Pete Hegseth, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, made a major promise during his confirmation hearing this week: to reinstate and compensate thousands of service members discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Hegseth’s pledge aligns with Trump’s campaign commitment to rectify what they see as one of the most controversial policies of the Biden administration.
In 2021, under the Biden administration, a sweeping vaccine mandate was imposed across all branches of the U.S. military. The directive required all service members to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, or face discharge. This policy led to the forced separation of over 8,000 military personnel, regardless of their rank, years of service, or achievements.
The decision drew sharp criticism from many quarters, including members of Congress, veterans’ organizations, and advocates for personal medical freedom. Critics argued the mandate undermined military readiness and punished individuals for exercising autonomy over their health choices. Supporters of the policy claimed it was necessary to maintain force health and readiness during the pandemic.
During Tuesday’s Senate hearing, Indiana Senator Jim Banks pressed Hegseth on whether he would support re-recruiting those who were discharged under the mandate. Hegseth’s response was unequivocal:
“I will commit to this because the Commander in Chief has committed to this,” he said. “Not only will they be reinstated, but they will receive an apology, back pay, and the rank they lost because they were forced out due to an experimental vaccine.”
This announcement was met with applause from many Republican lawmakers and military advocates who have long argued for justice for the discharged troops.
Hegseth’s comments echo a promise Trump made on the campaign trail in August 2024. Speaking to a crowd of supporters, Trump denounced the vaccine mandate as an abuse of power and vowed to make amends.
“You just can’t do that,” Trump said, referring to the dismissal of service members. “I will rehire every Patriot who was fired from the military with an apology and back pay.”
For the affected service members, this promise represents more than just monetary compensation. It’s an acknowledgment of their sacrifices and the hardships they endured due to the mandate. Many of those discharged faced not only the loss of their careers but also stigma and financial instability.
“This is about justice,” Hegseth said. “These are some of the best troops we’ve ever had, with unshakable courage to do what’s right.”
Pete Hegseth just announced that thousands of troops who were fired over the “experimental” COVID vaccine will be “apologized to and reinstated with pay and rank.”
Absolutely huge news.
These are some of the best troops we’ve ever had with unshakable courage to do what’s right.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 14, 2025
The promise also addresses a broader concern about military morale and recruitment. Advocates argue that reinstating these service members would send a strong message of accountability and respect for those who serve.
The controversy surrounding vaccine mandates wasn’t confined to the armed forces. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll from November 2021 revealed that approximately 1% of American adults quit their jobs due to local or federal vaccine mandates. While Hegseth’s pledge focuses on the military, it highlights a broader issue of government overreach and its impact on individuals’ livelihoods.
For many, the military’s reversal could serve as a precedent for other sectors affected by vaccine mandates. However, critics warn that such actions might embolden future resistance to public health directives.
Hegseth’s statement has sparked strong reactions across the political spectrum. Supporters view it as a long-overdue correction to a policy they believe was unjust. Opponents argue it sets a dangerous precedent for undermining lawful orders in the military.
Trump’s administration, set to take office in just days, plans to move quickly on this issue. Hegseth’s confirmation and subsequent actions will likely be closely watched as a test of the new administration’s commitment to its campaign promises.
The reinstatement of discharged service members is expected to be among the administration’s first executive actions. It remains to be seen how the process will be implemented and whether there will be legal or logistical challenges to overcome.
For those impacted by the vaccine mandate, Hegseth’s promise represents more than just policy correction—it’s a symbolic victory. It affirms their stance against a directive they felt was unjust and restores their honor as members of the armed forces.
As the Trump administration prepares to take office, the reinstatement of these troops will be a defining early action, shaping its legacy on military policy and individual rights. Whether it will unite or further divide public opinion on the vaccine mandate remains an open question, but for now, it signals a significant shift in how such mandates are viewed and enforced.
That works for me but will most of them take the offer to be reinstated.?
For every one who does become reinstated then two Transgenders should be let go and fire General Milley with no retirement pay along with every asshole in the Pentagon who went against President Trump in his first term and those who are now working to conspire to turn against President Trump.
Those aren’t Military leaders their more of Communist Chinese operative and Anti-American Treasonous Democrats.!
Absolutely Brother! And I second that wholeheartedly!
You said it brother.
Reinstating Patriots would be a beautiful thing for our nation; but putting the pedal to the metal now to connect the many obvious dots to end all of this decimation and corruption of our government and military is needed ASAP! I just left this comment elsewhere on this site that cuts to the chase as I see it all being interconnected and part and parcel of what is terribly WRONG!
