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Oregon is steadfastly maintaining its position as a sanctuary state amid federal initiatives aimed at deporting illegal immigrants. Governor Tina Kotek has reaffirmed the state’s commitment to laws that prevent local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

“Our immigrant communities are Oregon communities,” she stated on X, emphasizing the invaluable role immigrants play in the state’s cultural and economic landscape. She further pledged to uphold Oregon’s sanctuary laws, which were initially passed with strong bipartisan support in the 1980s.

The Oregon Department of Justice (ODOJ) is actively reaching out to educate residents on legally resisting federal immigration actions. In a parallel move, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has begun training over 11,000 state employees on how to adhere to sanctuary laws and avoid participating in federal immigration enforcement.

DAS issued an email on January 20 instructing employees to complete the “2025 Oregon’s Immigration Law Basics for State Employees” training within 30 days. This training aims to help employees recognize potential violations of sanctuary laws and appropriately respond if approached by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Republican Representative Ed Diehl criticized the training, labeling it as improper and in direct violation of federal law. “The training of public employees at the request of the governor is completely inappropriate and in direct violation of federal law,” he told The Epoch Times. According to him, sanctuary jurisdictions should not require employees to contravene federal immigration statutes.

Oregon made history in 1987 by becoming the first state to adopt sanctuary laws, prohibiting police from detaining individuals solely for being in the U.S. illegally. The state bars public agencies from collaborating with federal immigration enforcement. These laws have been strengthened since the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency, with increased services and protections for illegal immigrants.

In 2021, the Sanctuary Promise Act was introduced to clarify the actions prohibited to law enforcement by local and state agencies. This act also prevents contracts between ICE and local jails, focusing on reporting and responding to any sanctuary law violations.

The ODOJ has set up a statewide hotline to report potential violations of sanctuary laws. This hotline, a first in the nation, offers culturally responsive support to community members. Between June 2023 and May 2024, the hotline processed 34 alleged violations, with 29 deemed unfounded and five warranting further investigation, according to an Oregon Criminal Justice Commission Report.

In December 2024, the ODOJ launched the Sanctuary Promise Community Toolkit to help Oregonians understand their rights under sanctuary laws and prepare for possible increased federal immigration activity. The toolkit, available in multiple languages, provides information on how illegal immigrants can protect themselves, such as requiring immigration officials to present a judge-signed warrant before entering their homes.

Oregon law enables anyone to file a civil suit against agencies violating sanctuary laws, with the ODOJ providing legal assistance to illegal immigrants. “The law allows a person to sue the violating agency, asking a judge to order them to stop violating sanctuary law,” stated the ODOJ, offering resources and legal assistance through the Sanctuary Promise Hotline.

The state has expanded the rights of illegal immigrants, granting access to driver’s licenses, healthcare, and legal support for immigration cases. The DAS training module educates state employees on Oregon’s laws regarding federal immigration enforcement participation.

The training emphasizes the role of state employees in documenting and reporting suspected violations to their managers. They are specifically instructed not to aid ICE, even when dealing with illegal immigrants held for violent crimes. Agencies must report any requests from federal immigration authorities to the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission.

Public bodies are prohibited from inquiring about a person’s immigration status unless necessary for determining eligibility for services. Those in custody, on parole, or probation cannot be denied services based on immigration status.

The Sanctuary Promise Act mandates that all federal agency requests regarding immigration enforcement be documented, reported, and denied. State employees are also required to report any inquiries into immigration status via the Sanctuary Promise Hotline.

The hotline serves as a resource for community members to report suspected sanctuary law violations and provides support to targeted individuals and their families in their native languages. Any citizen can file a report, allowing the ODOJ to investigate on behalf of the state.


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  • Well Governor Kotex, Tom Homan has said he’ll pursue charges against those who will obstruct, deni, Oppose, Federal law enforcement from doing their legal job.

    Keep it up Governor Kotex, and let us know how prison life is going for you.

    It’s amazing how the Communist Democrats think they’re the law of the land and tell the Federal Government what they can and can’t do.

  • Actually, if every illegal alien, gang & cartel member, murderer and rapist wants to take advantage of Oregon’s hospitality, and the voters there want to support them, it would not bother me in the least. The Trump administration can terminate all Federal funds currently supporting their SNAP, Welfare, Medicare/Medicaid, University & NGO funding, regardless of the impact, and let the generosity of those progressives Oregonians shine as a beacon for all of them. For years the voters have installed these elected officials who enjoy these policies, so let them pick up the cost locally.

    • Sandy; that’s the ticket, as in meal ticket as the old adage goes and they want to have that arrangement, so like you say let them pick up the total tab, with Zero Dollars from the rest of the nation! Won’t bother me either, but they can watch their crime rate soar up to the mountain tops, and then get ready for their own private civil war; when the citizens there finally had enough!

    • I say microchip them and if they leave the state, they are sent right back. Let any sanctuary state have them all. The rest of America has spoken, and we do not want to support ILLEGAL migrants. I am all for helping people get on their feet, as long as they come here LEGALLY.

