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Vivek Ramaswamy, a prominent figure in the biotech industry and known for his strong conservative values, is rumored to be stepping away from his position in the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Appointed by President-elect Donald Trump, Ramaswamy was set to co-lead this initiative with tech mogul Elon Musk. The duo was seen as a powerful force for reforming the federal government by cutting through red tape and reducing unnecessary expenditure.

President Trump had high hopes for the partnership, expressing confidence that Musk and Ramaswamy would effectively tackle government bureaucracy. Trump’s vision was clear: streamline federal agencies, eliminate wasteful spending, and ultimately make the government more accountable to the American people. He described this undertaking as an essential part of the “Save America” movement, aiming for completion by July 4, 2026, to coincide with the nation’s 250th birthday.

However, recent reports suggest that Ramaswamy’s time with DOGE might be coming to an end. Speculation is mounting that his exit is linked to the possibility of him running for the U.S. Senate seat that will soon be vacant due to Vice President-elect JD Vance’s new position. This potential move has stirred political circles, with many wondering if Ramaswamy is gearing up for a new chapter in his political journey.

While Ramaswamy’s departure might seem sudden, insiders indicate that there have been underlying tensions within DOGE. Sources close to the situation reveal that Musk’s team has been less than thrilled with Ramaswamy’s involvement, or rather, the lack thereof. It appears that the biotech entrepreneur’s approach has not meshed well with the expectations of Musk’s inner circle, leading to friction within the ranks.

Those familiar with the task force dynamics have noted growing dissatisfaction among Musk’s allies, who feel Ramaswamy hasn’t been pulling his weight. This sentiment has reportedly led to subtle nudges for him to consider stepping aside. It’s a situation that highlights the complexities of bringing together strong personalities with different working styles in a high-pressure environment.

The whispers of Ramaswamy’s potential Senate bid gained traction following his recent meeting with Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. The discussion centered around the Senate seat left open by Vance’s departure. However, any hopes of an immediate appointment were dashed when Governor DeWine announced his decision to appoint his lieutenant governor to the position.

Despite these challenges, Ramaswamy remains a significant player on the political stage. Known for making cultural issues a cornerstone of his political identity, he has been vocal against what he perceives as “woke” agendas infiltrating business, academia, and government. Even when running against Trump in the GOP primaries, Ramaswamy maintained a respectful stance, often praising the former president.

The Department of Government Efficiency, while sounding like a full-fledged agency, is actually more of an advisory body. Its role is to provide insights and recommendations from outside the traditional government framework. Working closely with the White House and the Office of Management and Budget, DOGE is designed to streamline processes and drive efficiency throughout federal operations.

Ramaswamy’s relationship with Musk, initially seen as a promising alliance, seems to have cooled. Reports of the two brainstorming over plans at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida estate, have emerged, but it appears that this initial collaboration has not sustained its momentum. Observers noted that the once-frequent interactions have become less common, signaling a possible shift in focus for Ramaswamy.

The news of Ramaswamy’s potential departure was first reported by Politico, adding another layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. While his future with DOGE remains uncertain, his influence in the broader political landscape is undeniable.

Sources familiar with the internal workings of the task force claim that Musk’s inner circle has grown increasingly frustrated with Ramaswamy’s alleged lack of hands-on involvement.

“Vivek has worn out his welcome,” a source close to Trump revealed.

Ramaswamy’s journey reflects the evolving dynamics of conservative politics, where innovation and tradition intersect. As he navigates these waters, his next steps will be watched closely by supporters and critics alike. Whether he stays within the realm of government reform or ventures into the Senate race, Ramaswamy’s impact is set to continue shaping discussions on efficiency and governance.

As the story develops, the focus remains on how these changes will affect the broader goals of the Department of Government Efficiency and its mission to bring about a leaner, more accountable federal structure. For now, the political world waits to see how this chapter unfolds and what it means for the future of conservative leadership in America.


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  • Ramaswamy= another foreigner who has no business doing a Government job.

    Foreigners pretend to have allegiance to the United States but in reality, they don’t. They do whatever will benefit their own people and country of origin.
    Mozlems are the very worst. They sneak into countries pretending to be harmless, until their numbers increase, then they start their Jihad.