Diaz, yes and there has clearly been an ongoing Insurrection or more aptly put a “Communist Coup d’état” by many actors within the government propelled and aided by their allies or cronies like Soros and many others to overthrow the US Constitution and insert a Communist Ruled Government! And there are now countless occurrences or actions that are evidenced over time which are part of the record for well over a decade. It’s now quite clear because of all the obvious Obstruction, Law-fare Attacks and Direct Conspiratorial Efforts to destroy Trump, which all tolled add up to this fact, and are proof of this anti-American and anti-US Constitution attack upon America and its Citizens!
Many heads should roll, I say without any doubt in my mind!
They even went as far as to attempt to assassinate Trump at least a couple of times, so what more proof is needed to validate my assertion!
We need true “Legal Eagles” to “connect all of the dots” and stop with all the stupid going nowhere investigations that are “LIP SERVICE!” You Big Honchos in the right places need to get your Asses in gear and “get her done!”
The O’Keefe Media Group has unveiled shocking footage from their undercover investigation, centering on Department of Defense advisor Jamie Mannina. This former FBI Special Agent, who describes himself as a “spy hunter,” has been caught discussing clandestine efforts to undermine President Trump’s incoming administration. According to Mannina, these efforts include coordination with third-party organizations and retired military leaders. The investigation sheds light on the extent of the so-called Deep State’s maneuvers against the Trump administration.
James O’Keefe, known for his work in exposing hidden aspects of state institutions, was in Washington, D.C., unraveling the layers of Deep State operatives who are divulging plans to subvert Trump’s initiatives. He spoke with The Gateway Pundit, revealing that more footage would be released soon, potentially implicating various Deep State sectors, including the Department of Defense and the Executive Office of the White House, in coordinated efforts to sabotage President Trump’s activities.
In conjunction with this, The Gateway Pundit earlier addressed new evidence released by O’Keefe concerning Mark Zuckerberg. The report exposed Zuckerberg’s plans to censor narratives critical of COVID vaccines and those that do not align with Democratic ideologies, suggesting he may have lied during a recent Joe Rogan interview about being “forced” by the Biden Administration to censor vaccine content on Facebook.
In a statement that has captured the attention of many, O’Keefe disclosed how a Department of Defense official is also potentially implicated. O’Keefe tweeted earlier today, expressing, “I’ve reached out to the Pentagon for comment and they responded. They’re taking this very seriously…” highlighting the severity of Mannina’s admissions.
Jamie Mannina candidly discusses his consulting work with a “top consulting firm” affiliated with the Pentagon during a meeting with an undercover journalist. Mannina, previously an FBI Special Agent, humorously described his role as a “spy hunter,” perhaps oblivious to the fact that he may have been confiding in a foreign agent. He shares his involvement with military affairs, noting, “I have a huge, huge meeting with military leaders in a very secure room called the Tank. So we have a Tank meeting with all of the top, top leaders of the United States’ Military tomorrow on my topic that I prepared,” indicating the level of his engagement in critical defense discussions.
In a revealing and uneasy confession, Mannina admits he’s “a little worried,” expressing concern about the potential repercussions of a Trump administration. He mentions working alongside retired generals to potentially prevent Trump’s policies from being enacted, showcasing the lengths Deep State actors might go to maintain the status quo against the expressed will of the American populace.
Such revelations emphasize the need for accountability and transparency within government institutions to prevent the undermining of a democratically-elected administration. As new revelations await release, the implications invite scrutiny and demand bold measures to support Trump’s administration and dismantle these deep-seated subversions.
The Communist Democrats Tentacles are everywhere.!
It’s time to Demote rank and arrest all Military Brass involved in Sabotage.
Roger that! America’s military has been decimated by these incompetent imbeciles. The military is weaker not just due to personnel numbers, it is dangerously short on hardware and munitions! A CSIS war game revealed that America would run out of many types of ammo, long range missiles, etc., if required to engage in a Taiwan conflict with China. This would happen in ONE WEEK! America’s military at its current level of readiness to “War Fight,” is NOT prepared to defend the country, let alone any other!
Want more scary: Several ‘former’ Field Grade Officers, Generals, (not of the WOKE variety) have preferred that with our military’s current readiness, in a conventional ground war with China, America would ‘LOSE!’ That, BTW, was long before China became joined at the hip with Russia, Iran, N Korea, and others. As Ripley would say, “BLIEVE IT OR NOT.”
