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Jaiden, a 12-year-old boy in Colorado Springs, is challenging the notion that the Gadsden flag is considered “racist” by some.

He has donned the “Don’t Tread on Me” patch on his backpack, despite his school’s objection to its presence due to their belief that it is racially charged. The Gadsden flag is widely recognized in America as a symbol of colonial unity against British oppression.

One teacher asserted that the flag’s origins were associated with slavery.

In response, Jaiden was removed from his classroom for refusing to take it off. His mother then arrived at the school to uphold her son’s stance and provide an educational explanation of what the flag actually conveys – a meaning that does not involve slavery.

“The only tie between the Gadsden flag and racism is that they happened concurrently,” Pat Gray tells “The News & Why It Matters” host Sara Gonzales and contributor Jaco Booyens.

“There was a Gadsden flag when there was slavery. That’s your deal? I mean, how are you tying that in, it had nothing to do with it,” he adds.

Gonzales is aware of the flag’s actual origins as well.

“She clearly used the word origins. So, she’s saying it originated first because of slavery, which is completely inaccurate. It was of course the American Revolution, and I mean Ben Franklin, this was his brainchild,” she explains.

Although the flag is an emblem of the American Revolution and not associated with racism, it appears that this has been overlooked by the staff at Colorado Springs school. This was evidenced in a leaked email exchange between Jeff Yocum, the school director, and Jaiden’s mother.

“As discussed, I am providing you the rationale for determining the Gadsden Flag is considered an unacceptable symbol,” Yocum writes, before adding a link to a Washington Post article.

“It’s tied to the Confederate flag and other white supremacy groups, including Patriot groups,” Yocum continues, adding that it was “tied to hate groups” as well.

The mother wasn’t having it, responding, “Respectfully, everything can be considered racist and tied to white supremacy. It’s sad because when everything becomes racist, then nothing is. When we actually need to cry racism and oppression and it’s actually happening, no one will take it seriously.”

The mother then provided links to her articles that argued that water and mathematics can be interpreted in ways that are racially discriminatory.

“To that mom I say fight, and then get your kid the heck out of that indoctrination camp,” Booyens says.

ICYMI: Gold Star Mother Rips Biden Over What he Said After Her Marine Son Died in Afghanistan Withdrawal


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  • You must understand that those that see everything as being racist only see things that way because they themselves are so extremely Racist. They have the mental affliction that projects their racist attitude onto others.

  • Most of the schools in this Country are a waste of time. No child left behind ? Crazy !
    Teachers are way over paid as they are in the one profession when they are not responsible for the product they put out.
    Teaches spend to much time on equity and brain washing students than they do on essential learning. Go to any big box store or even neighborhood busines and watch the cashier try to make change for a dollar. Without the register showing the amount, they are lost.
    Do away with the Federal Board of Ed,

  • I am sick of UNEDUCATED politically indoctrinated people.
    The horsesdupa needs to read, if she read she would understand the truth on the crap she literally takes as facts.
    Its not Fact its indoctrination and UNION Communist thinking:
    In case you dont know either:
    The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a timber rattlesnake[1][2] coiled and ready to strike. Beneath the rattlesnake are the words “DONT TREAD ON ME”.[a] Some modern versions of the flag include an apostrophe.
    The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden, a South Carolina delegate to the Continental Congress and Brigadier General in the Continental Army who designed the flag in 1775 during the American Revolution.
    He gave the flag to Commodore Esek Hopkins, and it was unfurled on the main mast of Hopkins’ flagship USS Alfred on December 20, 1775. Two days later, Congress made Hopkins commander-in-chief of the Continental Navy.

    He adopted the Gadsden banner as his personal flag, flying it from the mainmast of the flagship while he was aboard.The Continental Marines also flew the flag during the early part of the war.
    The rattlesnake was a symbol of the unity of the Thirteen Colonies at the start of the Revolutionary War, and it had a long history as a political symbol in America. Benjamin Franklin used it for his Join, or Die woodcut in 1754. Gadsden intended his flag as a warning to Britain not to violate the liberties of its American subjects.
    The flag has been described as the “most popular symbol of the American revolution.” Its design proclaims an assertive warning of vigilance and willingness to act in defense against coercion.This has led it to be associated with the ideas of individualism and liberty. It is often used in the United States as a symbol for right-libertarianism, classical liberalism, and small government; for distrust or defiance against authorities and government.

    Shame and STUPIDITY on the so titled teacher for UNION Disgraceful thinking & acceptance of a lie

  • They did this crap of a similiar nature when my daughter in her first and only year in H.S, (that only lasted a few months) and when she came home and told me about the matter, I put her in the car, went to school and talked w/the principle, and told him, I am withdrawing my child out of that H.S. IMMEDIATLY! She never went back! She finished in Home School and did better than any public GOVT school! She had Bible Study, Prayer and the Ten Commandments!! She even had music, where she learned to play the Clarinet! PUBLIC (Govt School) schools suck!!

    • What did you expect, our Governor of Colorado is a leftist and is a proclaimed Homosexual! Everything about our once always red state went to HELL after Obama came in 2008, forever changing the landscape of Colorado forever! Marijuana came, Gay governor, Electoral college, Leftist pouring into state from Californication like locust non stop!

  • Unless those who constructed this LIE are FIRE and BANNED for LIFE from having anything to do with Education that would include holding any public office there can be no JUSTICE for this child or any child for that matter. Those who upheld the Teacher’s IGNORANCE and the Teacher need to also be stripped of their teaching credentials and banned for LIFE from having anything to do with teaching anyone of any age and that would include their own children if they have any.

  • If they don’t get rid of the D.O.E. pretty soon all children will be racist or communist. The best way to educate children today is to be home taught or sent to a private school that teaches the original curriculum’s from 60 years ago set by their community.
    I have met many public school teachers of today that are children themselves with personal agenda’s they now nothing about any particular subject or what was done to create this fabulous country they are giving away.

  • EVERYTHING IS RACISTTHESE DAYS–even if you stub your toe–the other toes think that single toe is racist. Its a bunch of crap & these people need to get a life, if racist in on their brain so bad they can’t see straight.

  • That “teacher”, and I use the term loosely in this case, should be embarrassed as can be. She showed her lack of intelligence for the whole country to see. Resign now dummy!