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Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks strongly criticized the hypocrisy of ‘Defund the Police’ Democrats for allocating $75 million for security during the DNC, while residents of Chicago endure pervasive violence and receive minimal support.

As the founder and Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Chicago and the CEO of Project H.O.O.D. (Helping Others Obtain Destiny), Pastor Brooks, also known as the “Rooftop Pastor,” is dedicated to serving his community.

Paster Brooks shared, “The national leaders of the ‘Defund the Police’ movement are in my hometown of Chicago for the Democratic National Convention. As a South Sider, I saw firsthand the impact of this heavily ideological movement on my neighborhood — the very neighborhood these politicians professed to be helping.”

“Crime shot up. Innocent civilians lost their lives to increasingly brazen criminals. Smash and grabs went up. Mobs stormed the streets. Carjackings no longer made the news. And on and on.”

“The police officers felt the negative impact, and a few brave officers persisted policing despite the greater risk of their safety.”

“The last of businesses went belly up. The public schools remain dismal….failure factories. And, we got nothing in return.”

“We are the social workers these policticians wrote about in The New York Times that would magically reduce violence in neighborhoods like mine.”

“There’s been no reckoning for these policticians who paid no price for their dangerous ideas that caused the death of Blacks despite it.”

“Now, I just learned the news from a local paper that the DNC is allocating $75 million in federal security funding for the protection of their politicians during the convention. Most of those funds will go to the Chicago Police Department. Talk about blatant hypocrisy.”

“For years, we’ve watched Defund the Police politicians like Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., spend tens of thousands of dollars on private security for themselves.Kamala Harris supported the movement.”

“Why security for them and not us, the people? Why do we the people have to pay for their security while they, the politicians, weaken our security? How did we get so twisted?”

Watch Pastor Brooks’ entire excellent commentary:

According to the Chicago Tribune, $75 million in federal funding was allocated to Chicago to assist with covering security expenses for the Democratic National Convention.

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  • I pray millions see this article. I totally agree with this man. I live in California and our Democrat governor just announced how out of control the violence is on our streets and our communities. He didn’t have a plan to fix it but even the Democrats agree that violence in America is out of control. Gee, I wonder if it is because there are no punishment for these criminals. Shop lifters can’t be arrested unless it is over $1,000. Why are stores closing, big companies going out of business, well, it doesn’t take long when customers can walk out with $1,000 worth of goods that the store paid for, the employees they pay, the TAXES they pay for a store chain to go out of business. Ask the politicians who is to blame, they will tell you it is not their fault. IT IS their fault, the broader crossings, all the illegal immigrants, in CA they want to give them all FREE homes. I can barely make my mortgage but those who haven’t paid a dime in taxes get FREE EVERYTHING and now a house. I don’t care what party you vote, WAKE UP PEOPLE. The government is giving your hard earned taxes to other countries, to the invasion of illegals. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. STOP THE MADNESS AND VOTE IN PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT AMERICANS. WE ARE THE ONES PAYING THEIR SALARY. WAKE UP!!!!!!!

    • You are correct but the 4th Estate is lying about how evil the demonrats are and too many sheep believe them. Our only hope is 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our Nation.

  • I endorse this mans speech as he is telling it like it is . Liberal socialist commie democrats are the one who are destroying this country and spying on it own citizenry as well as putting elected officials on the terrorist watch list. These democrats are working with the DEVIL doing their best to turn this country upside down and enslave US ALL

  • For a long time I would get fighting mad when I read some euro trash call Americans stupid, but now I have to admit that it is correct. I think MOST “Americans” are not only stupid but criminally lazy to the point of worthless. Look at all the morons supporting the demonRats that not only make heros of violent criminals but invite military age males into the country and give them free homes, thousands of dollars out right then welfare, medical and will allow them to vote. The cia, fbi, pentagon etc., etc., etc, are all traitors filled with fags, trannies and traitors. Don’t pay your tax’s and they want to put you in prison, they need to pay the illegals don’t want to make them mad. I no longer love this country