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At Dallas Fort Worth International Airport last week, a Spirit Airlines employee was involved in a physical fight with a passenger.

According to the sources, the tussle was started because there was a problem with seating on the flight.

Video shows a female passenger screaming at a Spirit Airlines employee after learning that there was no seat available for her on the aircraft.

The airline representative advised the disgruntled passenger to get in line so that a gate attendant could help her. Well, she wasn’t having any of that.

According to Fox 4 KDFW, the passenger cut in line and punched the airline employee in the face after a supervisor grabbed her boarding pass.

It was at this point when the employee of Spirit Airline approached the customer and knocked her to the ground.

The employee has been placed on administrative leave pending the results of an inquiry.

Fox 4 KDFW reported,

Spirit Airlines said it suspended an employee who got into an argument with a traveler that got out of control at DFW Airport.

Airport police were not on the scene while the fight was happening, but they are investigating. They took a report based on the accounts of the two people involved, plus witnesses who recorded video.

The fight apparently started over a problem with seating on a flight.

No one was taken into custody as both parties were released from the scene after being interviewed. So far, no one has been officially charged.

DFW Airport police confirmed the investigation is still ongoing.

This is becoming a regular occurrence at airports. I honestly see videos like this all the time. People have grown entirely too cold and hateful of others in this country. If we’re ever going to get back to living the lives we used to, we’ve got to get away from this entitlement mentality and start treating others the way that we would want to be treated.


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  • Two wrongs don’t ever make things right!
    Neither one of those two had the right to resort to assault and battery.

  • I am 82 years old and the things that used to embarrass us in the old days is normally acceptable. If I had only known that being ashamed when the jeans got so old they now had holes in them would come into style would have had a different view and kept those future high priced jeans. Being rude in public was out of the question and you kept your dirty laundry secret as much as possible, not be proud and air it out to everyone. There are just too many things to address what is acceptable today that was taboo years ago. As you can see, the way humanity is going we are heading back into the jungle and acting more like animals than humans. Sorry animals have more pride than a lot of humans.