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Journalist Catherine Herridge revealed a significant development on Thursday evening regarding the disturbing revelation that CBS News reportedly kept her confidential documents and records following her dismissal.

Herridge emphasized that this update includes an official statement from her union, SAG-AFTRA, supporting the claims initially brought to light by law professor Jonathan Turley.

Turley reported that upon delivering Herridge a pink slip last week, “CBS officials took the unusual step of seizing her files, computers and records, including information on privileged sources.”

“The network grabbed Herridge’s notes and files and informed her that it would decide what, if anything, would be turned over to her,” he explained. “The files likely contain confidential material from both her stints at Fox and CBS. Those records, it suggests, are presumptively the property of CBS News.”

The New York Post later corroborated Turley’s reporting.

In a statement, SAG-AFTRA condemned CBS News for its actions and explained why “it sets a dangerous precedent for all media professionals and threatens the very foundation of the First Amendment.”

The statement said:

It is completely inappropriate for an employer to lay off a reporter and take the very unusual step of retaining and searching the reporter’s files, inclusive of confidential source identification and information. From a First Amendment standpoint, a media corporation with a commitment to journalism calling a reporter’s research and confidential source reporting “proprietary information” is both shocking and absurd.

The retention of a media professional’s reporting materials by their former employer is a serious break with traditional practices which supports the immediate return of reporting materials.

SAG-AFTRA officials were contacted by CBS News recently to discuss the situation. It is uncertain whether Turley’s reporting was the reason for this communication.

A spokesperson from CBS News confirmed to Blaze Media that Herridge had been denied access to her office, which contained her confidential files and records, after being let go.

“Catherine’s personal belongings were delivered to her home one week ago, and we are prepared to pack up the rest of her files immediately on her behalf — with her representative present as she requested,” the spokesperson said. “We are awaiting a response from Catherine and/or her representative to do so.

“We have respected her request to not go through the files, and out of our concern for confidential sources, the office she occupied has remained secure since her departure,” the spokesperson claimed.

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  • The Marxist Democrat tyrannists do not care what the law says. All they want is power and control and will do anything to get it. Haven’t you learned that yet?

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  • Not that I ever want to defend the communist mainstream media but she generated those files while she was working and getting paid by CBS News. Therefore, I think the files belong to CBS, even though I hate to see the scumbags win on anything.

    • You DON’T seem to understand the First amendment, do you Paul, Have you EVER heard of the Journalist right to protect their confidential sources..

    • “The files likely contain confidential material from both her stints at Fox and CBS.” You need to read the articles more closely. A chicken-shit way to hack into Fox’s files.

  • Why is it that Letitia James is not being held to account for her malicious prosecution of president Trump.

  • “….CBS News reportedly kept her confidential documents and records following her dismissal.” Nothing to see here, boys and girls. As someone once said, when you ‘play with the Devil, it isn’t long before you get burned,’ or words to that effect.

    What part of going to work for the “Lamestream media” seemed like a good idea to Catherine? Attempting to report actual truths is anathema to what outfits like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC,, want broadcast to their brain-dead public.


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