Michael Cohen, the ex-attorney for President Trump, harbors hatred toward the president.
I’m not sure if he feels as though President Trump put him in a bad light or if he’s just pissed off that he was caught acting in an unlawful manner, but either way, he wants to put distance between himself and President Trump. However, it was not President Trump’s fault that Cohen was found guilty of some felonies.
Cohen, meanwhile, has also allowed the Trump Derangement Syndrome to affect him. He truly believes that President Trump won’t run for office in 2024 and that a different Republican has a much better chance of capturing the party’s nomination.
“I do not believe Trump is going to run. First of all, he knows that he can’t win the general election statistically, and his fragile ego will not allow him to be a two-time loser. I just want to be very clear on that.”
“Second. I believe that if, in fact, that he runs, he is not just going to get the nomination by the Republican party, by the RNC. There are going to be plenty of people that are going to challenge him. And rightfully so.”
“He does not want to go up against, like, for example, Liz Cheney, she already stated, ‘If he’s running, I’m running too.’ Uh, and then there’s, there’s so many others that you want to — Ron DeSantis, he’s already lost in a poll to Ron DeSantis, who I think is possible — equally or even greater of a threat to this democracy than even Donald, first of all, he’s smarter than Donald, and I think he’s more sinister.”
Is this guy even being serious right now? She just lost her own state primary. Not by a little, but by a lot! She got destroyed in her primary. Even fellow RINO Mitt Romney said that she wouldn’t win if she ran for president. Nobody is concerned with Liz Cheney at all.
Liars love to lie
I think Trump will run and will win. Too many people have seen the writing on the wall with Biden. Biden’s name is anagram for……
which he has proven to be true time and time again. Another anagram for Biden is BLOAT.
Biden is being nominated for Mr. Aneurysm for 2022.
He has had two. One more and he’s a shoo-in. Keep your fingers crossed. I am.
Trump and Biden are Both Communist and they are Bad for America!!
I have heard President Trump called a lot of things, but never a Communist!
DeSantis’ record is darn near impeccable….where does he get “sinister”??? Sounds like the left will work as hard to create DeSantis Derangement Syndrome in the public.
Cohen does not know what he is talking about.
You are dreaming. He MUST run!
I don’t recall President Trump ever publicly saying that he would run in this upcoming election… but the left is absolutely struck with TDS. Why should he announce anyway? The diseased minds in the opposition would probably try to assassinate him–if they haven’t already planted explosives at his home. Society needs to get their act together and begin working together instead of looking for every opportunity to disrupt and disparage someone else’s character.
So many corrupt f ups in one party. True Americans would not vote for this communist overthrow of our country. Time to change and throw these worthless dumbacrats out of office and hold them accountable.
Who in the hell cares what Michael Cohen says!!!! He is a has been jerk that needs to go away!!! Such a lying idiot!! Trump didn’t cause his problems he did all by himself.
I would love to see Liz Cheney use her and her creepy dads money Only to lose again! I would love to see her spend millions for absolutely nothing! Other than making a bigger fool of not only herself but her creepy dad as well! And as a kicker this idiot would be spending his money as well! They could have their own loser get to gather!
Michael Cohen is HATED in NYC and when he walks down the street, he gets the nastiest stares, even from Democrats!
Cohen is a former taxi medallion broker in NYC. I have been a taxi driver for 49 years and have never seen a medallion broker that was anything other than a complete sleeze-ball. Cohen is sour grapes because Mr. Trump saw he is a sleeze-ball and dropped him like a hot potato.
He is so full of it.
Trump is a Pussy and he won,t run and he will lose again and again and again!!
You misspelled Biden there.
Spoken like a true idiot
Cohen, You must be an idiot,, because why would Trump be afraid of her ?
“A greater threat to our Democracy?” No one has proven to be a greater threat than the Biden administration.