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Ilhan Omar wants Joe Biden to reverse the peace agreements the United States has brokered between Israel and countries in the Middle East.

She says that some of the countries are human rights violators but she is insisting on better deals for the Palestinians and Iran. It is easy to see where her loyalties lie and it’s not with us or our allies.

Omar claims that the deals are just weapon sales even though they call for normalizing relations with Israel. But the truth is neither the Palestinians or Iran are willing to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

Who would you rather see us be allies with? Israel or Iran? Or Israel and the Palestinians? Both of those are no brainers, which you would suspect Omar to be eminently qualified for.

Ilhan Omar@IlhanMN·Nov 20, 2020US House candidate, MN-5Replying to @IlhanMNMeanwhile, he cozied up to Saudi Arabia, a regime responsible for some of the worst human rights atrocities of our young century—including routing murder of human rights advocates and war crimes in Yemen.Ilhan Omar@IlhanMNUS House candidate, MN-5He recently inked so-called “peace deals” between the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan, and Israel. The only problem? They weren’t peace deals. They’re arms sales to human rights abusers, designed to empower the Gulf States and increase the risk of war with Iran.6:51 PM · Nov 20, 2020

Omar said:

“Nearly every action taken under President Trump has made armed conflict more instead of less likely.”

“Trump imposed crippling sanction after crippling sanction on the Iranian people—depriving them of much-needed medical supplies during a pandemic and further tightening the brutal authoritarian regime’s grip on power. He ordered the assassination of an Iranian commander—risking all-out war—earlier this year. As a result of these actions, Iran finally backed out of the nuclear pact that Trump himself had torn up in 2018—and now has 12 times more enriched uranium than would have been permitted under the agreement.”

His peace deals make armed conflict more likely?

Do you mean to tell me that Iran is more likely to start a war when they will have to fight four countries instead of just one even as they have themselves spread so thinly now?

And do you really believe that Iran would use the money from oil to benefit it’s people or to finance terrorism?

We could test Omar and round her IQ off to the nearest number but I highly suspect her IQ isn’t near any numbers.


Daniel is a conservative syndicated opinion writer and amateur theologian. He writes about topics of politics, culture, freedom, and faith.

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