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As the nation’s capital gears up for President-elect Donald Trump’s historic inauguration, security measures have been significantly heightened. The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) is conducting low-altitude helicopter flights over downtown Washington, D.C. These helicopters, equipped with advanced radiation detection technology, are actively scanning the area for any potential radiological or nuclear threats.

CBS reporter Nicole Sganga joined Jacqueline Brandon, a senior scientist with the Department of Energy, aboard one of these specialized helicopters to gain exclusive insight into the security preparations. The helicopter flies in a deliberate grid pattern over the National Mall, tasked with identifying and neutralizing threats such as dirty bombs or other nuclear hazards. The objective is to establish a comprehensive blueprint of the radiation levels in Washington, D.C., prior to the inauguration.

Brandon explained the importance of their mission, noting how each second of airtime is crucial, given that there are only two helicopters of this kind available to the Department of Energy. The helicopters are equipped with technology capable of detecting even the slightest variations in radiation levels, serving as a vital airborne defense mechanism. During the flight, an alarm was triggered, indicating a slight variation in the spectra, although it was unclear if this represented a nuclear threat.

These aerial scans form just one component of a larger, multi-agency effort designed to secure what is anticipated to be one of the most attended inaugurations in American history. This operation follows the Nuclear Emergency Support Team’s (NEST) earlier flights over Washington, D.C., conducted from December 2 to December 13, 2024. These efforts aimed to measure and monitor background radiation levels, ensuring that authorities can quickly respond to any potential radiological threats.

In a press conference held on Monday, Mayor Muriel Bowser, alongside district and federal authorities, reassured the public that there are no known threats to Trump’s inauguration. FBI special agent David Sundberg confirmed that they are not currently tracking any specific or credible threats to the inaugural ceremony or the Capitol complex. The FBI and its partners remain vigilant, continuously sharing information and working to identify and disrupt any emerging threats.

J. Thomas Manger, the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police, highlighted the ongoing concern regarding the “lone actor” threat. This type of threat remains a primary justification for maintaining a heightened state of alert throughout the inauguration week. The ceremony is expected to draw a crowd of 250,000 ticketed guests, alongside tens of thousands of additional attendees, including protestors.

The coordinated effort to secure the inauguration involves more than just the DOE’s helicopter missions. It includes deploying a considerable force of law enforcement and military personnel to ensure the safety of all attendees. With 25,000 officials from various agencies on the ground, the aim is to provide comprehensive security coverage for this significant national event.

The heightened security measures underscore the importance of the event and the need to protect both the attendees and the broader community. Every layer of security, from aerial scans to ground-level presence, plays a critical role in safeguarding the inauguration proceedings.

While the focus remains on preventing any potential threats, officials are also committed to facilitating a peaceful and orderly event. The presence of law enforcement and military personnel is intended to reassure the public and deter any attempts at disruption.

The collaboration between multiple agencies highlights the complexity of orchestrating such a large-scale security operation. Each agency brings its expertise, working together to create a secure environment for this historic occasion.

The commitment to security extends beyond just the inauguration day. Authorities are prepared to maintain heightened vigilance throughout the entire week, ensuring that any potential threats are swiftly addressed.

Despite the rigorous security measures, officials remain optimistic about the inauguration proceedings. The focus is on celebrating the democratic process and ensuring that the event unfolds without incident.

The DOE/NNSA’s helicopter flights are a testament to the advancements in technology and their application in national security measures. These flights offer a unique perspective on how modern tools can be employed to protect public safety during significant national events.

As the inauguration day approaches, the collaborative efforts of federal, state, and local agencies continue to exemplify the dedication to ensuring a secure and successful event. The commitment to public safety remains at the forefront of their efforts, reflecting the importance of this historic occasion.


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  • It’s a shame that they have to go to extreme lengths because of so many Anti-Trump Commies in America, thanks to the Communist Democrats constant lies and Rhetoric about President Trump being a Nazi and how he’s going to destroy America.

    It’s all bullshit and I’d love to get my hands on some of those Wimpy, Anti-American pansie snowflakes.

    • The Inauguration moved inside to avoid the Deep State drone strike outdoors.

      Followup plans indoors are good to go.
      youtube. com/watch?v=O-2tpwW0kmU

  • Brother this says it like it is; “Anti-Trump Commies in America,” this is a fact that there are actually “far too many totally unhinged lunatics running loose in America” now who don’t want to see “any progress or improvement” but only to “continually fan the flames of dissent, hostility and hate!”

    America really needs an enema and needs to “clean up its act” as in “certain populations within must be prosecuted for anytime they “step out of line” like they’ve been doing for well over a decade! Ex. Antifa, BLM, etc. who ripped off America and got slaps on their wrists!

    • Thank you brother,

      I just don’t understand why anyone would love to live in a 3rd World with homelessness, drugs everywhere, jobs being shut down, murder and rape rising, Threats from America’s enemies and a world War around the corner.

      And those Anti-American, pansies, snowflakes hates the right man for the job to get America back on track after our country was damn near destroyed by an American hating brain dead Traitorous POS.

      All those people needs their heads opened up and checked to see if they were born with a brain.
      Stupid is as Stupid does and the Communist Anti-American fake news are the reason why so many people hate President Trump.

      And the Veiw always criticizing President Trump on his picks for his cabinet. While Communist Democrats get a pass on everything they do to hurt the American population.

  • You’re spot-on Michael! Too many brainwashed idiots or weak, lazy and probably even evil citizens dragging down America into “3rd World debauchery and a conquered People” that are standing by watching their home being turned into a sewer while Satan’s pal Soros laughs; which means to me “many of them have faith in God or serve His plan and purpose” but rather “they serve the father of all lies” who is their daddy!
    Like when Moses came down from Mount Zion with the Ten Commandments and the people were all partying and worshiping false idols!