      • That’s the way it used to be and was always intended to be until the libtards, demoncraps and globalists conspired to run their new agenda!

  • Portland Oregon, surrounding cities and Salem are cesspool of Libtard Left Democrats with zero common sense.
    make a Public Hitline for citizens to anonymously report the whereabouts of illegals with a reward for the apprehension of said illegals.

  • Michael, exactly; but they sure won’t stop sticking their hands out for all that Federal Aid every year, which we of course know is “Our Nations Tax Payer Dollars!” She wants to play hardball so bad; would becoming a country with absolutely no connection to America work for her?

    To me her and those that push this “Special Class Citizen of Sanctuary Status” are absolutely pushing something that is totally “Unconstitutional, Seditious and Treasonous” and places her and that administration in “renegade status” so she better “shut the frig up and comply” or like you say; “she can fill everybody in on how she is enjoying her Federal Prison life!”
    I’ve determined that Demoncraps are either obviously some of the most evil souls around or totally bonkers! Probably in this case both!

    These Freak Demoncrap Commies think they should and can put “foreign invaders above American Citizens,” and if I had anything to say in the matter directly to the powers that be, I would make sure to “shut her and all of her ilk right down,” and then, “see to it that they comply,” or like we’ve agreed, “give them the accommodations they deserve in the Federal Pen!” End of story!

    I’ve determined that Demoncraps are either obviously some of the most evil souls around or the most totally bonkers! Probably in this case both!

  • Anyone else note the irony here? Many southern states and leaders have saved the United States from northern leftist traitors. The South …has risen again.

    • The republic of We the People, that Lincoln destroyed, MUST be restored. Men & states made free & sovereign AGAIN

  • I will never understand why anyone votes for an individual who puts illegal criminals above the citizens they are supposed to represent. If your officials violate federal law, they should be arrested and charged to the fullest extent of the law. Not every citizen in that area agrees with protecting illegals but they need to speak up and demand that their representatives stop protecting them. Wayne suggested a hotline to report illegals, this would be a good idea, what I disagree with is wanting a reward. Our government should not pay citizens for information, your reward is getting rid of the criminals in your community which allows you, your family, friends, and others to live without fear or the expense of taking care of them. Don’t become a part of the problem by trying to make money from a bad policy decision, just be thankful you can help correct it and ensure your tax money will be used for the benefit of your community.

    • Pam, very good and I suspect much of this problem is due to too many Lib-tards or those despicable individuals working with the Globalist Agenda through that Satan worshiping Soros handing them greenbacks to play along!
      Either way you’re right and this crap has to be called out for what it is and cleaned up once and for all time! Or we actual American Citizens will be enemies and strangers in our own country down the road!

  • “Stupid is as stupid does”. Or put another way by that famous American Larry The Cable Guy “you can’t fix stupid”. Time to secede because you won’t succeed.

  • why would you need training for something so natural, understandable, compassionate and caring? They are illegal, they are trespassing. How about ICE dump a bunch of the worst ones off at your house. Tell them IF the get inside, the owners CANNOT make you leave. See how the tolerant leftist like that?

    • Agreed, and this is way over done with 15 Million or more shoved into our Nation that we’re all paying for, so it’s time to kick them all out and lock the doors nobody comes in unless invited through proper immigration channels! Don’t like it tough shit!
      That’s the way it has to be! Or this country will collapse and be a third world hell-hole!

  • You’re using taxpayers money to support illegals this is not what our money is to be used for. We don’t want these illegals in our country you want them take them to your house and adopt them all otherwise get them out of our country. This is our taxpayers money to be used for American citizens who pay the corrupt government. These people are given more money than me on social security and I payed into social security for 50 years and they live better than most American citizens. Get these f-ckin illegals out of our country now we don’t want them and we don’t want to support them. The American people are going to join the fight to get them removed this is a disgrace how many illegals have you taken into your home and feed clothes them payed for their healthcare schooling. ICE administration you want a couple million volunteers just deputize us and will be the civilian army against illegals will get the job done. And these governors and mayors get in the way arrest them and put them in prison for harboring illegal criminals. Americans are sick of this sh-t that’s why Trump got elected and democrats got their asses chewed up
    The more democrats stand in the way the more they keep losing.
    So big mouths let’s see who’s going to prison.

    • You said it Brother! “ICE administration you want a couple million volunteers just deputize us and will be the civilian army against illegals.”

      “I’m ready, willing and able;” and “sick and tired” of having worked all my life, paid my dues and then these “gimme gimme” trolls from every shithole on the planet get “Carte Blanche” and all for the bubble!!!
      “Get them ALL OUT!”

  • Okay, Idiot Oregon Gov., perhaps they will Arrest your dumb butt for Interfering in their lawful orders to seek out, Arrest and remove your ILLEGALS……It’s Idiot people like you that just doesn’t get the Definition of “ILLEGAL” and the Responsibilities of your office regarding it!!!!!!!!!

