Entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan has been vocal about her concerns regarding the financial connections between some Democratic senators and the pharmaceutical industry. She believes that corporate money is undermining the genuine advocacy for ordinary Americans that these lawmakers claim to represent. Standing alongside Senator Rand Paul, Shanahan shed light on the hurdles smaller biotech firms face when competing with industry behemoths like Pfizer, Moderna, and Merck.
Shanahan didn’t hold back from naming names, pointing the finger at Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. These senators, often portrayed as champions of progressive causes, have received significant donations from pharmaceutical and medical industry donors.
“People today are publishing how much money each of these senators at the confirmation hearing today received from pharma and the medical industry, and it’s astounding how much money has gone into some of these individuals that claim they’re these democratic heroes for the little guy, you know, Warren and Bernie,” Shanahan remarked.
She went on to mention that these senators have accumulated millions in campaign contributions. Shanahan suggested that such financial backing could potentially sway their policy decisions. She elaborated, “Together, they have amassed millions of dollars of receipts from big pharma, and that is a huge sum of money when you’re talking about these races that they’re in. So that’s not how much it takes to win these races. I’ve analyzed it.”
Shanahan believes this funding essentially turns lawmakers into “a marketing extension” for the pharmaceutical giants. This, she argues, ensures that government policies continue to favor these large drug manufacturers. Her comments have sparked discussions about the influence of big pharma on federal policies and taxpayer dollars.
In her conversation with Senator Rand Paul, Shanahan also addressed the overwhelming presence of major pharmaceutical companies. She described companies like Pfizer, Moderna, and Merck as monopolies that are propped up by government policies. “I have to share with you, Senator, I’ve had many startups and mid-sized biotech companies reach out to me and say, hey, you know, we are actually developing a safer vaccine, and we just can’t get through because, you know, Pfizer and Moderna, they’re monopolies at this point, and Merck, they have a monopoly, and there’s no competition,” Shanahan explained.
She emphasized the difficulties that smaller biotech firms encounter when trying to introduce innovative products to the market. Shanahan blamed government regulations for creating an environment that favors established pharmaceutical giants. “Of course, you know, like, we can spend all of this time and investment into researching safer vaccines, but we just can’t break through in the market because the government has created these monopolies,” she said.
Shanahan’s remarks have resonated with those who criticize the pharmaceutical industry’s significant influence on public policy. Her words also highlight concerns over the lack of competition in the vaccine market, a situation that critics argue has been worsened by government policies. The discussion with Senator Rand Paul brought attention to the ongoing debate about how the financial ties between politicians and pharmaceutical companies shape healthcare policies, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shanahan’s perspective aligns with a growing sentiment that questions the integrity of political leaders who accept large sums from corporate donors. This has led to a broader conversation about the role of money in politics and its impact on policy-making. Critics argue that such financial ties can create conflicts of interest, undermining the trust of the public in their elected officials.
The influence of big pharma on healthcare policies has been a contentious issue for years. Shanahan’s comments have added fuel to the fire, prompting calls for greater transparency and accountability. Many believe that addressing these concerns is crucial for the future of healthcare policy in the United States.
The debate over pharmaceutical influence is not just about money; it’s also about the power dynamics in the healthcare industry. The dominance of a few large companies has raised questions about access to affordable and innovative healthcare solutions. As the conversation continues, more voices are joining the call for change.
Shanahan’s criticisms of Warren and Sanders highlight a perceived disconnect between their public personas and their financial backing. This has sparked discussions about the authenticity of their progressive stances. As more information becomes available, the public is left to question the true motivations behind their policy decisions.
The concerns raised by Shanahan and others are unlikely to fade away anytime soon. The conversation about the intersection of politics and the pharmaceutical industry is likely to continue. As the debate unfolds, it’s clear that the stakes are high for both policymakers and the public.
The issue of pharmaceutical influence is complex, with no easy solutions. However, the ongoing dialogue is a crucial step towards addressing the challenges facing the healthcare industry. As more people engage with the topic, the potential for meaningful change grows.
Shanahan’s comments serve as a reminder of the importance of vigilance in holding elected officials accountable. The financial ties between politicians and corporate interests are a critical area of concern. By shedding light on these connections, Shanahan has contributed to a vital conversation about the future of healthcare policy.
And there you have it, this is why I say Communist Democrats and Rinos should be eliminated once and for all.
This is also the reason why America’s, prescriptions cost are outrageous while the same prescriptions in foreign countries cost are 75% lower for the same prescription.!
