I think that we as Americans should always remember that we do live in a privileged position in regard to the rest of the world as far as where we are located. We are essentially our own little island away from most of the countries of the world that have strong military and weapons capabilities like Russia, China, and Iran.
So, in order for an attack to be launched here where we live it would have to be some sort of missile that can travel that far and go undetected that entire way. Russia and China supposedly have that sort of capability now with their Hypersonic missile systems. I don’t know how true it is that you can’t detect them, that would be something that would be difficult not to be able to detect but I’m no expert in this matter.
So for the most part we don’t have to worry about war on the home front however we shouldn’t rule it out completely.
But this was the whole reason that NATO was created following World War II. This alliance of nations was created in order to try and deter war from happening, as well as to work together to quickly end any war.
I mean you have to sort of think about it this way; NATO is comprised of 30 nations. If a country goes to war with any of them, they go to war with all of them. There is no country on this planet that has as many allies as NATO.
But let’s imagine for a moment that war broke out in the United States. What do you think would actually happen? Who would stay and fight and who would run and flee? Well thanks to a new survey that was released this week we have an answer to that question.
The question that was asked was, “As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country?”
A majority of the country said that they would stay and fight at 55% of those who were polled. Only 38% said that they would leave the country. When you break this down into political demographics it becomes quite telling who’s who in this country.
68% of Republicans said that they would stay in the fight. 57% of independents said that they would stay and fight. And 52% of Democrats said that they would not stay in fight but instead would leave the country. Only 40% of Democrats said that they would fight.
They give you some more details about what this looks like 70% of men said that they would stay and fight and 40% of women said that they would stay and fight. Now when you break it down into age groups the largest demographic that you see who said that they would stay in fight is between 50 and 64 years old and the lowest was the 18 to 34 age group.
And one more thing that I found interesting was racial demographics in this poll. 57% of all white people polled said that they would stay and fight. 38% of black people polled said that they would stay and fight meaning that the majority of them would leave. And actually, the group that top them both was the Hispanic population who said 61% of them would stay and fight with only 33% leaving.
If you’d like to see the full results of the poll as well as the other questions, you can find it here.