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Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Thursday that Democrat hopeful Joe Biden’s pro-lockdown policies will “not play well” in Florida.

Florida is continuing in its gradual reopening process, allowing bars to reopen at a 50 percent capacity this week. This month, DeSantis vowed that officials in the state will “never do any of these lockdowns again,” adding, “I hear people say they’ll shut down the country, and honestly I cringe.”

DeSantis has navigated the pandemic very well according to economic indicators that could have been a disaster with the forced shut downs, loss of revenue and loss of jobs.

DeSanits posted on Social Media, “FL jobs report – August 2020: 1) The unemployment rate declined 35% from July. The rate is now 7.4%. 2) Private-sector employment increased by 46,000 jobs in August.”

On September he wrote, “FL COVID Update: 1) The number of COVID+ patients currently hospitalized is down more than 70% since July , Hospitalized COVID+ patients represent less than 5% of total licensed beds in FL, 24% of all hospital beds are empty; 22% of all ICU beds are also empty, The number of COVID+ patients in the ICU has declined by almost 65% since July % positive of diagnostic tests for 9/10: 4.87% in Miami-Dade 3.19 % in Broward *Note positive tests don’t necessarily identify live or infectious virus* % positive of diagnostic tests for 9/10: 4.87% in Miami-Dade 3.19 % in Broward Note positive tests don’t necessarily identify live or infectious virus.”

“Biden is somebody that says he would shut down the country when he’s president. That is a disaster. We cannot do that. That will not play well here in Florida,” DeSantis told the outlet, noting the contrast President Trump and Biden have on the issues, as well as the addition of new Floridians, who are “happy to get out of some of the high tax, high unemployment states.”

“The issue contrasts are very strong,” DeSantis said. “Biden’s record is one of repeated failures.”

The governor guessed that many of the people flocking to the Sunshine State will “tend toward the president” but ultimately said it is hard to predict where the state stands, given the ever-shifting electorate.

“It is something where we have so many new voters added to the pot every election cycle, that it’s a little bit more challenging in Florida than it would be in some other states that don’t see the type of growth, and incidentally, the pandemic has not slowed that down at all,” he added.

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