    • Barton, well said. Remember when Nancy Piglosi called the Police when the Illegals breached her Mansions fence.
      And the Commies wants all of us to take care of them, but not Communist Democrats, oh no, not with their stolen taxpayers money.

      And how about Martha’s Vineyard, the Communist Democrats called to have them removed, even though they had a sign posted ” We love immigrants and welcome ” kind of like a two headed coin.!!

      Communist Democrats and Rinos are complete Scum of the Earth.

      • Brother, that’s truly saying the way it is; “HYPOCRITES!”

        Matthew 23:27-28 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of impurity. 28In the same way, on the outside you appear to be righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”


    • Yes another evil twisted heathen freak!
      The same mindset of let Evil Rule!
      “Drag Queen Story Hour” for little children in grammar school to screw up their heads from cradle to grave!

  • Barto, all true! “They are not Immigrants” “they are Illegal Invaders,” “Felony US Immigration Law Breakers” according to the US Constitution!

    They all must GO, if this is ever to be a nation of “Rule of Law” again!!!

    This is what happens when you have criminals in high office and Globalist Agendas ruling over the American Citizens! Out of control chaos for We the People but those Criminals are raking in $Billions for themselves!
    They don’t care that they are destroying the country and “We the People” because that is the New World Order Agenda to make it Two Classes, them that rule and have all and the rest of the underlings in chaos killing each other!

  • I just stated elsewhere; just reported that Biden’s administration misappropriated hundreds of $Billions, not know where it went! But think about the fact that they in the Demoncrap party pushed a Green New Deal and when Biden took office the National Deficit was about 23.5 $Trillion as Trump left it! Then to now we have a deficit approaching 40 $Trillion; and think of it that kind of debt created in just one presidential term, never seen it not ever!

    I say it’s much worse for America than what anyone is letting on and they intentionally scammed us all; and it was the giant fleecing of America! What did that Green Deal do; NOTHING! What did Hundreds of $Billions to Ukraine or the same kind of money spread around to bring in tens of millions of Illegals and just let them feed off of us; that is helping our Nation survive and We the Citizens? No it’s the opposite it’s about tearing it all apart and us with it!

    Where is Social Security that Citizens paid for over the decades going to come from in this out of control death spiral that the Demoncraps have put the nation into!

    Every decent God fearing person had better pray and we need divine intervention!

    • Barton, well said. Remember when Nancy Piglosi called the Police when the Illegals breached her Mansions fence.
      And the Commies wants all of us to take care of them, but not Communist Democrats, oh no, not with their stolen taxpayers money.

      And how about Martha’s Vineyard, the Communist Democrats called to have them removed, even though they had a sign posted ” We love immigrants and welcome ” kind of like a two headed coin.!!

      Communist Democrats and Rinos are complete Scum of the Earth.

  • Interesting, one who enters this country contrary to the laws (hence the term illegal) has by definition committed a crime, a person who has committed a crime is generally not eligible to become a US citizen. A criminal record can make it difficult to establish good moral character (GMC), which is required to become a citizen.

  • I know, how about arresting this liberal governor and put her in jail for non-compliance and obstruction of justice!

  • Good. Let Oregon be flooded with illegals. Cut off all federal assistance and funding to Oregon. Then focus efforts to clean up the country on states which do cooperate and want the help.

  • Well, entering the country is a crime all on its own. It needs no help, unless the individual would like to add additional crimes to their arrest record. It is difficult to believe that folks on the left have no idea just what the laws of our country are. Read a book expand your knowledge!

  • Kotex got the mouth of a alligator but the ass of a hummingbird
    He will the first one to cave when he finds himself along side with Bubba in prison. Just another asshole that never learns the American people voted for Trumps agenda not some little asshole who thinks everyone is going to stand with him. Bubba will straighten you out really quickly.

  • Well, their government is harboring criminals, which makes them criminals. The Federal government should stop all funds to the State to stop the aid and comfort to the illegals, and the aiding and abetting, by the State criminals, in government.

    The Fed’s should declare Martial Law and arrest all officials breaking Federal Laws. An interim government should be installed, until law and order is restored, and new elections are held and the state is operating efficiently.

  • STIKIT; yes that is the way I would want to get this mess straightened out; recently I was saying how “Martial Law” must be declared, and that will put everything and everyone in their proper place! Antifa and BLM start going bonkers again; this time they can die in the process!

    Law and Order must be restored and no more of this Demoncrap/Rino criminality running rampant throughout the Nation!

    The Nation’s People (Citizens) gave the Government through President Trump a mandate! Apparently there are still too many persons with thick heads along with the Illegals that didn’t or don’t want to get the message; so give them what they want, they want to push it to the limit, then give it to them!

  • It is past time for Homan and his boss, President Trump, to make an example of those declaring their defiance of Federal Law. This Governor Tina Kotek should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting Federal Criminals! As is said far too often in America today, “You Just Can’t Make This Schiff Up.”