In an unusual fundraising email, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York drew controversial comparisons, likening Elon Musk and Trump supporters to Nazis.
The email, aimed at rallying her base to counteract what she perceives as the influence of “billionaire, right-wing donors,” was bold in its language and intent. It underscored her fierce opposition to any alignment with ideologies she deems extremist.
The email opens with a strong declaration about the United States, emphasizing her staunch opposition to Nazi sympathizers. Ocasio-Cortez writes, “This is the United States of America. I don’t care what Elon Musk is doing behind a presidential seal in this country: we hate Nazis. Kind of a foundational, defining thing.” Her message underscores a historical narrative, highlighting America’s victories over the Confederates and Nazis as pivotal moments that shape her beliefs.
Ocasio-Cortez continues with a clear personal stance, stating, “And I don’t know what side people may be on today, but I still am not rocking with anyone sympathetic to Nazis, and I will do that until I am six feet in the ground.” Her words reflect a deeply personal conviction, portraying her as steadfastly opposed to any ideology she associates with hate.
The email was shared widely online, with a tweet from Evan Barker displaying the message, including Ocasio-Cortez’s emphatic conclusion, “I’m on the opposite side of that. I’m not with the Nazis. How about that? In solidarity, Alexandria.” The tweet sparked discussions and reactions across social media, illustrating the polarizing nature of her remarks.
Following her forthright expressions, the email transitions into a direct appeal for donations. She warns of the “Trump trifecta” and its alignment with “billionaire, right-wing donors,” urging supporters to contribute to her cause.
“Our movement for real progress will have to push harder than ever these next four years,” she asserts, calling for financial support to sustain her grassroots efforts.
Ocasio-Cortez’s stance is not unexpected given her self-identification as a democratic socialist, a position that often places her at odds with conservative figures and policies. Her response to the Trump presidency has been characterized by vocal opposition, including a recent livestream where she encouraged civil disobedience against executive orders.
In this livestream, she boldly stated, “We don’t have to listen to him,” referring to then-President Trump. This call to action reflects her resistance to what she perceives as authoritarian governance, urging her followers to question and resist policies she finds objectionable.
On the cusp of Trump’s inauguration, Ocasio-Cortez expressed grave concerns about the political trajectory, warning of a shift towards “21st century fascism.” Her apprehensions were palpable as she addressed her audience, painting a picture of an impending authoritarian era.
In a particularly emotional moment, she appeared near tears, captured in a video widely circulated on social media. The clip, shared by the account End Wokeness, showed her lamenting, “This is the eve of an authoritarian, 21st century fascism,” a statement that resonated with her supporters while drawing ire from critics.
The reactions to Ocasio-Cortez’s email and subsequent public statements reveal the deep ideological divides in American politics. Her approach, often characterized by passionate rhetoric and unwavering convictions, continues to galvanize her base while simultaneously provoking her detractors.
Her fundraising email serves as a reminder of the contentious nature of contemporary political discourse. It highlights the role of language and narrative in shaping public perception and rallying support.
As debates around political ideologies intensify, figures like Ocasio-Cortez remain at the forefront, challenging norms and advocating for their vision of progress.
As the political landscape evolves, the impact of such communications on both supporters and opponents will likely continue to spark lively discussions and debates. Ocasio-Cortez’s approach underscores the power of messaging in mobilizing a movement and shaping the direction of political dialogue in the United States.
AOC you talk like somebody with a PAPER ASSHOLE like yourself.
she is a disgrace and WILL be voted out so she can go back to bar tending where she belongs.
correct .. what a moron .
This woman is a anti-American, anti-Semitic, Soros funded communist sympathizing dolt, and she should be removed from office. She is dividing this country along with her squad of race baiting hate mongers.
If she feels like a certain person is a Nazi, prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. You can’t just say they are, prove it. Slander is not freedom of speech. People should be held accountable for their statements
correct ..
AOC to call all Trump supporters Nazis is Unbecoming a congresswoman. you not only represent your District but you represent the United States of America. and to call people names without facts to back it up is really an insult to the American people who might add voted for their choice which was Donald J Trump, who not only won the electoral votes but the popular votes as well. so please think before you speak and stop insulting the majority of the American people in this country. who are allowed their freedom of speech, and their freedom of choice. just like you.
