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The issue of child trafficking along the southern border has reached alarming proportions, with recent reports revealing a staggering increase in forced labor and prostitution among underage migrants. The Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies have been linked to a sharp rise in child sex trafficking, with critics blaming their failure to secure the border as a key driver of this tragic trend.

In August 2024, former President Donald Trump addressed a crowd in Glendale, Arizona, citing a shocking statistic that left many stunned. “325,000 migrant children have gone missing in America today. They’re gone. They’re missing,” Trump declared. He further added that many of these missing children had fallen victim to sex trafficking or worse, saying, “Many of them are in sex slavery, or they’re dead.”

Trump’s remarks were based on figures from an August 2024 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report, which highlighted the grim reality of unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border in record numbers. According to the DHS report, more than 32,000 unaccompanied children failed to attend their immigration hearings between 2019 and 2023. Even more alarming is the fact that nearly 300,000 children who entered the U.S. alone never received a court date, leaving them in legal limbo and vulnerable to exploitation.

These statistics point to a widespread failure in managing the border crisis, with unaccompanied minors essentially falling through the cracks of the system. Border Patrol agents, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of migrants, have had little involvement with many of these children. As a result, over 300,000 unaccounted-for children remain in the U.S., their whereabouts unknown, many feared to be victims of trafficking or other forms of exploitation.

Critics of the Biden-Harris administration, including Trump, have been vocal in condemning the current leadership’s handling of the border crisis. Kamala Harris, who was appointed Border Czar early in Biden’s presidency, has faced particular scrutiny for her role in overseeing what has become a humanitarian disaster. Conservative commentator Drew Hernandez referred to the situation as “The Open Border Massacre,” asserting that under Harris’s failed leadership, the U.S. has witnessed “the largest human and child trafficking operation in world history.”

Disturbing reports from journalists and independent investigators have also shed light on the harsh realities facing migrant children. In September 2024, the investigative outlet Muckraker released a chilling video documenting the exploitation of illegal alien children forced to work in New York City’s Times Square. In the video, one young boy describes working from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. four days a week. Even more horrifying, the child recalls seeing bodies on his journey to the U.S. and witnessing children drown as they made the perilous trek across the border.

An 11-year-old child from Colombia is working in the streets of New York City today. This is just one child interviewed by Muckraker in the expose’ on illegal alien child labor. The boy says he has been in the US for about a month.

The story of this young boy is just one of many tragic accounts of children who have been caught in the web of human trafficking. The Biden administration’s border policies have been criticized for creating a perfect storm for traffickers, who prey on vulnerable unaccompanied minors. With little oversight and an overwhelmed immigration system, these children are often lost in the chaos, becoming easy targets for exploitation.

Adding to the grim picture, Madeleine Rowley from The Free Press reported in September 2024 that forced labor and prostitution among underage migrants had more than tripled under President Biden. This unprecedented rise in child trafficking has drawn attention to the administration’s failure to implement stricter border security measures, which many argue could have prevented such widespread abuse.

The rise in child trafficking is not an unforeseen consequence but a direct result of the administration’s open border policies, say critics. Experts in immigration and law enforcement had long warned that easing border restrictions without adequate infrastructure or enforcement would lead to chaos. Those warnings appear to have gone unheeded, as the nation now faces one of the largest human trafficking crises in its history.

The Biden administration’s approach to immigration reform has been widely criticized, not just by political opponents but by humanitarian organizations and advocates for immigrant children. Many have argued that the administration’s leniency has not only failed to provide a safe and orderly immigration process but has also put thousands of children at risk of abuse and exploitation.

As the 2024 election approaches, the issue of child trafficking and the administration’s handling of the border crisis will likely be a focal point for debate. With public trust in the Biden-Harris team waning, particularly among those concerned about immigration, the administration will be forced to confront these devastating statistics. For now, however, the tragic reality remains that thousands of migrant children are missing, and many are living through unimaginable horrors within U.S. borders.

The question many are now asking is: Will the Biden-Harris administration be held accountable for the failures that have led to such a massive human trafficking crisis?


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  • I can’t imagine what tortures those little ones are going through, the Cartels should be carpet bombed and the Communist Democrats who allowed this to happen should be prosecuted now.!
    They have created a Pedophiles dream, one day in the near future someone’s going to come across the many small bodies buried in shallow graves in the Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, desert’s.
    Right now Foreign Prostitution brothels are popping up everywhere and the Communist Democrats aren’t being accountable for any of this happening.
    We The People are going to have to take matters in our own hands since charges aren’t going to be presented by the cowardly Republicans who obviously are nolonger representing the people.!
    Young souls are crying out for help and nobody’s listening.
    Yet Pedophile Biden still sniffs young girls hair and Communist Harris and Communist Mayorkas claims the Border is secured but also claims it’s President Trump’s fault. (I get sick and tired of hearing that same bullshit), and the Communist supporters believe that shit and are still voting for that Anti-American, Anti-Constitution Communist Bitch Kamala. while cheering on her Law Violating Lies.!!
    What the Hell is wrong with Americans.? Don’t say you don’t want to get involved since you’re already involved the day you voted for those Demonic heartless inhumane Satan Spawns.!
    May God have mercy on the ones who voted for them and turned their backs on America.

