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The controversial issue of members of Congress and their spouses trading individual stocks has been thrust into the spotlight once again, with Rep. Abigail Spanberger introducing the TRUST in Congress Act. This bill seeks to put an end to insider trading by legislators and their families, a growing problem that has led many Americans to believe that those in office are using privileged information for financial gain.

In particular, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has become wealthy through her stock trades, although it’s hard to believe an 82-year-old politician would be able to outperform professionals in the market. Seeking Alpha reported on the controversy surrounding Pelosi’s investing activities, noting that it’s almost impossible to ignore when discussing Congressional insider trading.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that her husband purchased call options for Microsoft shortly before a $21.9 billion deal was announced with the U.S. Army, a deal which saw Microsoft’s stock rise sharply after being disclosed.

Given this suspicious activity, many lawmakers are calling for action should any member be found guilty of trading on inside information with Democratic Representative Adam Schiff saying he will proudly cosponsor Spanberger’s legislation if it reaches the floor. He also mentioned that any Member found guilty ought to be prosecuted accordingly, a sentiment which many members agree upon.

The TRUST in Congress Act could offer protection against members and their spouses engaging in self-serving practices with insider knowledge and create more transparency around legislators’ investments while they are in office by requiring them to place their assets into qualified blind trusts. The bill also promises much needed reform from last year’s proposal which failed due to lack of consensus despite being backed by House Speaker Pelosi who had initially defended lawmakers’ ability to trade stocks

With 35 cosponsors ranging from Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida to Rep. Adam Schiff of California this time around, Spanberger’s renewed effort could finally lead us toward progress towards eliminating unfair advantages within our government and restore public trust through greater accountability when it comes to lawmakers handling investments or trades affecting US citizens.


Daniel is a conservative syndicated opinion writer and amateur theologian. He writes about topics of politics, culture, freedom, and faith.

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  • I’m paid $185 per hour to complete the task using an Apple laptop. I absolutely didn’t think it was conceivable, but my dependable buddy convinced me to give this straightforward an65 chance a go after she made $26,437 in just 4 weeks working on it. Visit the following page to find out additional

  • One punishment right up front would be to ban the Legislator who partakes in insider trading from entering the house, thereby basically making it impossible for them to do their jobs. Also, to ban them from any other Government position for life, including being a lobbiest.

  • I believe the bill should include the immediate family members children, brothers & Sisters as well as in-Laws.

  • I cannot imagine any of them voting for something that could stop them from getting rich while in office.

  • TRUST in Congress. I will never TRUST most people in Congress, nor most people who live in and around Washington, D.C. Most are crooks.

  • Instead of her crooked insider trading, Nancy Pelosi should worry more about her “husband” soliciting homosexual prostitutes to service him in her home. Paul Pelosi was lucky he just received a hammering from his last boyfriend.

  • Come on folks, doesn’t anyone know who Pelosi’s father was? Mafia, nothing will be happening to her or any other democrat elites, if anyone goes down it will be a couple of janitors that cleans Nancy’s toilets in DC.

  • I’m paid $185 per hour to complete the task using an Apple laptop. I absolutely didn’t think it was conceivable, but my dependable buddy convinced me to give this straightforward an96 chance a go after she made $26,547 in just 4 weeks working on it. Visit the following page to find out additional
    instructions—————————>>> 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗷𝗼𝗯𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲𝟮𝟰.𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁.𝗰𝗼𝗺

  • The only problem with this bill, it’s goin g to get vetoed by the chief crook in charge, the swamp master Lying corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe.

  • Almost all politicians go into the government as ‘representatives of the people’ and most have some wealth. However, after serving a time or two in Washington they become very wealthy. It never ceases to amaze me how they take advantage of their insider information and fill their pockets to overflowing. This legislation is good but I’ll bet it doesn’t stop it.

  • to hell with pelosi’s US Freedoms of/on everything, even her US Citizenry should be revoked immediately

    Hallelujah to TRUMP’s GOP
    🥰CHRISTrump and all our US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
    Amen & Amen🥰



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