Radical far-Left Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made a video Friday night and told Democrats that they should ‘radicalize and fight’ following the death of far-left radical Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, altering Americans to the newest battleground for the far left; they want to expand the number of seats on the Supreme Court and that idea is on a list of radical demands they believe will give them ultimate domination over American’s lives.
“Let this moment radicalize you,” radical socialist AOC said as a reaction to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “Let this moment really put everything into stark focus. Because this election has always been about the fight of and for our lives. I need you to be ready,” she added.
“If Mitch McConnell isn’t going to honor RBG’s final wish, we will. We will. And we have to.”
“We are going to say that nothing is off the table, we are going to push for expansion of the Supreme Court,” she said.
Saturday she told reporter Adam Harding that she would support expanding the court.
Harding reported, “
As Republicans show support for moving forward with a Supreme Court nominee quickly, @AOC tells me if that happens, “we should leave all options on the table, including the number of Justices that are on the Supreme Court.” Adds expanding is “absolutely” an option worth weighing.”
AOC is not alone in her fantasy. Murshed Zaheed, a Community Organizer joins her fantasy and tweeted, threats to Sen. Mitch McConnell that if he even thought of filling the seat vacated by RBG that there is a movement of activists and protesters who would demand more seats on the Supreme Court to marginalized President Donald J. Trump’s nominee.
Zaheen named the group behind the push, Take Back the Courts.
Take Back the Court represents a number of far left marketing platforms:
A transsexual activist Community Organizer who is also a part of Take Back the Court, posted,”There is one Supreme Court ruling affirming trans rights, and that was this past June and it was solely for employment protections, and it was a minor miracle. A nine-seat court with a 6-3 conservative majority would effectively destroy the future of trans rights,” the person known as Charlotte Clymer said.
After a little digging, the term “Nothing is off the table” from Take Back the Court, was being pushed by far-left radical Senator Chuch Schumer, who told Senate Democrats on Saturday, basically the same thing AOC told her Instagram followers.
That is how the left organizes to take our Republic away from us by resistance and force.
They are joined by another far left activist to overthrow our judicial Institutions, Ritchie Torres of New York.
That is how Community Organizers do it, that is how they influence policy changes with a handful of people. Through the use of mobs, pressure and threats.
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