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The Department of Homeland Security posted a rebuke to National Public Radio, on Wednesday, after NPR  published an already “debunked lie”, on their Twitter account, implying that DHS officers were not identifying themselves in Portland while reinstating law and order at a Federal Courthouse which is under violent siege.

Even though the article they were promoting on Twitter was titled, “Federal Agents Will Be ‘Clearly Identified’ In Kansas City, Mo., U.S. Attorney Says,” they pushed the messaging that Federal authorities were not identifying themselves.

In the NPR article, they highlight the concerns of unidentified people being concerned about things that don’t exist.

They wrote, “In a tweet about the letter, Lucas added that he was particularly concerned by “the involvement of unidentified Homeland Security forces.” His comments echo many of the concerns and criticisms of federal operations in Portland, where agents have refused to identify themselves as they move against protesters in the streets.”

The DHS spokesperson called them on it:

Tuesday the Department of Homeland Security had a press conference to address the “50+ straight nights that violent anarchists have laid siege to federal properties in Portland, attacking our facilities and assaulting our officers”, Acting Secretary Chad Wolf of the  DHS said.”These individuals carried lasers, baseball bats, explosives, fireworks, metal pipes, glass bottles, accelerants, and other weapons all targeting Federal facilities and Federal law enforcement and yet the city of Portland takes little to no action. These individuals have destroyed protective fencing, extensively graffitied the courthouse, torn plywood down from the courthouse and then lit the courthouse on fire.  They have erected barriers to entrances to the courthouse and the city of Portland takes little no action,”  Wolf  said


NPR is concerned that protest is being stifled by President Donald J, Trump in an attempt to protect the federal courthouse in Portland and to restore law and order in almost two months of violent uprisings.

In their article, NPR reported, “The presence of federal law enforcement agents has become a new flashpoint in national protests over racial injustice and police brutality. The dynamic is most prevalent in Portland, Ore., where local and state officials said federal forces are essentially occupying the city – and worsening, rather than de-escalating, clashes with protesters.”

Wolf’s response:



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