ID’s, along with eliminating (murdering-genocide) millions of us in one fell swoop. Bill Gates for years now has spoken how “we can reduce the population with vaccines and other means,” like it’s his pet project! This goes on in our faces yet most “powers that be” are silent (mass news media liars) or part of that dynamic.

    Then I saw this statement in a Christian blogging site article that came to me right when your statement was printed today, about the Second Coming.

    “Those who will adore the antichrist will be numbered in their billions;” this will be shortly before Jesus returns and the final judgment.

    And with your knowledge and experience what you said here adds into this insight completely, it matches the blog this article here and my own thoughts and writings; “Those who stand with Satan and worship him seems they are growing stronger in mass.” Absolutely brother because there is obviously “a big push” going on to consolidate all the evils of the human race with Satan’s cohorts and demons as we can see clearly things are moving to “a huge crescendo!”

    But this all reminded me of the following Scripture about our faith and how to face any and all adversaries especially now in this massively confusing and turbulent time period for many.

    Matthew 6:32-34 “For the Gentiles strive after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.”

    I did a cursory search and came upon this immediately at a Bible Study site.

    “How to have faith that moves mountains”
    To have faith that moves mountains you have to (1) receive and understand the word of God, (2) spend much time in prayer, and (3) cast off the cares of this world and seek God’s Kingdom first.

    Because right before Jesus was going to be taken to get crucified, He spent the night praying for many hours and He also told His disciples to do the same, but when He left them and then came back He found them sleeping.

    “Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:40-41)

    Because as I see it right now the whole world is in this state or condition that Jesus Himself was speaking about to the Disciples “His Chosen” when He was with them on earth before His being crucified, and now before his return for the final battle between good and evil most of the world is not following His command, just like with the Apostles; but so much worse exponentially in grotesque debauchery and sin besides just not being vigilant.

    The difference being that the world has had the opportunity of our Savior having carried out the “Father’s will” in order to “Redeem His children” but with all of that “saving grace and mercy” much of the world has now turned its back on Him and fall according to their own sins and that of this dying world that Satan now rules. Sure they tell us like Fauci said “trust the science” and “we know what is best for all of you;” as they speak for Satan himself!

    What I say is there is no excuse this time if the world wants to be “sleeping” or actually not sleeping but rather “prideful and arrogantly ignoring God and His commands” this time around before Jesus’ Second Coming! I say this because after all they used to sing a tune about the “Age of Aquarius” and the “New Dawn Rising an Age of Enlightenment,” but that was all concocted by false religious beliefs and pagan idolatry, crooked ways of the world, so here we are in the cataclysmic hours sitting on the precipice while multitudes now turn to “the father of all lies” and gladly slip into his clutches, and yet so many others just carry on like they have forever to waste “this opportunity to know, love and be with God our Maker in heaven.”

    Matthew 26:40-46 “And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “So, you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour? 41“Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 42He went away again a second time and prayed, saying, “My Father, if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done.” 43Again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. 44And He left them again, and went away and prayed a third time, saying the same thing once more. 45Then He came to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold, the hour is at hand and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. 46“Get up, let us be going; behold, the one who betrays Me is at hand!”

    Romans 5:1-2 “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.”

    Mark 11:22 Amplified Bible Jesus replied, “Have faith in God [constantly].”

    Yes Brother Michael, “we must and will hold onto our faith in Him our Lord Jesus Christ” always in the ready to “carry out the will of our heavenly Father Almighty God.” Amen and Amen.
    Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence

    • Thank you brother Lawrence, for the words enlighten me to push forward and to see those who truly are possessed and controlled by Satan by worshipping Licifer as their one and only God.!
      Because of them the World has gone to Hell and only God, can fix it or destroy it, but through him and Jesus Christ, will the righteous be saved and taken unto Heaven.

      • Michael my brother, I just had to send this out so that can listen to Fr. Mark Goring so eloquently explain Saint Archangel Michael, the protector of the people and so much more than I had thought and you too have been a protector, God bless you!


        ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL: What You Need to Know – Fr. Mark Goring, CC

  • This country is backing a country run by a gay pedophile that was killing it’s own citizens in a civil war before Russia ever got involved. The pedophile in chief biden and his moron vp has sent billions of our tax money to support that gay fuk. As for nato, they are worthless cowards and we should quit them along with the un.

