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Progressive lawmakers have expressed confidence that Vice President Kamala Harris remains aligned with their core values, despite her shifting stances on some key policies during the presidential campaign.

Harris has adjusted her positions on issues such as “Medicare for All,” banning fracking, and decriminalizing illegal immigration, but these changes have not shaken the support of the Left.

Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) emphasized that he and Harris share the same priorities on critical issues like climate change, abortion rights, and LGBTQ rights.

“I’m from Massachusetts, she’s from California. On climate, on abortion, on racial, LGBTQ issues, we are absolutely in agreement on her agenda,” Markey said in an interview with The Hill.

He noted that both he and Senator Elizabeth Warren are actively campaigning for Harris because of their shared progressive values.

When asked if Harris would support “Medicare for All” if elected, a policy he co-sponsored, Markey expressed more concern about former President Donald Trump potentially repealing the Affordable Care Act.

He praised Harris as a strong advocate for expanding healthcare access, underscoring her progressive stance on healthcare reform.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) also voiced his support for Harris, suggesting that her policy shifts are a pragmatic approach to winning the election.

“I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals,” Sanders told NBC News.

“I think she’s trying to do what’s necessary to win.”

Sanders emphasized the importance of focusing on winning the election rather than pressuring Harris to adopt potentially unpopular positions in key battleground states.

“Nothing’s more important for the climate than winning,” he added, affirming his belief that Harris would be a strong leader on climate action.

Harris herself addressed the matter in an interview with CNN, reassuring voters that her “values have not changed” since she endorsed more progressive policies during the 2019 Democratic primary.


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  • Markey and Warren are so far too the left and up Krapalas ass they’ll pay voters to vote for the Communist Bitch and many dumbasses will sell out America for a few hundred dollars, mark my word, they’ll do it.
    Just like when they buss in fools from another State to attend her Bullshit rallies and all paid for by the taxpayers.
    when I turned 65 years old a year ago I was automatically receiving SS which $250.00 was taken out to pay for Medicare and the Communist sends me a mere $535.00 a month which the IRS has me down as below poverty.
    And to think the Communist Mother Fu**ers give illegals $1,800 – $2,000 a month free money.!
    I was involved in an automobile accident when another person ran a stop sign and tee-boned my truck on the passenger side, my wife was in the passenger seat and she has spinal injuries and the persons insurance (progressive) paid me $6,000 for my totalled truck and I never got a replacement, the money for injuries was $28,000 and not enough for surgery. My wife has to take pain medication for the rest of her life.
    And the Communist Democrats are going to give illegals free Medicare, free Transportation, free money while my wife and I have to suffer through this.
    This will happen to you America if that Bitch makes it in. With my wifes SS and mine were barely getting by, this is one reason why I’m ready for a Civil War and I will always stand my ground.

    • I’m sorry for your suffering and that you had to experience through this. I hope your case can persuade others what to expect if they continue to Vote for DEMOCRATS

  • Michael Smith, from the bottom of my heart I pray for you and the Mrs.

    I’m so sad to hear about this, I of course would have had no clue about any of it, and generally in my mind I would figure you and your family was doing fine! This gets me to ripping inside and I cry out to the God to please intervene as soon as it is His will, because this is far beyond injustice now! These “heathen evil monsters” in our government have brought hell and massive evil upon this nation and its Citizens!

    Most of what has flooded into our nation is useless lowlife no morals or integrity persons, who will do like you said and take more handouts to go vote these evil monsters back in! These invaders never paid a dime into our safety net systems for “We the People” many of whom like you and your wife continually get the short end of the stick and even kicked to the curb! Yet these savages many of them criminal maniacs released from foreign prisons or insane asylums by the millions are running all over our nation now, all to bring total havoc and suffering to “us the Citizens” while the “bastards doing this in the political machine” live in the lap of luxury like the life long criminal politician Biden, Obama the Muslim Jihadist supporter with his man bitch and “total fraud” former POTUS and yet they the government, still aren’t done with us yet! They have more plans in the pipeline, not an oil one, but “a political one” that is meant to slam-dunk “We the People” into anarchy and despair!

    I say all this, not to rant; but because I know exactly what is happening and I want our “Lord God in the name of Jesus” to hear me please! “Dear Father in heaven please hear the cry of your people who love you” and don’t allow this to go on any further, we need you now more than ever. Thank you Lord God and I give Jesus all the praise, honor and glory. Amen.

    I say special prayers for folks I run into and just meet in my area as well others, but you and you wife Michael are on the top of my list today and I will be praying right away!

    Talk here again soon I pray. God bless you.

    Your brother in Christ Jesus,

    • Lawrence, I’m almost speechless for your kind words which made me hard to focus through teary-eyes.
      Yes it’s hard on us but we’re managing as long as the grocery prices don’t go up any further, but I’m not holding my breath by knowing that the Communist in Washington DC are pushing their agenda to eliminate the elderly at a fast pace.
      We need President Trump now more than ever and I’m praying he does dismantle the Communist SS, FBI, CIA, ATF and imprison those who are involved in the attempted Assassination on his life.
      America is now closer than ever in terms of losing the value of the Dollar since many enemy Nations are turning away from American currency, and that will destroy every single American who are experiencing what my wife and I are going through.
      God Bless you Lawrence and your family and I really enjoy commenting back and fourth with you.
      Bless you my friend.
      Michael Smith

      • Michael, you’re more than welcome and I’m so flabbergasted by what I see the most derelict corrupted people doing to our America from the top down the most evil people I’ve ever seen in my experiences! I agree with all you said and my prayers are of course with you and your wife, sincerely!

        And you’re right the “Agenda is in play” as these vicious evil masterminds are pushing the envelope of society now to eliminate and replace true American Citizens with evil worshiping zombies that will look up to these masterminds as their gods! I know China is playing quite a chess game and your recent mention of how our beef is going there to China while evil Gates is working out the “bugs” in the “bug food and fake meat” for Americans; the CCP looks at the potential to slowly suffocate Americans and replace us and our government with their own power; the “money dynamic or paradigm” is already being flipped as you mentioned!

        The snake is in the house!

        But even though I saw what appeared to me an evil eyed Haitian scoping out the neighborhood in my locale I hold fast to the power of God and that His will is going to supersede anything this sick, corrupted and crooked world can toss at us! Sure I would love nothing more than to see all things go back to a place and time when things were really pretty darn good for we law abiding decent citizenry, but I know too that this time is so unprecedented in the annuals of American history, life and culture because the old “cat has been let out of the bag” as the saying goes or even “Pandora’s Box has been opened,” releasing so much foul and ugliness upon this once great nation under God!

        So we pray and try our best as we always do to “take one day at a time and live it like it’s out last!”
        See you much more here as we move forward friend and fellow patriot American!
        God bless.