A Democrat congressional candidate in North Carolina recently called on his audience to “stomp” on the necks of Republican “extremists,” according to Twitter messages that resurfaced during a debate between candidates for the seat in 2019.
“Dem nominee & retired USAF Colonel Moe Davis‘ vile and racist tweets against Madison Cawthorne, Trump and all things Republican are a disservice to military members everywhere. Democrats are proud to run such a candidate but his tweets are worse than anything Trump ever said,” said Veteran Dean Browning, a representative in California.
“Kinda disappointed that Ret. USAF Col. Moe Davis is so violently hateful against Republicans. His racist hate-tweets against Madison Cawthorn and Trump/Trump supporters is something I didn’t learn during my time in the military and I would have thought he would be better,”said Veteran, Rob Weber a representative in Ohio,
“Screw they go low, we go high bullsh*t,” said the September 11, 2019 tweet by Moe Davis. “When @NCGOP extremists go low, we stomp their scrawny pasty necks with our heels and once you hear the sound of a crisp snap you grind your heel hard and twist it slowly side to side for good measure. He needs to know who whupped his ass.”
He was speaking about Madison Cawthorn, his Republican challenger. Cawthorn spoke at the Republican National Convention:
Davis, a retired Air Force colonel who served as chief prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay from 2005-07, is running for the U.S. House in North Carolina’s 11th district. The tweet was one of several highlighted at debates between Davis and his Republican opponent, Madison Cawthorn. Other tweets showed Davis comparing Trump rallies to “Klan rallies” and “make American great again” hats to “new KKK hoods,” in addition to defending Gov. Ralph Northam (D) for old photos in which Northam said he could be seen wearing blackface.
The Citizen-Times Reported in a story about Davis’ congressional run, “Moe Davis, the North Carolina native – and now the Democratic candidate for North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District — was named chief prosecutor of the alleged al Qaeda terrorists imprisoned at the US Navy base in Guantanamo, Cuba where they were subject to military justice. .”
According to local North Carolina news, a man familiar with Davis from that time wrote about his interactions with Davis. “Initially I thought he was overly aggressive,” said Miami lawyer Neal Sonnett who was assigned by the American Bar Association to monitor the military tribunals to assure appropriate legal treatment for the prisoners. “We didn’t get off on good footing,” Sonnett said in an interview.
Sonnett objected to Davis publicly comparing the prisoners to vampires whom he would “drag into the sunlight where they would melt.” When a defense lawyer sought sympathy for a Canadian-born prisoner who, at age 15 had run away to go to Osama Bin Laden’s terrorist training camp, Davis retorted: “He didn’t go to that camp to learn knots and eat smores.”
Just two years into his job and on the verge of his first trial, Davis suddenly quit.
Now he is talking about killing Republicans, including his opponent:
The race between the two represents much of Western North Carolina, including Asheville and Buncombe County, in a campaign that includes sharply personal attacks on his young opponent, an expressed loathing for President Donald J. Trump and his supporters.