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Threatening to blow something up to achieve a personal objective is insane. It should not be considered anything less than mental instability. However, sometimes alleged threats to bomb something become distorted. They are misconstrued as something they are not.

Evidently, this happened when a woman allegedly threatened to bomb a COVID-19 medical plant. The target of the bomb threat was Puritan Medical Products’ in Pittsfield, Maine. One product produced by the facility is medical swabs, many used to test for the China Virus.

Early Thursday morning, a woman called the Maine State Police, indicating her intention to bomb the facility. Immediately, some jumped to judgment. There was an instant assumption that this lady was either an anti-vaxxer, or some COVID crazed lunatic. She was neither.

Puritan Medical Products’ was evacuated. It turns out; this was the actual motive behind this act of lunacy. Law enforcement, from the Maine State Police to the local office of the FBI, quickly snapped into action.

Officials traced the call back to Etna, Maine. Soon they bore down and arrested Kayla Marie Blake. However, as they interrogated Ms. Blake, they discovered a rather interesting twist behind her motives. Appears she was a misguided romantic, not a violent protestor seeking attention.

She wasn’t out to attack anything or anybody associated with COVID. Blake confessed that her true intentions were to get her boyfriend off work. Seems the 33-year-old thought this was an acceptable way to secure more one-on-one time with her beloved.

Yes, this is an obvious sign of mental health questions. Investigators would do well to refer this lady for a mental health evaluation before considering her a crazed COVID lunatic. Blake was charged with felony terroristic threat. She was being held in the Somerset County Jail on $1,500 bail.

Thankfully, no one was hurt. There were no bombs. The biggest damage accrued from this misguided attempt at an afternoon of romance was the loss of a day’s profit at Puritan Medical Products’. Hopefully, Ms. Blake will profit from getting the help she needs.


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