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The Democrats are plotting to bury the Republican party forever. Their war room has been plotting the elimination of the filibuster, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. They have also floated the idea of expanding all federal courts and adding liberal activist judges.

If that happens, The Constitution will become irrelevant. We will all soon be voting by mail which will allow wholesale cheating… and America becomes a one-party government.

When that happens, you can kiss your freedom goodbye. You will be dictated to by the most radical politicians in the country. You will no longer control your own life. We will just become another third world country. George Soros and his ilk will control everything you do. They will decide what news you see, where you live and what job you hold.

That is why this is the most important election of our lifetime. If we lose this, we lose our country. The Supreme Court could be in activist control for decades. Ideology will replace the constitution. They will eliminate your guns and your God. This is the first thing dictatorships do.

If the Republicans regain control of the Senate and the White House, they should beat the dems to the punch. The Republicans have not eliminated the filibuster because they will not always have control of the government.

The Democrats don’t see it that way. Once they can pass any bill they want to, they will require a super majority to overturn them. Save the Constitution, Republicans!  And in doing so, save the country.

From Breitbart News

The filibuster rule requires a supermajority — 60 votes — for the Senate to close debate on any particular bill and move to a formal vote. It is a rule that prevents the Senate majority from passing whatever it wants without at least consulting with the minority party. It has been a force for moderation, and has encouraged dialogue between the parties.

While both sides have been frustrated with it — and President Donald Trump has said Republicans should get rid of it — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has retained it, knowing the GOP will not govern forever.

But Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has hinted that he would support removing the filibuster, if Republicans oppose whatever Democrats want to do. That has given a green light to radicals within the party to begin their plans — and advertise them.

They could face backlash, but with mail in balloting they can manufacture an unlimited number of votes, so, of course, they aren’t worried. They just need the election to be close enough that they can win with just a moderate amount of cheating.  Manufacturing too many votes could raise suspicions. They don’t want to do that until the votes are certified and by then it’s too late.

What would the Democrats do with their elimination of the filibuster? All immigration laws will be tossed and the borders thrown wide open to any and all. The Green New Deal in some form will be passed. Medicare for all will become a reality and abortion on demand will be the rule of law. Of course hefty new taxes will be required in order to pay for their agenda.

Former Majority Leader, Harry Reid is pressing for the Democrats in this pursuit. President Trump has fought gallantly for us for 3 1/2 years. Now, he needs us to fight for him.

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