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For weeks, a deafening and distressing piercing sound has been echoing through the Washington DC Correctional Treatment Facility, where January 6 political prisoners are being held.

The J6 defendants in C3A, also known as the Patriot Pod in the DC facility, have reached out to The Gateway Pundit, urging the American public to request supervision of the prison from US Marshals and congressional members.

J6 detainees have faced severe mistreatment, forcibly removed from their cells, taken to hostile correctional facilities, and silenced for exposing corruption within the Bureau of Prisons System and the Department of Justice to the media.

Christian missionary and J6 protester Matthew Kroll survived being neglected by guards for over an hour in prison after suffering a heart attack.

Despite needing a pacemaker for two years, he has shared his harrowing experience of “dying” in jail and being revived while awaiting critical heart surgery.

Kroll, along with other J6 defendants, is engaged in a legal battle against the DC jail for medical neglect. Having endured weeks of unbearable noise, Kroll is now reaching out to the public for assistance.

“We have another situation here in C3A. For weeks, now throughout the day and many nights, there [are] sounds of construction going on,” the political prisoner, who is living on a pacemaker, told TGP after 14 days of the madness. “The supervisors say there is no construction at night, yet the noise continues.

“And there have been C/Os that have said there [is] no construction going on in the pod above us. It is 10:23 PM and our current C/O has been in my cell twice tonight to the noise. Inmates in the USA are supposed to get 8 1/2 hours of interrupted sleep a day, that does not happen here.”

Last Tuesday, TGP visited the jail equipped with an undercover camera.

A scaffold stood outside the jail, surrounded by broken glass on the ground and a dark stain that seemed to be dried blood.

When this reporter entered the lobby of the DC Gulag, Kroll alleged that the inmates had been subjected to unbearable and constant loud noise reverberating from the cinderblock walls for weeks.

If it was this loud in the lobby, nonstop,  imagine the hell it’s been for the inmates.

“Can we get our supporters to contact the jail, the Marshals, and their Congressmen? Other inmates here will verify what I’m saying. Thank you,” Kroll wrote in a text message to TGP.

TGP came back to the prison on Friday, where the familiar deafening noise echoed throughout the entire building.

In Guantanamo Bay, military tactics have been used to psychologically break down Muslim detainees by subjecting them to high-volume noise. Now, the Patriot Act is being wielded as a weapon against American citizens.

Electronic devices are allowed only in the lobby of the jail for visitors, except during legal visits where an inmate’s attorneys, paralegals, and investigators are permitted to use recording devices.

Visitors are escorted by correctional officers to a private room where they undergo thorough patdowns.

Female visitors are required to remove their shoes, bend over for inspection, lift up their bras and undergarments, open their mouths, and lift their tongues to ensure no illegal items such as paraphernalia or drugs are brought into the jail.

Petty tyrant guards often delight in causing distress to visitors, using trivial details such as the fabric or cut of their clothing as excuses to deny them entry.

The Republican Party seems to be absent when it comes to addressing issues at the US Capitol building, which is only two miles away from the DC Gulag.

While a few members of Congress have visited the DC jail on two occasions, not a single one has attended any trials of January 6 defendants, including former President Donald Trump, at the nearby federal courthouse.

You are encouraged to contact the DC Jail and the DC Council members to demand accountability for the treatment of individuals, who are being subjected to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment.

Advocate for an end to the lockdown and support the January 6 Patriot prisoners by calling the numbers provided below.

Additionally, you can contribute to the January 6 Commissary Fund to assist our POWs by visiting

Here are the numbers to call: (Jan 6ers are in unit C3A) The Central Treatment Facility (DC JAIL – CTF) Ask for Warden or Deputy Director or Major in Command 202-790-6601
US MARSHALS 703-740-8132 and 703-740-8400
DC CITY COUNSEL 202-724-8000
God protect these tortured souls.


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  • All IS being REVEALED! President Trump’s still my President. The Whole Global Cabal, demoncRATs and RINOS, ALL SATAN’S DEMON SPAWN MINIONS DESERVE DIRT NAPS. NCSWIC, WWG1WGA, and P.A.N.I.C. LGB,FJB!

  • This is not America, the guards who are behind this abuse should be kidnapped and subjected to the same treatment.

    • Agreed. I hope someone has hacked lists of the guards, with their addresses etc…, and then dox’s them. IF (and I’ll keep an open mind) only HALF of the stories we hear are true, Bureau of Prisons people need to go to jail for a long long time, or absent that, vigilante justice needs to be administered. People who abuse citizens like this need to understand that one way or another either the government punishes them, or the People will.