Firewagon, yes indeed part of the scenario I’m pointing out in the commentary below! The condition of America’s Military Readiness and Strategic Defense inadequacy has been planned and built into this “dire strait” that we are as a nation sitting in; “America’s Own Man of Perdition Xiden” as the puppet we’ve endured for 4 hellish years has been just the “useful idiot” that all of America’s enemies especially Satan needed in place to set up “the view to a kill” or “Coup de grâce;” to severe America’s Head!
What I say is, the force behind America’s demise hasn’t just been the Demoncraps party or China’s CCP; but a “massive consolidation of evil set in motion by the father of all lies!”
On a smaller scale what we’ve witnessed Newscum do to Californication!
Michael, this as a development is all so huge and broad in scope, as to what forces are now at work to “subvert and even destroy” who or what gets in the way of that “Status-quo Agenda” so long in place!
I inject and digress a moment, as far as Zuckerberg I don’t trust what he says or even does, and wouldn’t trust him in any matter “as far as I could throw him;” he proved without a doubt over time especially when the going was tough for most decent Citizens, that he was always in it for the Big Money and “is a cheesy candy-ass wimp,” so “not ready for prime time at all!” Yet he wants to play it so he can stay on the “winning side to stay in the game of power and Big Bucks!”
Good I should bring this up because that is “the same set of non-principles” by which many in “Congress and Big Tech” operate overall as far as I’m concerned!
But to the hardcore major operators you mentioned within the intelligence sector or inner workings (Deep State) they play for keeps and are “hell-bent for power,” some surely sold their souls, and “The Key or what it Shakes Down to” is this line I quote: “the lengths-Deep State actors might go to maintain the status quo against the expressed will of the American populace.”
“That is the crux of it” and what’s been happening for decades, but was ramped up dramatically over the last 15 years and “ever so intensely the last several” with “agendas converging” around “Global Control” and even as we now know, “eliminating much of the human population,” all of it a direct root tapped into the “most nefarious and darkest forces on earth and in existence!”
Even reminds of an old Novel and then made into a film; “Seven Days in May.” > “Seven Days in May is a 1964 American political thriller film about a military-political cabal’s planned takeover of the United States government in reaction to the president’s negotiation of a disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union. The film, starring Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Fredric March, and Ava Gardner, was directed by John Frankenheimer from a screenplay written by Rod Serling and based on the novel of the same name by Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II, published in September 1962. Wikipedia. org
The story was focused on a Nuclear Disarmament treaty by the US President Lyman with the USSR. “Lyman’s political opposition and the military, who believe the Russians cannot be trusted. His popularity reaches an all-time low of 29%, and rioting about the treaty occurs right outside the White House. The presidential physician warns him of a dangerous cardiac condition which he blithely disregards, too busy to take a prescribed two-week vacation.” Wikipedia org.
This movie plot thickens and gets pretty intense as this following quote spells out!
“United States Marine Corps Colonel “Jiggs” Casey is the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He serves its chairman, four-star United States Air Force general James Mattoon Scott, a highly-decorated commander and air ace.”
“Casey stumbles upon evidence that Scott is leading the Joint Chiefs to stage a “coup d’etat” to remove Lyman in seven days. Under the plan, disguised as a training exercise, a secret army unit known as ECOMCON, training at a secret Texas base, will take control of the country’s telephone, radio, and television networks while the president, participating in a staged “alert,” is seized. Scott, who is busy advancing his charismatic public persona through nationally televised anti-treaty rallies, plans to head a military junta. Although personally opposed to Lyman’s policies, Casey is appalled by the plot and alerts Lyman.” Wikipedia org.
To me the intense buildup of that story even though at the height of the Cold War and the two nuclear giants at a precipice, with these added internal US Govt. diametrically opposed forces bringing itself to a massive crisis is not unlike what has been happening to America of late and especially with all of the energy and hate toward Trump and MAGA we are far beyond that teetering movie scenario with our fractured society and its multiple divisions and hatreds that are at a fever pitch setting the stage for something akin to what this movie plot was about and to me even more frightening for sure!
Just for starters though I wouldn’t put it past the Deep State Operatives planning some similar coup to finally put a stranglehold on the American populace and with many more factors such as millions of Invaders already in the country (even ISIS Terror Cells) added to all of these other growing power struggles and factions at odds with each other; there would be an absolute justification for a Total Military Takeover! They could even turn to the US Constitution which does provide for this sort of measure in such strenuous conflicted circumstances.
I can only think now about the particular Scripture that forewarned (prophesied such divergent times) and now this word of God is “timely” as well as revelatory!
