Netflix is being recognized by Americans as an organization they want to boycott, as hashtag activism hit social media this week encouraging people to cancel their subscriptions to the film company, over the much-anticipated movie depicting young girls in very sexual poses and simulating intercourse while mimicking a leftist feminist hero who is often in highly sexual poses at public events, Beyonce, a beloved entertainer who often dances like a stripper.
Netflix has had to apologize over the movie once already, over the movie posters, but that didn’t stop them from releasing the movie in August Nextflix issued a statement, “We’re deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork that we used for Mignonnes/Cuties, a Netflix spokesperson said. “It was not OK, nor was it representative of this French film which won an award at Sundance. We’ve now updated the pictures and description.”
Maïmouna Doucouré won a distinguished directing award for Cuties when the film debuted at Sundance in January, but months later, she found herself in the middle of a media firestorm after Netflix released a shocking poster for its English-speaking audience. The poster showed a sexualized image of young girls that stood apart from the film’s religious versus secular context and nuance. Though Netflix has apologized for its failure, Doucouré has been the recipient of numerous death threats and personal attacks.
In recent days, the hashtag #CancelNetflix has trended in response. Some viewers find the film to sexualize young girls. Others point out that the film is the unfortunate victim of a poor marketing campaign and that critics took the poster out of context.
Beyonce a controversial dancer, who was highly promoted by former President Barack Obama and his wife Michele Obama as a role model for young girls, has shocked the nation over the past decade with her highly sexual and bizarre danging style, seeing these young girls simulate her bizarre pornographic dance style is applauded by the left, but not by the right.
“Netflix, amid a massive backlash over the recently released drama “Cuties” is encouraging critics to watch the movie — which it says makes a statement about pressures young girls face in conforming to societal role models of female sexuality, “Fox News reported.
The backlash was enough that Netflix made a comment to Variety Magazine.
Variety reported Friday, “Cuties’ is a social commentary against the sexualization of young children, a Netflix spokesperson said in a statement to Variety. It’s an award-winning film and a powerful story about the pressure young girls face on social media and from society more generally growing up — and we’d encourage anyone who cares about these important issues to watch the movie.”
Many Americans just don’t understand the background of the movie, because the movie is not made by an American. To Americans sexualizing children is wrong, and something that other cultures in the world do not consider to be a problem.
Some of the radical far left believe porn is good for children:
Opponents to Feminist Porn sexualizing children are stating to speak out about:
What many Americans see in the movie Cuties is just plain old pornography.
According to Variety, “Cuties (“Mignonnes”) premiered at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival, where writer-director Maïmouna Doucouré won the world cinema dramatic directing award. In a six-minute segment accompanying the film on Netflix, Doucouré says that in performing research for the film — her feature directorial debut — she met with hundreds of pre-teens to understand how they perceived their femininity in today’s society. Our girls see that the more a woman is ed on social media, the more she’s successful. That is why I Made Cuties. And yeah, it’s dangerous.”
That just doesn’t make much sense to most Americans.
The movie is also about Muslim porn, a world that is unfamiliar to most Westerners who protect children from being used for sexual purposes :
According to the director, Doucouré’s, WIKI page, “She penned the script for her debut feature film Cuties in early 2017 taking her life experience as a refugee girl into account. The script eventually won the Sundance’s Global Filmmaking Award in 2017.[6] The film is based on a traditional Senegalese Muslim girl who is caught and torn between two contrasting fortunes, traditional values and internet culture while also speaking about hypersexualization of preadolescent girls.[7][8] It premiered in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition sector of 2020 Sundance Film Festival on 23 January 2020 and won the Directing Jury Award praising the script of the film.[9][10]“
In other words, Netflix understands what it is doing, but they hope to cater to people who are not proponents of Western Civilization, and that is part of the cultural revolution and transformation of America that people like former President Obama, and the”royals”, promote, all who have signed very lucrative deals with Nextflix.
Far-left radical the Prince of England, Harry, and his wife Meghan have been hired by Netflix for the specific purpose of promoting and developing children’s programming.
“Cuties” is just part of the plan. This is what is important to the people who say that diversity is America’s strength. Diversity from the tenants of Western Civilization, where children can have safe childhoods from the thoughts of constantly being seen as sexual toys.
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