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Democratic Representative Ro Khanna from California recently criticized former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for suggesting that the calls for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s resignation were sexist.

At 89 years old, Feinstein has been struggling with health issues and was recently hospitalized for shingles. Despite her ongoing problems related to infection, Pelosi seemed to suggest that the situation was “interesting” and implied that the calls for resignation were based on political motives.

Khanna was the first major Democrat to publicly call for Feinstein’s resignation, stating that “it is obvious she can no longer fulfill her duties.” He argues that not addressing the issue undermines the credibility of elected officials. Khanna emphasizes that his call for Feinstein’s resignation has nothing to do with gender or political alliances, but rather concerns the simple fact that she is no longer able to effectively do her job.

In an interview with Fox News, Khanna expressed respect for Feinstein’s years of public service and urged her to “do the dignified thing” and step down from her position in the Senate.

“I don’t know any other job where if you’re unable to fulfill your duties, you can continue to have the position.”

“So I think she should do the dignified thing,” he said. “I respect her years of public service and she should know when it’s time to step aside.”

Khanna argues that if anyone is unable to perform their duties, regardless of their gender or political affiliation, it is time for them to step aside. While I have no respect for any Democrat in Congress, I think it’s at least worth noting that his taking a stand against Nancy Pelosi is a big deal. Maybe it’s just because she’s not the Speaker or the House Minority Leader and doesn’t have quite the same pull that she used to. And her ridiculous rhetoric of labeling someone as sexist because they want someone to resign who just so happens to be a woman is mindboggling. Apparently, only women can call for another woman to resign…unless you’re a white woman calling for black woman to resign, because that would be racist I’m sure.


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  • Pelosi said that no male politician was ever treated like Feinstein. My answer id Thomas Eagleton. He was a vice presidential candidate for only 19 days before being forced to step aside.

    • Along with: McConnell, Graham, Mad Max Waters, Rino Romney and I’m sure a LOT more! They ALL come out millionaires, on 175K a year? How does that work? Other than stealing what they can, and bribes from China!

  • Both Pelosi, and Feinstein should step down, both like Biden are very close to being senile or in a state of dementia. However, career politicians like entertainers have become so adjusted to their power bases and notary that it’s very near impossible to give up either & return to being just another Citizen!!!

  • Feinstein is beyond full retirement age. Her health is poor and she needs to resign. Pelosi is also beyond retirement age and should resign as well. If Pelosi remains in Congress, she should have to submit to monthly blood alcohol testing. She is a drunk and has no business being in Government

    • With that criteria, there is no way Thomas (Tipsy) Tip O’Neil should have every been speaker of the House. Joe should have never gotten to the Senate or above. 85% of Senators and Representatives would be gone, as well as most of the federal judiciary.

  • At least Daniel will admit he is the a$$hole. In the political arena everything is about politics, just look how RBG messed up, with cancer and not stepping down. Where is the GOP call for Mitch to step down?

  • Piglosi is worried she’s NEXT! LOL There needs to be TERM LIMITS on all politicians! If you’re a senator and want to run for President, you need to resign and go do your thing! NO more of the good ole’ boys and girls club! No tenure after you’re out, live on Medicare and social security plus whatever you stole!

  • This is rediculouss because it should be nongender and nonpartison to call for the resignation of a fellow senator who no longer can fulfill their duty. This is also rediculous be she also has gone way beyond her usefulness and what about her term limits.

  • When are we going to get Biden to resign? He’s not thinking clearly and makes so many embarrassing mistakes. He should should have resigned long ago. He’s too old and is losing “it”. He’s an embarrassment to our whole country. The whole world laughs at him and us because of his ineptitude.

    • Dr. Jill won’t let O’Biden leave the Oval Office (even though he can’t
      find it on his own) ever !! This will end-up as a Woodrow Wilson sequel,
      where Mrs. Wilson and handlers propped up POTUS for 2 years after he
      had a stroke, to keep up the farce of his presidency. Dementia Joe needs
      to undergo a cognitive test (without the drugs), like they forced on Pres.
      TRUMP (which he passed with flying colors), before FLOTUS shoves him
      into running in 2024.

  • Frankenstein and pelousy would have been gone long ago if we could ever get a TERM LIMTS bill passed! Then no one could live off of us for years for doing nothing but stir up schiff!

  • The Democrats like to use gender, race and other divisive reasons for sticking together. It’s not about age or any of the above, it’s about health, mental and physical ability which are up to the job. For them it’s simply politics. Not knowing what they’ll get in return and not really caring as long as they retain their power, which is a disgrace. But this is an old story. I remember Ronald Reagan who was mocked when he first showed signs of Alzheimers. When he was diagnosed, he stepped down with dignity. That word never applies to Democrats. They put both Joe Biden and Fetterman in office, when neither was capable of doing any job, much less a president of the U.S. and a senator. Those issues don’t matter to the left and proves the point, power is more important than having a functioning candidate.