  • I find it almost impossible to have a strong confidence in Ramaswamy and as the adage goes have taken him “with a grain of salt” when he speaks and for that matter any fat-cat or very rich influential person who can “buy their way into” just about anything including and especially politics! I include Musk and even President Trump in this category, mainly because as “I know in my own heart” humans are corruptible, imperfect and at times can be so “unpredictable” due to the “incorrigible heart!” Money and power absolutely go to the head and that is a big problem, because as I see it, “human weakness or foibles can and often does cause shifts or changes in heart,” so “how can a person put their total confidence or trust in another person.” I mean just look what a bum scumbag like Biden has been for over 50 years, and now he’s “so filthy rich and for what;” being one of the “most evil minded and corrupted hypocritical liars on this planet;” a useless “receptacle of corruption, lies and evil” that has so much ill-gotten gain, and who is literally “as ugly as sin itself!”

    Jeremiah 17:9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?”

    You place big money, power, ego and agendas in this equation and you have “danger or trouble written all over it!”
    Look at Musk with all his supposed great accomplishments; talking about “Occupy Mars” and that is a great human goal!??? I don’t trust him and I don’t really like him at all; further we don’t need to go to Mars or try living there for sure! There is something off and sinister in him that only God knows what it’s really capable of! One of my reasons for not bothering with Twitter is that I don’t want to be a part of what he is controlling, but I also don’t want so much distraction or wasting time on digital cyberspace platforms. Dorsey’s “leftist commie clan” gave me the boot on Twitter a while before Musk bought it, and since then I’ve been invited back, but no thanks!

    It is not good as I see it at all and his ego or maybe madness propels him forward! I see people like this “placing themselves on some plateau or pinnacle above us all” and, that is what God pointed out about Satan the father of all lies! That most beautiful angel of them all the bearer of the light Lucifer.

    Isaiah 14:12-14 “How you have fallen from heaven, O day star, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations. 13You said in your heart: “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the far reaches of the north. 14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

    People beware “the deceiver is working overtime” now in this hi-tech tantalizing and mesmerizing world to “trick and trap” as many of us as possible, in order to pull us into hell for eternity!

    God bless.

  • Bob; On the right track and so true!

    Muslims are the most evil and worst in doing this!

    The Requirement to Perform Taqiyya
    “Lying to the Kafir is called Taqiyya, which is considered a virtue in Islam and is used to advance Islam’s cause. Islam has no concept of being truthful to non-Muslims. What is generally not understood why is that Islam is one of the most extreme forms of in group supremacy that I have researched.”

    “Why Muslims Only See Themselves as Lying to People Who Are “Lower Than Dogs of Pigs or Dried Excrement”
    “Islam sees itself in perpetual jihad (struggle) against the Kafir. Kafirs are considered lower than dogs or pigs and it is protected under Sharia law to rape them, and even to murder them. Therefore, lying to them is of course small potatoes. This following quote shows the distain for the infidel.”

    “Thus, a Muslim who kills an infidel, including a dhimmi, will not be killed in turn, when the Muslim is not a habitual killer of infidels. Wasa’il al Shi’a Vol. 19, pg 79-81

    “It may even [be said that] they [i.e. dhimmis] are worse than dogs, pigs, or dried excrement and similar things; even if we [theoretically] deem it permissible for these objects to be allowed in them [i.e. mosques], but not these [i.e. dhimmis].”

    “If Muslims consider non-Muslims to be lower than excrement — then obviously it’s not much of a next step to lie to them. It should be said that I don’t think that all Muslims think like this on a daily basis. However, these are the teachings of Islam.”

    And they say they believe in the one true God Almighty? I think NOT!

    The Ten Commandments are from God and lying is a sin!

    Exodus 20:16 – “You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.” (NLT)

    “Why This Commandment is Important”

    “God is truth. He is honesty. When we tell the truth, we live as God wants us to live. When we don’t tell the truth by lying we go against what God expects of us. Often people lie, because they are concerned about getting in trouble or hurting someone, but losing our integrity can be just as damaging. We lose our integrity when we lie, both in the eyes of God and in the eyes of those around us. Lying diminishes our relationship with God, as it decreases the trust. When it becomes easy to lie, we find that we start deceiving ourselves, which can be just as dangerous as lying to others. When we start believing our own lies, we start justifying sinful or hurtful actions. Lying is a pathway to a long, slow walk away from God.”

    • @ Lawrence M:
      Well said. You understand how deceitful Islamists are. I can’t figure out why people can’t understand how evil they are. The people that have not been paying attention, have swept the beheadings, rapes and murders that the Mozlems did during the years after 9/11 and up to the present day. There’s no coexisting with Islamists.
      THEY are the ones lower than pigs and dogs. They must be run out of the free Western countries along with the illegal-alien-invaders.