  • Coco, you are correct on all points I say; but the lurking question is how this scenario could have ever taken place to begin with, if the most diabolical power in the universe wasn’t behind making it happen. The globalist/Illumination satanic is involved in pretty much everything now to rule the world and destroy mankind. Besides as you said “the pedophile in Chief Biden and his moron vp” being in the top slots of the US Government is beyond looking like any red herring! During the Plan-demic we all as “a captive lock-down audience” watched someone like Psychopath Genocide Murdering Bill Gates not elected or in any way appointed nor qualified had big wheels turning around the globe to use his advice and directives like some “global dictator” while he bragged about his investment in vaccine patents and manufacturing, had yielded a 20 to 1 ratio profit for him. Just the fact that he exposed his incredible greed and lack of humanity proves things are not what people had believed for several decades.
    What I’m saying is by all of what I’ve witnessed over the last several years alone it’s like some demonic Pied Piper type officials have been luring the public into various traps, to ultimately destroy as many citizens as possible. And Biden along with the crazed female VP would have no problem with that at all. We’ve never seen the world on the brink of WWIII like it is right now. It’s a miracle that it didn’t happen yet.

  • Yes I hear you Brother Michael. I wonder at times about what is coming, especially in these radically changing times with so much evil right out in the open, and then I remember that God is in charge, so if I worry what good does that do and shouldn’t I still take each day one day at a time and trust in Him with genuine devout faith.

    1 Peter 3:16-18 “keeping a clear conscience, so that those who slander you may be put to shame by your good behavior in Christ. 17For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 18For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit,”

    1 Peter 4:19 Amplified Bible “Therefore, those who are ill-treated and suffer in accordance with the will of God must [continue to] do right and commit their souls [for safe-keeping] to the faithful Creator.”

    I’ve had times where I could just “let go and let God” watch over me without worry and then times when I would worry profusely thinking without calm and inner strength, but instead allowing my emotions to capture me up in the moment worrying for nothing. I’ve learned how “my faith must keep growing” and for that to happen I have to “commit to God” and through Jesus Christ I’m given His assurance that the Father will send to me the Comforter to guide and teach me, and that has happened many times.

    Matthew 6:25-27 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns— and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

    Then there were critical times for me when I had massive challenges to deal with that I had never dealt with before along with really feeling or actually being alone; I had to come up with answers while taking things in stride one day at a time. These Scriptures came to me at those times when I picked up my Bible and asked Him to please help me from the bottom of my heart. These verses gave me great hope, insight and great confidence to just never quit or allow circumstances to overwhelm me.

    John 14:15-17 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. 16And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you.”

    John 14:25-27 “All this I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. 27Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid.”

    John 14:1-3 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. 2In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am.”

    God’s love and mercy for His faithful children is beyond description.


  • Top FBI Agent Blows the Whistle on Government’s Secret Plans 09/27/24

    spreely. com/watch/top-fbi-agent-blows-the-whistle-on-government-039-s-secret-plans_lDRe16SfjWI5K88.html

  • Obama, his CIA and “She Witch” Ambassador Nuland instigated the Ukrainian revolution on the heels of Ukrainian protests with their corrupt President #1, Viktor Yanukovych’s sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. He fled to Russia with the bulk of the looted Ukraine Treasury. That’s why Ukraine is broke.

    President #3, Zelensky had nothing to do with events BEFORE he was elected 21 April 2019. Zelensky received 73 percent of the vote to corrupt President #2, Poroshenko’s 25 percent. 

    Yes, The west spoon fed arms in a giddy proxy war rush hoping Ukraine could weaken Russia with not so indirect NATO help to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. Obama sent blankets and Trump sent lethal arms, hoping to make Russia tire and leave the Donbass and Crimea BEFORE Russia invaded. 

    Instead Russia invaded after idiot VP Harris said this!  

    A social media account for Vice President Kamala Harris stated Tuesday in a now-deleted tweet that the United States is supporting Ukraine “in defense of the NATO alliance,” which the Ukraine is not a part of.  

    “When I was in Poland, I met with U.S. and Polish service members, thanking them for standing with our NATO allies for freedom, peace, and security,” a tweet from the @KamalaHarris account stated. “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.”