Meanwhile the Communist Democrats claim their helping Americans Healthcare affordable while smiling as they lie their asses off like the Evil Demonic politicians who could actually care less about any Americans life.!
You can see the hateful Anti-American bastards face as that Fugly fake Indian Pocahontas and Bernie Slanders speak to the citizens. Did you know Bernie Slanders lived off food stamps and welfare growing up and later got into politics and now owns 4 Mansions.?
He’s a lieing, thieving corrupt to the core Evil subhuman Anti-American Demon and millions of voter’s keep voting for the POS.!
And everyone should know that Pocahontas lied about being Native American to get into college for free and there’s much more about that Fugly Creature from the black lagoon.!
Kash Patel exposed them first since I watched him on Television since he had enough of their show of hatred towards him.
Michael; great run down or skinny on these two demonic controlled trolls that have a special place in hell! I didn’t even read your comment until after I had hastily sent out the one below because I was fuming when I read this article!
Thankfully you took more time to explain in great detail what these two are all about and I know they are going to get what’s coming to them sooner rather than later with many other demonic controlled Congressional members!
Thank you brother Lawrence, I just tell it like it is and right to the point.
Michael, the only way to do it Brother!
Say it how it is!
Lock these two commie anti-American Traitors up! Time for these two useless sacks of manure to be torn out of our government and get just what they deserve! Neither one has ever worked an honest day in their putrid lives; but yet they’re millionaires!
Sanders made sure that he and his wife when married spent their honeymoon in Russia (probably setting up a deal to be a spy for them or puppet useful idiot like Biden), and we know how Warren Pocahontas made sure in her college days she was included in the special grant status as a (Fraud) Native American with zero native blood; both of them liars and total frauds! Sanders never held down a real job or did any substantive work for anything or anyone but learned how to be a public scam artist in NYC!
This young lady covered all the corruption spewed by these Communist America haters. Bern is a Communist and has been since his youth. Hildabeast bought him one of his mansions for dropping out in 2016. Jane, his wife, stole all of the campaign funds he garnered diverting them to her bank account. Warren is a total liar and is a demon in the flesh. Just is beyond me why none of these lunatics are ever called out or charged with treason against America. Of course, the Republicans love their constant investigations which yields nothing chargeable so it seems. Until you have term limits and a complete purge of lifetime members of Congress nothing will change.
Jude; you’ve nailed it and hit that proverbial nail square on the head! And you’ve got these too hopeless souls pegged to a “T.” What really bothers me to no end is how our whole damned government hasn’t taken these two demons to the shed long ago, and yet they both still get to rant and screw around to no end! Warren was practically screaming at the Trump appointment hearings with a hate and vitriol that only a demon would have in such a high authority position of great importance to the “American People and the survival of our Nation!”
Those are two I actually would appreciate seeing tried for Treason and hung along with Hildabeast!
Tony Blair should be Targeted A/S/A/P before the Communist Democrats decide to steal the next election.
Mark of the Beast.?
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is once again at the forefront of a campaign to expand government control, this time through digital identification. The longtime Iraq War advocate, who has been a proponent of centralized authority, is calling on Prime Minister Keir Starmer to implement digital IDs to monitor citizens, regulate speech, and manage access to services. Blair claims U.K. citizens will need to be “persuaded” to accept a digital ID regime on the internet, a statement raising concerns about coercion.
Blair argues that digital IDs will help fight crime, reduce benefit fraud, and manage immigration. However, his comments about using these systems to “flush out” certain political voices have sparked fears that this initiative is a tool to silence opposition. His remarks suggest that those who criticize government policies, particularly on immigration, will find themselves targeted.
Under his proposed system, digital IDs would be linked to facial recognition cameras, allowing the government to track people’s movements and online activities. While Blair insists that this would lead to a more efficient government, privacy advocates warn that it will open the door to unprecedented levels of surveillance. Many view it as a further step toward eliminating the ability to speak freely without fear of government retaliation.
Michael; you are on target here; and nobody is going to convince me ever that all of this digital identification and monitoring of all human activity and privacy is a good thing for mankind! On the contrary it’s the “opposite” and all about “total control” and just like in the old Sci-Fi Orwell’s 1984 or another similar genre story Blade Runner and of course Terminator, people become not just a number but a commodity for those with real power to use as they please! This is not about the betterment of humanity but about “totalitarian CONTROL!” That New World Order and you’ll own “Nothing” (yea he, Klaus, meant not even your own soul) and be happy; right like bees in a beehive just drones and workers!