Ephesians 6:11-13 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.”
Brother this has to be where we all are as a human race created in God’s image and likeness, moving ever-so rapidly toward “Final Judgment!”
God bless you and yours in Jesus’ name I pray!
Brother Lawrence
Thank you ever so much Brother.
And always God Bless you too.
As always I’ll stand with Michael the ArchAngel when I’m called to do battle against those who are truly the most Evil.
Michael you’re always welcome and I truly thank you for all the good you have done and will do!
God love you and keep you!
America can thank Communist Joe Biden a Communist China Operative who weakened our Military defense.
In light of China’s expanding military might, President-elect Donald Trump is poised to launch an initiative to enhance U.S. military capabilities. With China’s growing missile inventory and the strengthening of its naval forces, the U.S. faces an urgent need to bolster its defense systems. Trump’s plan will focus on strengthening military deterrence and readiness in response to this emerging threat.
China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been on a rapid expansion path, dramatically increasing its missile stockpile, particularly in the area of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Furthermore, China’s naval forces have become the largest in the world, positioning Beijing to challenge U.S. influence in key strategic regions, especially the Indo-Pacific.
Trump’s plan focuses on modernizing U.S. missile defense systems and increasing investment in nuclear deterrence to ensure that the U.S. can withstand any Chinese provocations. The development of next-generation missile interceptors and cutting-edge missile defense technologies is central to Trump’s defense agenda.
In addition to nuclear and missile defense, Trump’s plan also calls for a major overhaul of the U.S. Navy, which will include expanding the fleet and modernizing current vessels. The U.S. Navy has been instrumental in maintaining peace in the Pacific region, but China’s growing naval presence has disrupted that balance. Expanding naval capabilities is critical to ensuring that the U.S. can effectively counter China’s maritime ambitions.
The Trump administration also plans to address inefficiencies within the Pentagon by reducing unnecessary spending. By eliminating redundant programs and streamlining military projects, more funds can be dedicated to the modernization of essential defense systems that are critical in the face of China’s rise.
Trump’s military strategy is aimed at ensuring that the U.S. can both deter and defend against China’s growing threats. With a strong focus on modernizing weapons systems, expanding the Navy, and bolstering missile defense, Trump’s plan positions the U.S. to maintain military dominance on the global stage.
China’s rapid expansion isn’t limited to conventional weapons. The country’s emphasis on psychological warfare and artificial intelligence is something that must also be countered, and Trump’s defense strategy will take this into account, preparing the U.S. military for War.
Brother Michael; excellent overview of what is going on as President Trump’s Administration comes into control of virtually “an out of control Government running amuck” for the last four years! These “strategic military capabilities” have always been “front and center with America” to protect America and its Citizens and as well serve to maintain global peace! In both times of peace and war this has been the status-quo for good reason!
But now with the out of whack global circumstances and The United States of America being “partially crippled” and “just about falling to its knees in a manner of speaking,” due to weapons stockpiles now being vastly diminished and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve almost bankrupt or depleted due to Biden’s intentional act of selling much of it to China while cancelling drilling here in the U.S.!
And thereby forcing America to buy oil from another despotic regime like Venezuela that isn’t our friend at all (ask why Biden’s sudden Amnesty for Venezuelans while their notorious and vicious Venezuelan international organized prison gang Tren de Aragua now in more than 16 US States running massive operations, and understand how we’ve been sold out)! And these factors with many others has made it “now imperative” that these actions and changes you have highlighted “be immediately implemented and effectively put in place!”
All of this is “the collapse of America” and it “MUST be STOPPED” soon or it will be “way too little too late!”
Therefore all of these actions are “absolutely necessary” to make “absolutely certain” that “The United States of America is not put in the backseat with regard to global security,” and not ever put in the precarious position of allowing China and all of its despotic allies of the same strategic mindset like Iran, North Korea, Russia, Turkey! Because China along with all of those nations are either following communist ideology or the false religion political ideology Islam, both being totalitarian, and “purely atheistic in their agendas” making them “Antichrist and truly enemies not only of America and its People but also all of humanity!” Fitting right into the End Time jigsaw puzzle!
All of this has been ramping up in such a bad way because evil and Satan have been allowed to grow like a cancer under the Biden/Harris administration!
Exactly Brother,
What gets me is 16% of Americans thinks China Joe has done a great job and 13% thinks he’s done a good job but 61% are smart enough to know he’s a failure.
Just who are those very stupid Communist Democrats that have absolutely no idea what’s coming our way by what their Communist incompetent Moron leader has done to the United States.?