  • You mean to tell me not one politician can put an end to the torture these people are going through. I’d like to see a conservative do this to Obama supporters. Democrats wouldn’t allow it but we do nothing to help our people. Its criminal ruining the lives of these people every person in DC should be ashamed. Can’t believe this is America.

    • The republicans only barely control the house and the democrats control the senate. No kind of laws could be passed that would help the prisoners because the democrats would never go for that.

      • Except that the House Republicans can shut down the government by not appropriating money until this is taken care of. They just don’t have the balls to do it.

  • Those same Communist Bastards were the ones who screamed about the Muslim terrorist who were being water boarded. Those Communist Mother Fuc**rs said that water boarding was Torture and is not allowed in the United States.
    Now today Those Communist Bastards are Torturing Americans.??
    I’ve said a Civil War needs to be started 2 years ago but, Americans are still watching what the Communist are doing to America and won’t do what the 2nd Amendment was intended for..
    It’s only going to get worse and those Communist Bastards are already figuring out a way to end Elections, and remain in power before the 2024 Election..
    I say let the shooting begin and remove the Communist Democrats and try them by We The People, find them guilty and Hang the Evil Subhuman Demons Son of a Bitches in the streets…
    Good must win over EVIL or We lose Period..

    • I agree with the exception – J6’rs should have been ARMED and READY. Then you would have had a REAL INSURRECTION ! I’m just waiting for that first shot to be fired, then it’s GAME ON ! FJB and the dem-0-rats.

  • Only cowards and a losers would want to ban their competition from facing them in an election Democrats have cheated before in other elections and if not stopped by the Supreme Court will continue to try it again and again.

    The new bunch of serious cowards and losers in our government are Democrats who would ban Trump from the election.
    The serious and dangerous cowards in our government are the Democrats, joined by two Republicans in name only, Chaney and Kinzinger who are aiding in the torture and inhumane treatment of January 6 prisoners being held in capitol prisons. Thier aids and abettors are cowards in the Republican Party who let the Democrats get away with it. We read about the abuse of our citizens in the Epoch Times, no other papers have the guts to print it even though the MSM are fully aware of the torture and suicides.

  • When trump is elected president, the prison officials will begin to destroy all records to try to escape the punishment they richly deserve. All of the Guards, administrators and congressional staff that have tortured these innocent people need to go to real prisons and put in with the general population of prisoners. Then they will finally get the punishment they richly deserve

    • And prosecute those Communist Democrats responsible for calling the J6 prisoners,, who haven’t gone to court and denied due Process under the Constitution.
      Those (Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schift, and others) Communist Democrats should be prosecuted and sentenced to be sent to Gitmo.
      The same thing for the Communist guards who have been paid off for violating their Oath and Torture those innocent prisoners.

  • So are our congressional representatives going to take any action to stop the torture of J6 prisoners? Normally prisoners are not allowed to be tortured. Is the ACLJ aware and are they going to help the J6 prisoners? I always believed that it was a crime to torture anyone in our jails. Doesn’t that rule apply to J6 prisoners? Are they in the DC jail because they don’t have any rights or protection when they are in the DC jail? There is a big problem here and our congressional representatives should become involved and stop this abuse of power.

  • Marxists do this! The Feral US Courts allow it! The DOJ allow it! The FBI allows it! Congress allows it! Fk’em all!

  • I pray for these people that one day they will be delivered from this horrible situation. Everyone and I mean everyone involved with this abomination of human rights should be put in to the darkest and deepest hole never to be found again. But rest assured my friends all of these in-human pieces of trash will one day stand before THE Judge and have to explain their treatment of their fellow human beings. Hope I can get a front row seat in that courtroom. Hey I’ll even bring the popcorn. My advise to these POS, bring a lot of suntan lotion with you.

  • Time to elect Trump and clean up this jail by putting the abusive guards in the cells awaiting their trials (in 2-3 years).

  • Think about it….if you really wanted to stop the illegal migration wouldn’t you send all of them to Washington D.C. to where the deep stink is..instead of redistributing them to the city’s that are losing people..due to the deep stink politics…? Just saying ..we have one party not two…

  • No need to kill the prison guards, they are only following the orders of Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. Destroy them with DAMAGES, completely bankrupting them.

    • That’s the same excuse NAZI guards used, just following orders. I would give the guards the same treatment they are giving out.

  • Every member of the DC prison regime need to be tried and then jailed for life. those responsible for the torture regardless of agency should be hanged and every asset seized.