On Tuesday, former White House physician Ronny Jackson told reporters he was “convinced” that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, 77, doesn’t have the cognitive means to be commander-in-chief.
“I’m pretty familiar with what it takes both physically and cognitively to do that job and what the demands of that job are,” Jackson, 53, a Republican candidate for Congress as a Republican, said on a call coordinated by the Trump campaign.
“As a citizen, not as a candidate running for Congress, but as a citizen of this country, I’ve watched Joe Biden on the campaign trail and I am concerned and convinced that he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability, to serve as our commander-in-chief and our head of state,” he went on.
Jackson served within the White House medical unit for President George W. Bush and was appointed physician to the president under President Barack Obama and President Trump before he was nominated to serve as secretary of veterans affairs in March 2018.
Jackson insisted he wasn’t offering a medical assessment on the call and told reporters he by no means took care of Biden while he was Obama’s vice president or evaluated him as a patient.
“I’m not trying to remotely diagnose him with anything,” he said. “I’ve not accused him of having Alzheimer’s or anything of that nature.” But anyone who has seen him speak over the last year can see that he is in a cognitive decline. Just recently he again told a crowd that he was running for the Senate.
Biden’s campaign has brushed off allegations that Biden lacks the mental skills to be president, while the septuagenarian candidate, who suffers from frequent verbal fumbles, has described himself as “a gaffe machine.” But, what the American people are witnessing is not gaffes. They are serious mental deficiencies when he can’t get through a sentence without forgetting what he was talking about. He recently referred to Senator Mitt Romney, as “you know, the Mormon…”
“I refer you to the first debate,” Biden spokesman Andrew Bates said Tuesday , referring to the Ohio debate during which Trump frequently spoke over Biden. Bates conveniently forgot that Biden interrupted the president three times before Trump responded in kind. And Biden told so many lies that Trump had to interrupt him to correct the record or people would think the lies were true. They were demonstrative lies that the moderator Chris Wallace allowed Biden to get away with. That’s a special tactic Democrats use. They throw many lies into one statement with the expectation that their opponent will have to spend all his time refuting the lies.
Jackson claimed Biden’s history of gaffes was different from the behavior he now exhibits on the campaign trail, together with repeatedly claiming to be a candidate for the Senate.
“They’re not the everyday gaffes. He routinely gets in the middle of a thought and then loses his train of thought and then he can’t recalibrate where he’s at. He’s actually having a lot of trouble recently articulating words,” he said.
Jackson mentioned he was additionally concerned by the way Biden got angry and frustrated when he got lost mid-sentence.
“As a physician, I can tell you that’s a mechanism that folks that are having cognitive difficulties use to move on and to get out of a situation,” he claimed.
The doctor said he wasn’t criticizing Biden because of his advanced age and that while some people approaching 100 could still be as sharp as a tack, Biden just is not.
“This is a demanding job from a cognitive standpoint, you have to be locked on, you have to be articulate, you have to process heaps and lots of info and multitask,” Jackson said.
“And right now he’s having a really extreme time just focusing on the one task at hand that he has when he stands up in front of voters and tries to explain something,” he added.
Included in the call was former Trump deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland, who told reporters: “I’ve known Joe Biden for a long time and he’s a nice man but he’s not a strong man.”
McFarland raised alarm bells when she said this could lead to national security risks from a Biden administration, surmising that the former vice president wouldn’t have the ability to keep it together when negotiating with America’s adversaries.
“I don’t see that Vice President Biden either appreciates how the world has changed over the past 10 years with China and its ambitions and its capabilities, or his willingness to stand up to them since he’s so dismissive of China as a threat,” she said.
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