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The acquisition of vast amounts of U.S. farmland near strategic military bases by Chinese entities has raised significant concerns about the extent of China’s political and strategic influence in America.

Recent reports have revealed that investors from the People’s Republic have purchased numerous acres of American farmland, some located close to crucial military bases vital for national security.

These acquisitions and other signs of infiltration into the American homeland underscore a worrying reality about China’s ability to exert influence.

According to the New York Post, Chinese investors now possess more than 349,442 acres of land scattered across the United States.

Of particular concern is that at least 19 of these holdings are situated near domestic military bases. Some of the notable bases in question include Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Irwin, the Yuma Proving Ground, and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The latter is especially troubling as it is home to personnel assigned to the Nuclear Command, Control and Communication Integration Directorate.

“The directorate advises [Air Force Global Strike Command] on the [Nuclear Command, Control and Communications] Weapon System’s technical architecture and informs key decisions regarding investment and modernization,” an Air Force fact sheet explains.

“The directorate is also responsible for the weapon system’s configuration management, system test, system verification, and system certification.”

Wright-Patterson AFB not only plays a crucial role in maintaining and modernizing the nation’s nuclear stockpile, but also hosts strategic air wings, intelligence and research centers.

Now, the base is adjacent to properties owned by a Chinese individual, raising concerns given China’s known tendency to exert influence in supposedly private enterprises.

When viewed in the context of other troubling activities by China against the United States, these land purchases become even more worrisome.

For instance, a surveillance balloon launched by China traversed much of the continental U.S., including military posts and sensitive sites.

The fact that President Joe Biden’s administration was unable or unwilling to intercept this balloon until it had covered most of the country is deeply concerning.

Additionally, numerous Chinese individuals are among the millions of foreigners who have crossed the southern border into the U.S. in recent years.

It is unknown how many people from China have entered the country through this route.

Given this influx, there is a possibility China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially Compromised what foreign governments have exploited this chaos to infiltrate their own agents into the American interior.

Reflecting on the events of September 11, 2001, when just 19 men orchestrated multiple coordinated hijackings that reshaped our world within hours, it is alarming to imagine what a few hundred dedicated individuals could achieve with significant foreign investment and access to land near U.S. military installations.

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Doug Goldsmith

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  • And yet, nothing done about arresting, indictment, by the afraid to do anything Republicans, where’s the military power to remove the Communist asshole in chief.?
    Or have they been pussified by the Woke, transgender, gay fucking shit, That homosexual Communist Muslim, loves it up his ass Obama, who done this to our military.?
    Well America, it looks like we’ll soon have to speak Chinese and be forced into hard labor and locked up in concentration camps..
    I called for a 2nd Civil War every year Biden was in Office. And I called the do nothing Republicans, Spineless, gutless, evidence holding,
    Time wasting, taxpayers Money wasting, good for nothing assholes.
    Welcome to the Communist States of China.!!
    Sold free and clear without a single shot fired by Joe Biden, Muslim Barack Hussein Obama, George Soros and Son.
    And every American who didn’t heed the Warnings.

  • An incomplete article! The title refers to 19 locations but less than a half-dozen are identified and little detail is provided as to why we should be concerned about each or the detailed potential impacts of each.
    While I strongly agree with the concerns, this article is little more than emotional click-bait IMHO.

    • Sure the article is incomplete, it’s written by a new age “journalist”. But you are a dam idiot. You don’t know why we should be concerned that our no 1 enemy is buying huge amounts of land in this country let alone farm land and lands next to military base’s, “Working American” bullshit, you voted biden didn’t you?

  • This “country” is screwed, no border, perverts, pedophiles, commies and traitors fill the government, military, schools and media.

  • There is no doubt in my mind that they are They are enlisting Russia and North Korea because they are afraid of us I think the Russian vessels that are parked in Cuba China has bought their way into Central and south America They believe that they would put out a massive strike to cripple our defenses (thank to the Biden CCP Balloon show What they cannot account for is the massive fire power of our Submarines So the CCP would ask their 2 bedfellows and they would have to almost guarantee our surrender I would think a treasonous bastard like Biden is he would say yes however our citizens will say a lot differently Why is Biden pushing so hard to take our guns So we will not even have an opportunity to defend our homes It will not work We will not give up



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