Too bad that stupid immature twit failed to mention Zukerberg, Bezos, Soros and all the Hollywood and corporate CEO multiple millionaires that poured two Billion dollars into “Giggles” Harris’ failed campaign. If Trump supporters are Nazis, then Harris are Socialist communists. Unlike real Nazis from WWII era, Trump supporters voted for LESS government & more individual freedom, whereas Harris supporters voted for MORE government & less individual freedom. The Nov 5, 2024 election will be noted as the date that the downhill slide towards the destruction of America was stopped.
bravo … well said . Twit it is ..
what a moron …
She watch what she accuses people of, she will find herself in another court case being sued for slander!
It would seem that AOC has RUN OUT OF HER PSYCH
meds. As most of the left she is still stuck on stupid. Name calling is all the left has left and it seems not enough of them are ready to acknowledge that America is serious about moving away from the Wokeness and Extreme environment of the past 4 years. While the right still has its weaknesses, the direction that the new administration has America pointed seems to agree with the majority of the electorate. As long as America continues to make gains with this new agenda, America will definitely prosper regardless of what AOC refuses to understand.
She is not really that stupid, just mentally challenged. The people who vote for her though…………………..
doesn’t know what a garbage disposal is? not stupid? doesn’t know that vegetables grow out of dirt? com on man, are you a junkie? (famous Joe Obiden quote)
How much longer must we have to put up with A.O.C. ???? She’s as dumb as mud fence.
Could someone put a ball-gag in her mouth? Listening to her constant yapping is as irritating as nails on a chalkboard.
Just ignore her, the problem is D… people keep vote for her
Roger that! As ole Forrest sagaciously stated, “STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.” Few are more STUPID than those who VOTE for these imbeciles! As they say, “You Get The Government You Deserve.” Check it out NY, most of your state is rapidly becoming a CESSPOOL.
This girl is a total moron who somehow thinks that she is a great politician and does not realize that she sounds stupid and baseless on everything she writes or says. The political arena that she is now in is WAY over her head. Every time she either says or writes anything is always, TRUMP< TRUMP< TRUMP and what that does is open doors for people to criticize her.
AOC, the pole dancing bartender, using her mouth to spew hate & division. This ‘unofficial’ spokesperson for the Democrat party needs to be ‘educated’ in ethical behavior and speech.
demon-rats=socialist=control freaks
I think every Trump supporter should join a lawsuit against AOC for slander and character assassination
I’m IN!
I will donate a box of garbage.
Demob, they still not learn their lesson, name calling isn’t working, how long they been doing this? her leaders, top of the communist party fighting each other on the way out, they are corrupted, crooked, liar, back stabbing, violent, bullies, traitor….what a party? OMG
She is dumb as a rock…..under 100 feet of soil
BOB, she will be going so much deeper under the earth than that when her judgment day comes having sold out to the Devil via Soros Satan’s cohort! She is the NAZI working for and with a real actual Germany WWII Nazi agent Soros! She is so SCREWED!
Yes so dumb to be prancing around like she does and making millions as if there will be no cost for her evil ways!
We put up with 4 years of her And Biden’s authoritarian government. President Trump can’t even come close to what Biden did during his four years in “Power”. He was the Dictator and Cortez stood by his decisions throughout the 4 long years. Allowing Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups to destroy government buildings, police officers and police vehicles as well as many, many businesses and more! All done without any Justice or punishment! Then when leaving office did even more evil acts with all his pardons for people including his son, whom he stated multiple times he would not pardon. There needs to be Equal Justice in The USA.
Linda; spot-on there is just some of the work I speak of that she has done so eagerly and hung herself! Truly Demonic!
How tiring is it that our vaunted (NOT) media continues to invade our world with these obsequious, brain compromised, vacuous, examples of the use of wasted air! This Alexandramada Ocrazio-Cortex is suckling off of the taxpayer’s teat and is barely qualified to function for “Toilet Overflow Watch.” As John Stossel would say, “Give Me A Break.”
Look at this demon possessed lunatic made an idiot no mind!
Only a congressional member and millionaire now not by anything she can do or has as a great talent or substantive redeeming qualities but only due to Soros putting her there as “a useful idiot puppet!”
Her reality will hit her like a ton of bricks when she faces her judgment by God, and then it will be so obvious that she should have remained a bartender and “kept her own soul!”
Mark 8:36-37 “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? 37Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”