    • As much as we would like to say the Voters elected this Administration of Corruption, we must take a real look at Electoral Votes and how each State is set up and did every Electoral really Vote for Biden or was their people that wanted to Vote for Trump ?
      The only way to vote is get rid of Electoral that take our individual Votes away for the most part..
      Even then there will be Election Fraud until we get back to mandatory showing ID and proof of Citizenship to Vote..
      Our Parents and Grandparents did it and that is the American Way it must remain..
      Stop the misinformation of ID and can’t get to the Polls..
      Not everyone wants to Vote, especially the Homeless and those in Hospitals and Nursing homes..
      They just want to be left alone and get better..

      • Very true points you bring out!
        Overall there is far too much corruption or means to cheat in our system now; it’s not as straightforward and basic as it once was!

  • All because of an OPEN BORDER that Democrat’s allowed..
    This Administration created a BIG Disaster which America will have to clean up with all of the people that came here ignoring Our Immigration Law’s that this Administration turned their backs on..
    So many Children and many adults from many Countries will suffer from what was created ..
    This Administration gave all of them FALSE hope basically Lying to all of them while American’s end up suffering in many ways..
    The Border is still open with Millions of people a year crossing Our Border in hopes of Asylum and Citizenship but Congress has not done anything for those people but continue to give False Hope..
    Let’s face it..
    Congress has to present bills for Asylum,for mass Citizenship and to Fund all of those people with Money,food,healthcare and housing that we DO NOT HAVE !!
    What must be done ??

    • Del; the whole giant MESS is a criminal atrocity caused directly by our government officials and the bottom will fall out; it’s absolutely unsustainable while all the “Communist” and “Leftist jackasses” all talk about climate/ecology sustainability or their New Green Deal; yet this tsunami of debauchery goes on and on “that absolutely will destroy this country in the short term.” Absolutely insane, evil, rotten people running things!

      I was told as a teen by a wise man, “first things first,” and that is what Trump said about “America being first” and “We Citizens First,” so that should have been continued and fulfilled! If you’re not helping yourself and your own first then you can’t build a strong enough system that is resilient and capable of helping others in this mixed up crazy world! Peace and Fairness through Strength. If the country goes down in flames we won’t be able to help diddlysquat!

  • Kama-Chameleon Border Czar is actually the first Female V.P. Evil Whore Madam of Child Trafficking and here we are in the tail end of a rigged and installed Democrat Marxist presidential candidate no less the first time such a horrendous thing ever happened in America and look at these horrific numbers, still that witch from hell cackles and laughs all over the mass media! There has to be a special place in hell for such vile demonic infested souls like her and Biden.

    That witch Harris is really a Chameleon, a Demonic One!

    This whole charade has to end very badly for somebody and it should not be those children and the American Citizens; so I pray each day that the JUSTICE from God Almighty is coming swiftly.

  • Kamala Harris, the so-called “Border Czar,” is facing an unprecedented crisis as Border Patrol agents, fed up with the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous immigration policies, are threatening to leave their jobs in droves if she wins the presidency in 2024. These agents, responsible for safeguarding America’s borders, are speaking out about the hell they’ve endured under Harris’s watch. And let’s be clear—Harris’s failures are no secret.

    The National Border Patrol Council, representing 16,000 agents, has already made their stance loud and clear. They’ve officially strongly endorsed Donald Trump, recognizing him as the only leader who will restore order at the southern border. Their message is simple: If Harris is elected, the country’s border security will crumble even further, and they’ll be walking off the job, leaving America vulnerable.

    A Closer Look at Harris’s Failures
    Bret Baier’s recent interview with Harris was a moment of reckoning. He didn’t hold back, grilling her on the catastrophic consequences of her so-called leadership as Border Czar. Baier’s questioning highlighted what many of us have known all along—Harris has no moral center, no firm beliefs, and no commitment to the American people. She’s nothing more than a puppet, spewing whatever her handlers tell her in order to secure votes.

    Trump 2024.!

  • Brother Michael, thank you for pointing out these hard truths and the current reality for so many innocent souls being savagely victimized and worse. I can’t stand that our once wonderful nation has allowed this evil cancer straight from hell to take advantage of so many while allowing the worst Criminals in the history of this Constitutional Republic to rape, blunder and pillage America’s treasures especially so many children!

    I quote: Experts in immigration and law enforcement had long warned that easing border restrictions without adequate infrastructure or enforcement would lead to chaos. Dear God is that absolutely TRUTH!

    A genuine American Hero “Timothy Ballard” of the “Sound of Freedom” film brought so much to the attention of the average citizens along with everyone else in the population whether they be good bad or indifferent; of just how out of control and diabolical this heartbreaking matter truly is! And as my dad always taught us as children growing that, “there are always consequences for what anyone does that is wrong!” And to me those consequences can’t come soon enough; so I pray that our Lord God in Jesus’ Holy Name send that justice swiftly! Because overall the so called responsible agencies here in America including Congress are doing zilch to properly address apprehend, prosecute and punish all those responsible; while permanently putting an end to the evil cartels that carry out this atrocity and making certain they are being pounded into the dust!

    Thank you for speaking boldly and from the heart in this regard my Brother.
    God bless you and yours.
    A special prayer and blessing to all of those children.

    Matthew 18:5-7 “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. 6But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7Woe to the world for the causes of sin. These stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!”