Some control has always been helpful in building a civilization and equipping society with tools to protect the masses from fraud and criminality as you well know! But his is a whole different animal (beast) coming at us, and I don’t trust it or see anything wonderful about it; but rather, that we’re looking at “End Time!” Could I be wrong, of course any of us can mess up in our perception of things, but, I gauge it with God’s word and I don’t see anywhere where it says God would bring about His salvation and accomplishing for the greater good of all, by wanting modern technology to rule us, and “basically mankind to look to this New Oracle AI” which absolutely is a modern day “Pandora’s Box” or “portal into Hell, the occult or the demonic dimension!”
Buyer beware is all I can say and we all need to beware of what we allow ourselves to be sucked into!
I said it to a sister recently that best not to put anyone on a pedestal especially in these flippant and quickly changing radical times! The only one who should be on a pedestal is of course our “Lord, Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ,” and that is where our focus must remain while we move through this maddening maze of a world today!
God bless you and yours.
Of course Blair is influenced damn straight!
Brother, the Communist Democrats have been working for many years now to eliminate God’s words and ridicule Jesus Christ to change religion to a more Demonic world of Hate, murder, rape etc. and force everyone to read and study Satan’s book which they call their Bible. Like the Muslim Quran teaching hatred towards infidels and to kill them the Communist Democrats are trying to go a step further by implementing a world race of Demons..
Will the world listen to Christianity as to what’s going to happen should the Communist Democrats win the next election by Cheating.?
My guess out of the Billions on this planet only a handful will listen and the devout Communist voters in America will most definitely still vote Communist Democrat.!
May God in Heaven listen to our prayers as he did when President Trump was shielded and won, and help us get the next righteous President elected.
God bless.
Michael; yes you are so right here! “Eliminate God’s words and ridicule Jesus Christ to change religion to a more Demonic world of Hate, murder, rape etc. and force everyone to read and study Satan’s book eliminate God’s words and ridicule Jesus Christ to change religion to a more Demonic world of Hate, murder, rape etc. and force everyone to read and study Satan’s book.”
Just look what the Demoncraps with the Marxist’s advanced as policy and approved SOP over the last 4 years and there is no doubt the agenda which was being promoted is global totalitarian dominance and no borders just one infernal hell-hole of debauchery and evil, from cradle to grave! Drag Queen Story Time where in the grade schools little children are influenced by demonic trolls dressed like perverts and demons which they are while many commie wacko parents laugh along!
Where without parental consent in Californication Newscum made sure children would have their bodies mutilated along with puberty blockers to pretend they are changing their gender! And Borders were being wiped away so “America would be just a dumping ground for anything and anyone from around the globe” just to deconstruct these United States of America and make that one living hell world come to pass! Yes “Satan’s plan was grinding away” and now a little bit of a reprieve, but, can it all be reversed and kept at bay? That is a tall order and there are too many Fd-up people in this world already, so as you alluded, it will only be held off with “God’s Divine Intervention,” because as humans go it alone we are a sorry lot, and too many are not putting any faith in the one true God in the name of Jesus our direct path to the Father!
As you stated; “May God in Heaven listen to our prayers as he did when President Trump was spared and elected,” and again give the “Christian Faithful the Advantage” they need to overcome all of our earthly adversaries; until His return!
In Jesus’ name we pray!
Thank you so much Brother.
You are very welcome Brother Michael!
No accusations, but recusal was appropriate.
Sasha, good word! And one thing I can’t tolerate that seems to be the mindset of a massive number of citizens is when they just say whatever; or let somebody else bother with it I’m too busy!
Sanders never worked a day in his life just like Biden a government leach flam booing money from everywhere. And Warren Pocahontas should be scalp for her corruption and incompetence politicians hack. These people need to be investigated for all sorts of corruption and fraud and indicted and sent to prison. These people destroyed our country with their greed.
Sue; absolutely correct here! I’ve said the same for years and I know they are extremely evil doomed souls and we would love to see them get the justice deserved by our judicial system which could happen; but either way they are headed straight to hell!
Psalm 9:15-16 – “The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. The LORD is known by the judgments which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.”
It would be nice that those two criminal demon socialist left wing democrats would be treated like WE the PEOPLE as WE would be charged and arrested in a flat minute. Where is the equal justice , no one is above the law? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Reginald P Zenkewich; so true and I can only point out that they are absolutely the hypocrites that Christ warned about and spoke to directly, of how there is only one final outcome for such as these! I just mentioned above it is a forgone conclusion what awaits these horrible people and they have so little time left but act like they can go on forever this way! They carry on as such vile evil creature like they don’t have to worry at all about paying for what they’ve done, and are 100% dead wrong; they should be quaking uncontrollably in their boots!
Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”