My God, we are in serious trouble and President Trump couldn’t get enough Battleships built if we’re attacked tomorrow or 3-8 months after his Inauguration.
And the way that America has millions of pansie ass snowflakes who uses pronouns and whine about everything won’t join the Military to fight for our Freedom.
And I just read an article where Biden gave the EPA another order to tax the oil and gas industry even higher in order to save the climate and this will harm the American consumer as prices will shoot up.
I’ve never heard of any President (and I use that term President very lightly since that Communist Democrat was in Office), in history during a lame duck go this far to ruin the lives of millions and continued to do the most damage before another President takes office.
China Joe must be brought before an investigation committee and arrested along with all the Communist Democrats and Rinos who are behind this unthinkable act against the very Nation they were sworn in to protect.
It’s time for the Republicans to stop the sympathetic feelings and do what the Constitution states and have all of them hung or brought before a Fireing Squad for high crimes and Treason against the United States. PERIOD.!
The wimpy days should be over forever…
Michael, you’ve stated it just as it really is again, and I couldn’t agree with you more! Those low IQ (maybe brainwashed) or deranged mental midgets out there that still think they’ve had a good “president” (perhaps they’d be more suited to living “South of the Border” or say in Venezuela) are truly wasted or perhaps even touched by evil! Makes no sense at all that any Americans would want our Nation to become so weak and vulnerable that some of the worst enemies on the planet could rake us over the coals and either conquer our nation and take it over or even destroy it! I tend to lean toward their wanting to take us over and then enslave some Citizens along with having mass executions! In any event I know there has never been such “a screwed up populace and situation” in this Nation of ours during my lifetime and all the preceding years back to the Civil War; and we’re in big trouble if many of these deficiencies and pure “lack” aren’t turned around quickly!
What you stated here; “It’s time for the Republicans to stop the sympathetic feelings and do what the Constitution states,” is absolutely Spot-On and what the hell kind of feelings will they have or what good will any of that do if we are in a war with China “getting kicked to hell and back again” with “millions of Americans either dead or decimated and dying!”
It’s like our freaking government has turned into a “Clown Act or Show” with a bunch of “pencil pushing Yakkity Yak idiots” running the show! I tend to think far too many in influential positions have sold out for the Big Bucks!
God help us!
Indeed brother,
We’ve still got just a few days left and Communist China Joe can still do more damage to us all.
President Trump is now pushing to get rid of the IRS and build up a new agency. That’s good news and he’s pushing to sell off Government assets to begin infrastructure that’s been needed.
That’s the good news but the bad news is most of our allies might not assist America if we’re bombed since Communist China Joe broke off from supporting them and showed support with America’s enemies.
China Joe’s picture should be removed from the halls in Washington and marked as a Traitor.
In W11 Japan wouldn’t enter the U.S because they said behind every blade of grass there’s an armed American, but now since China Joe has sold out America for a profit the Communist Chinese aren’t stepping foot on American soil.
If the Republicans don’t do the right thing then Americans will have to step up to the plate.
I stand with Michael the ArchAngel and will he calls me I’ll follow him to rid the Earth from the Evil that’s spreading across the globe that the Evil Communist Democrats have unleashed.
God Bless you Brother.
Correction, the Communist Chinese Will step foot on American soil.
Michael, absolutely correct and I got that about WWII because our parents, grandparents and great grandparents were maintaining and fighting for a better world and a much different American Landscape back then, with solid Patriotism and Loyalty for our Flag, Constitution and Citizenry!
Now you look around and say “look at this crap and shitty messed up society” and it becomes “much harder to want to be a part of it let alone defend it” as in “putting one’s life on the line;” just what the “Chinese CCP has been instigating” on various levels for decades with “useful greedy rotten to the core idiots” like “quid pro quo Joe (zero morality and principles)! But “I say that in anger at how many citizens don’t truly appreciate and realize what they still have here in the USA” and how fortunate they are to have been born here or emigrated to the States!
“Push comes to shove” and all-out war breaks out, then “there is no choice it will be do or die” and “people better be ready to stand up for themselves and their Nation” or lay down and die like a useless sack of manure!
We know our current government as it is and has been for the last four years doesn’t give a flying blip about any of us!
There should be a Burning of all images of the 45th installed fake potus day where all true Americans take the time to collect any and all images of him and toss them into a fire pit or barbecue!
No better Force from Heaven under God’s will is there to stand with my Brother than Saint Michael the Archangel, who will always defend, protect and preserve what God Himself upholds and ordains!
God bless you!