  • Bob, yes it is mystifying to me also why more citizens everywhere aren’t up in arms over what these people are about and do! They obviously cannot be worshiping God our Creator and Jesus Christ but rather the opposite principles of our Christian faith; so I have to conclude they serve Satan and that is how they stay on that path of evil, hate, murder and destruction! Perhaps too many citizens are too easily led by fake media narratives and propaganda or they are so pagan and secular in today’s materialistic society they don’t really care or get it, so instead pretend like it’s nothing to worry about! But they should be, because if the Islamist’s are allowed to establish and expand a caliphate once again as they did the last time during the Ottoman Empire it will be far worse and destructive in this modern hi-tech world (why else is Iran’s Government hell-bent on acquiring nuclear weapons and calls the US Satan America.) Muhammad their so called prophet was a total fraud and heretic I’ve found through study, professing his direct speaking to God and being told that all other religions are frauds and that all peoples must convert to Islam or be killed as Infidels!

    “It’s been 100 years since Turkey’s Grand National Assembly abolished the 1,300-year old caliphate on 3 March 1924.
    Its demise was a key moment in the history of the modern state which now has a population of more than 85 million and the 19th largest economy in the world.
    But it was also a landmark in Islam’s political history, and set the seal on the end of Ottoman rule, which shaped much of Europe, Africa and the Middle East for nearly six centuries.

    The caliphate was an Islamic political institution that regarded itself as representing succession to the Prophet Muhammad and leadership of the world’s Muslims.” ://

    On Christmas Day several years ago an Islamist caused quite a ruckus with me and others sharing our greetings and prayers, which I want to mention with a bit of background so others can get wise to what is going on all around the world where this “political ideology false religion” is allowed to propagate.

    Aツaz Your own words; “live the way you want and not dictate as you are just a human and not a messenger of GOD, like Jesus and Muhammad were.” Muslim hoax” I am wondering how you equate a “hoax” with facts of an Islamic Empire” Wonder NO MORE, Pay attention and learn of your blaspheming error! You have a huge inaccuracy that needs to be corrected! Saying that Jesus is another prophet like Muhammad is blasphemous. First Jesus was not a mere prophet but was God Himself and therefore the Redeemer and Savior of Mankind as he said.
    Muhammad was only a supposed prophet and there is irrefutable evidence in the historical text of the time he lived that points to his being an outright liar and heretic as well as a criminal and child molester along with his being a polygamist! The following statements are highly accurate and actually proven.

    “In 632, only months before he died, Muhammad apparently met for the first time with a Christian community as such. An official delegation of Christians, probably led by a bishop, came to Mecca from Najran in Yemen. After engaging the Christians in discussion, the Prophet is said to have realized that Christian teachings are indeed incompatible with Islam, after which the revelation followed that only Islam is acceptable to God as a religion. The Quran also says very specifically that those who refer to Jesus as God are blasphemers, and that Christians saying that Christ is the son of God is an imitation of Jews, who earlier had said that Ezra is the son of God. According to the Quran Jesus was only a servant; Jesus the son of Mary was no more than an apostle of God. Quranic verses dealing with Jesus’ death have been interpreted differently by commentators, but generally they have been taken to mean that Jesus did not die by crucifixion. For Christians the Quran has thus served as a denial of Jesus’ incarnation and death on the cross and of the reality of the Trinity.” (Oxford University Press)

    These two points alone put Islam and the Muslims completely at odds with Jesus Christ and all Christians and are the enemies of such! Muhammad himself began this conflict and was the spoiler and Heretic directly attacking God’s plan as foretold by all the previous prophets going all the way back to Abraham. Things have been in conflict because of Muhammad ever since and are getting worse, this will not resolve until Islam is Chastised or obliterated as a fake religion started by a false prophet and therefore heretic! In Summary Muslims are in complete denial of what Jesus Christ said and who He was which makes them Anti-Christ and supportive of the Devil and all that is unholy. Basically Muhammad started this Blasphemy back in 632 AD and outright declared War on Christendom! Islam you yourself stated is an EMPIRE which puts it in the category of being a Nation not a Religion! It is not a religion that is backed up with solid historical evidence and prophecy over time by many prophets other than what Muhammad said, he made it all up, the heretic!

    The human race is marching quickly toward the final Judgment and the choice is to either choose God through Jesus the Savior or follow the Devil to eternal damnation.